11 month old hair snatched out

I've been in this thread three or four times and I'm still speechless. I guess I just wanna say I'm really sorry that happened.
hey missy based on your story i find this very horrible and unprofessional as well as unacceptable from a certified daycare program. I myself would seek some type of explanation from the persons in care whether it be legal or not. This child is your everything and you payed for them to take good care of her as you would if you were with her. I think you should really consider transferring her to another daycare or even having a family member look after her when you aren't able. Be sure to go the the dermatogolist as SOON as possible. Try to find an appt. that is sooner. My sister is in Med school believes that the hair will grow back with prayer and nourishment. Dont worry things will get better and be grateful that she is okay. HTH...

I am sorry this happened to your daughter. I am so shocked by their response. What type of people are they hiring to work with children. They are so negligent, and for the hair to be found 2 days later in the same spot. They obviously do not care.
Omg!!! I can only imagine how you must've felt when u saw ur baby's head! Poor thing was probably in soo much pain. I hope everything works out in your/her favor at the derm!
OH MY GOD, GIRL!,:cry: I just want to scream!!!!! :tantrum:

I'm sooo sorry this happened to your baby girl.

Please know that your in ours prayers.
I am soooooooooooo hurt by this. My heart goes out to you and your little one.

This is my thing ok? A child isn't very strong (we're talking about a baby.) There is no way (in my mind) that an 11 month old can snatch out an ENTIRE cornrow by getting it caught in wire under a crib. A few hairs maybe but an entire CORNROW!!!!???? :nono: WHAT HAPPENED???? Do they have video cameras up in there? Did someone catch her lil arms or legs and snatch her from under the crib? Those slackers would be giving me some answers. I wonder if you can get a notarized testimony as to what happened. I am soooo mortified. My God. How in the world could they let this happen then LIE about it. You know that baby had to cry or whimper or something. Then to find the hair two days later..... Jesus.

I'd definitely take her to the ER. Don't wait till the end of the month.... if it's really pressing sometimes the office managers can get you in prior to your date (if they have a cancellation or depending on the severity of the situation.) Document EVERYTHING. I hope everything works out.

I am sooooo saddened by this. :sad: My thoughts are with you both.
My thoughts and prayers go out from my heart to you and your little Sweetie.

You were told she did not cry. Did anyone of the day care workers stop and think that your Sweetie may have been in shock? Sudden tramatic injuries can lead to shock. And the fact (if true) that she did not cry worries me.

Children as young as your daughter will cry over things being taken away from them that they want. Be it a toy, book, whatever. So they expect you to believe her hair was ripped from her scalp and she had no reaction? (excuse me but..piss on my head and tell me it's raining)

Also, how was her hair ripped out? It seems logical that her being caught by her hair under the crib stopped her in her tracks and may have caused her to cry out. Did
one of the day care workers just drag her from under the crib, thus causing the injury to her scalp? And if they did see her hair was caught, how did they get her from under the crib?

Trust your "Mom" vibes. You'll make thr right decisions. Because this is not about the day care center, or you.

It's about doing the right thing for your Sweetie. You're her voice.

Again, my thoughts and prayers.
see me Lemongrass, and fletgee are on the same page. Anywho I am again sorry and want to send hugs and kisses. I wonder if BT will help it grow back? This sounds like it would fall under the traction alopecia category. Not exactly but maybe that will help it grow back.
That poor sweetie. I hope she's ok. I would be mad as :censored: too. Please keep us informed on how this goes. (((((hugs)))))
That poor little sweetheart! I am mad as the devil at those people right now! :swearing: And as for her not crying...that I really do NOT believe. Someone in that horrendous place is lying their *** off.

I hope you take them for everything.
I am so sorry for your little mama...my mouth is just open in disbelief!.

Question...did someone pull her from under the crib? It had to take a good amount of force to pull her entire corn roll off of her scalp...maybe like she was stuck and someone was pulling on her...

How is she doing?
Also, how was her hair ripped out? It seems logical that her being caught by her hair under the crib stopped her in her tracks and may have caused her to cry out. Did
one of the day care workers just drag her from under the crib, thus causing the injury to her scalp? And if they did see her hair was caught, how did they get her from under the crib?

I spoke to my husband about this, and we both think that she had to be grabbed from under the crib when they noticed she was under there.

I also spoke to my bestfriend (who is stationed at Maxwell) and she feels the Air Force is at fault, not necessarily the workers b/c she feels they should have something blocking the cribs being that they are soo high.

I on the other hand, feel that there is negligence on both parts. The workers and the AF, the workers should have been keeping an eye on her.

I am sooooo sorry this had to have happened to you guys!!! However, I definately feel it will grow back!! I had a large portioned of hair ripped out while in micro braids. I did not feel it and I only noticed b/c the 2 spots were itching and felt a lil irritated and someone else saw while I was scratching. The hair grew back very fast while the rest of my hair stayed the same length. The parts that were ripped out caught up to the rest in no time at all.

I hope everything works out.

Also, I think b/c she is so young the hair is easier to rip out than lets say a five year old. I am no professional but my kids always pulled at their hair with no response. So I do think she felt it but not as if you were plucking eyebrows 1 at a time. HTH
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My sweet Jesus...

I hesitated to open this thread. I have a seven month old who is crawling. This is very upsetting...

I pray her hair will grow back. The good thing is that she is so young that the body knows how to bounce back and heal sooooooooooo fast and efficiently.
good LORD almighty! i pray your child didn't suffer too much. poor thing. what is wrong with these people? they must have pulled her when she was under there.

they need nanny cams in these daycares.

very sorry to hear this and i hope your baby is doing better
I am speechless. I hope everything works out in your favor. They are so lying---she didn't cry? Her hair got caught on the crib? BS. The truth will come out. You're in my thoughts.
Ouch!!! I cannot imagine the pain the child went through - that pain is priceless!! Make sure you burn their pockets!
I am so sorry this happened to your daughter! My first reaction was shock and my second was unbelief! I really can't see your daughter having enough strenght to pull her hair completley out of her scalp and for there to be no lasceration whatsever!

First take care of you daughter and second get down to the bottom of this one!
Since it sounds as though they lied about the incident :burnup:& tried to cover it up & blame you:censored: I am guessing that they did not contact you when it happened?!? :angry2: How long was she in that painful position? This just sounds wrong on soo many levels. :flush: Are you aware of incidents that other parents may have had?? :mob: I say fight for your baby:swearing: She was left in a defenseless, vulnerable & painful position due to the staff's negligence. :evil: You are your child's advocate. Granted your fight won't undue what has happened:nono:, but it will compensate on a small level her pain, suffering & trauma from this ordeal.

My hugs & prayers go out to you & your baby.
Poor baby! I am cringing just thinking about the pain her little scalp must/is in...It sucks that the people you entrusted your little one with did such a crappy job of watching/caring for her...they will get what's coming to them...but seriously you are better than me because there would have surely been some laying of the hands if it was me and mine.
This is horrid. That looks so painful! I'd definately file suit as well. ...tha'ts rediculous. Poor baby. :perplexed

My childs daycare let her crawl under a crib get her hair stuck in the wiring under the crib and it pulled an entire corn row out by the roots.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I have an dermatologist on the 27th.
1. Has anyone ever seen damage like this before?
2. Do you think it will grow back?
3. Do you all think this was severe?

Im gonna sue the hell out of them. But because its military I have to go through them. They asked me to put a dollar amount on my claim. Hair to us is priceless. How in the :whyme:do I put a dollar amount on it.
It may not be that big of a deal to them but it is to me.

4. What would you say.

To top it off they lied about it until one of the workers found the hair and tried to say we broght her in like that.

little boo boo, I hope she is okay. I would have been ready to cut someone!!! WTF were they doing that they did not see her going under a darn crib?