11 month old hair snatched out


New Member
My childs daycare let her crawl under a crib get her hair stuck in the wiring under the crib and it pulled an entire corn row out by the roots.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I have an dermatologist on the 27th.
1. Has anyone ever seen damage like this before?
2. Do you think it will grow back?
3. Do you all think this was severe?

Im gonna sue the hell out of them. But because its military I have to go through them. They asked me to put a dollar amount on my claim. Hair to us is priceless. How in the :whyme:do I put a dollar amount on it.
It may not be that big of a deal to them but it is to me.

4. What would you say.

To top it off they lied about it until one of the workers found the hair and tried to say we broght her in like that.


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Whoa! I am so sorry for you and your baby. As a military spouse myself, I sure wish you all the best as you pursue this.
OMG I don't even know how to respond to that? First and foremost, is she okay? I can't imagine the type of PAIN that must have inflicted on that poor baby oh my goodness!! My heart is crying out to you right now. I'm so sorry and I hope they get their just dessert. As much as child care centers cost (and I know this first hand as I'm currently paying $242 per week for my 3 year old) they can afford to settle that claim. And being responsible for so many kids I know they have some type of liability insurance. They almost have to. Id sue for the most money as possible especially for pain and suffering. I really hope she's okay and my heart goes out to you. Good luck with the suit (UNFRICKEN BELIEVABLE!!!!)
Thanks guys. She wont let anybody touch her head.Thats the only side effect ive seen. They claim she didnt cry which is hard to belive. Im hoping her hair dosent come back thin in that spot. OMG what if she would need some kind of hair replacement to hide it when she gets older.
Oh sweet Jesus, is you rbaby okay?

It hurts like hell when I pluck ONE hair out I can't even imaging what it must feel like to have a whole corn row pulled out.:nono:

Awww, your sweet baby. I wish you all the luck and I hope the daycare center gets all they deserve!
WOW, that's terrible! I haven't seen hair that's been ripped out in such a manner - is she ok? That's most important, even though I can imagine how you feel about this. Hopefully the hair will grow back - keep us updated with what happens.
All I could do was gasp when i read this. I hope your stinky is ok!!!!!!! Awww, i can bet she doesn't want anyone to touch it, she's probably been traumatized and the crap hurt!!! And hell naw, they didn't say it didn't hurt :( They are a bunch of liars. I wouldn't even want them watching my baby ever again at this point. I hope you sue the draws off of them...
Thanks guys. She wont let anybody touch her head.Thats the only side effect ive seen. They claim she didnt cry which is hard to belive. Im hoping her hair dosent come back thin in that spot. OMG what if she would need some kind of hair replacement to hide it when she gets older.


How in the he!! does a baby get that much hair ripped out and not cry?

They are lyin'! And then they tried to cover it up in the beginning sayin that you brought her in like that? :wallbash:

Girl I am so mad I wanna sue them for you!
*****My mouth is wide open********** AWWWWWWWWWWWWW*********

That poor baby. There is no price for the pain that your little sweetie must have felt when that wire ripped out her hair. Of course you'll have good legal advice but as a legal assistant to a personal injury attorney, you tell them (M-Fers, Maryland Farmers, Monkey Farters or whatever us Christians choose to call them without cursing) that they are gonna pay!! I'm sitting here furious.
Thanks guys. She wont let anybody touch her head.Thats the only side effect ive seen. They claim she didnt cry which is hard to belive. Im hoping her hair dosent come back thin in that spot. OMG what if she would need some kind of hair replacement to hide it when she gets older.

Get her out of that daycare. Thank goodness it wasn't completely life threatening. What (God forbid) if it was the crib that dropped on her!?:nono:

Her hair will grow back but I would take her to the emergency room to get that suit paper started.:yep:
Sorry to come back to this but I am pissed. How in the h - e - double hockey sticks did the wire rip out the entire braid???? How??? I would be demanding to know how she ended up in that position and why no one was able to help her. I am thoroughly pissed about this....
I read your story. I am so sorry! I hope your daughter is going to be okay. That is awful!!! I'm a military spouse also. Did that happen at the CDC or off base? The way it snatched her hair, there should be some remnants of her hair left caught in the under carriage of the crib. Could legal have someone as a witness to check for evidence (hair strands) and take pix of what may be left to verify, as proof of what happened? I'm new to the boards, but your situation just tugged my heart. Girl---GO GET'EM!!!!

PS...does this day care have video tape surveillance of each room? Legal needs to demand the footage to check for evidence if they do. That's amazing!!!
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OH MY GOD!!!!!:nono: I have never seen that, I will pray for her and you as well, I am hurt to my heart to see that, How could they let something like this happen? Oh my god, Poor Baby I know she is in severe pain right now, did she go to the emergency room?

I had a friend whose daughter had below waist length hair and pinned it up as usual to ride a go cart the family had and as she hit a bump her hair came unpinned and someohow got caught with the wheels and ripped her hair and most of her scalp off and she is still suffering and this happend several years ago, but she got treated asap, Why does your daughter has to wait to be seen? I mean her hair was ripped off! Woulsn't she have started crying if she was caught up and couldn't move? I mean does she have that much strength to pull away and just rip it off? I mean she must have been pulled pretty hard for that to be ripped off?
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I took her out the same day. I had every agency fro child advocacy to security forces to safety swirling around that place for 3 days. It was negligent any way it goes. Im suing because not only do I not like the way the situation was handled given the fact that they lied but It was negligent. They have a cap of 200,000 on the amount they can be sued for. And that is even if she had died. I know the base is going to settle with me. I want to reallyyyyyyyyyyy make them hurt. I just dont want to look like a damn fool asking for the whole thing. However she could me self conscios when she gets older and a whole host of other problems what would you guys say?
OMG...that poor child. :nono::nono::nono: I can't even begin to imagine what you and your child must be feeling.


Are you or your husband in the military? Is this a military daycare? I definitely think that you should be compensated for this VILE treatment...but if either you or your husband have err military asperations...other than suing...is there another way you might be financially compensated.

Do what YOU feel is best. Your child has my prayers.
I am so sorry this happened to your baby girl. There is no price that you can put on this type of injury, its emotional and it effects everything about a young girl. Just thinking about this makes me tear up.

This same thing happened to my cousin's daughter, she was 18 months and she had cornrows with individuals. Her braid got ripped right out of her head by one of her other cousins. She started to notice something forming on her scalped she said it looked like cradle cap. She shampooed her hair and tried to get rid of it. Eventuallyher hair fell out all over. Now!:wallbash: she wants to take her to the dermatologist and he says she got fungus on her scalp. He gave her some medicated shampoo.

Sorry to write all of this, but my cousin upset me because she waited so long to take her daughter to see a dermatologist. I am glad to see you are going to one ASAP.
I'm cringing thinking about the pain she must have felt. There's no way she didn't cry. :(

I've never seen such before, and I'm really hoping her hair grows back properly (too bad you couldn't get an earlier appt with the dermatologist).

Their shameless cover up attempt is foul. They know they don't have a leg to stand on. Whoever slacked off on the job needs to be fired, and the daycare is responsible for negligence.
I cringed when I read this. So sorry it happened to your lil' mamita!
Like a poster said that's the last those lying martians see my baby!
They must think you are a 2yr old to believe that lie- you brought her in like that-my foot!!!!!!!!:offrant:

I hope your pookie is not so much in pain.
Do not hesitate to sue the knickers off of them-though it won't decrease the emotional and physical trauma for you and your child, it will at least teach those incompetent people to take more caution when watching kids.
I took her out the same day. I had every agency fro child advocacy to security forces to safety swirling around that place for 3 days. It was negligent any way it goes. Im suing because not only do I not like the way the situation was handled given the fact that they lied but It was negligent. They have a cap of 200,000 on the amount they can be sued for. And that is even if she had died. I know the base is going to settle with me. I want to reallyyyyyyyyyyy make them hurt. I just dont want to look like a damn fool asking for the whole thing. However she could me self conscios when she gets older and a whole host of other problems what would you guys say?[/quote]

Since 1984 many states have caps on damages. However, out of court settlements often go much, much higher, especially if they don't want any publicity about what has happened to your baby. So I'd say, heck yeah, ask for the entire amount. Your sweetie is 11 months old. She has a mind and a memory. She felt that pain and that trauma could be with her forever. Nobody knows yet what kind of lasting effects this will have on her.
oh dear God...........

the hell with the derm, i'd take her to the emergency room, have a doc look at her and start the papertrail properly.

so so sorry.
OMG my heart is hurting!!!!!! :cry2: I know that hurts!!! Please sue the hell out of them.:gotroasted: Then they got the nerve to say you BOUGHT HER IN LIKE THAT!!!! :swearing: :nono: Seriously, I think I would be ready to kill somebody up in there. People got nerve they really do. Why not just say you messed up instead of lying?
Goodness gracious...I am so sorry this happened to your daughter. Is there any way you can get her in to see a doctor sooner? Even if it's only a primary care physician...this needs to be documented by some sort of medical personnel ASAP, just in case any complications do arise. (...and I am sitting here praying for your little girl right now that it doesn't...)

Wow...this actually has me in tears...I am so sorry this happened to your daughter.
Go the full amount! The negligence on their part is just too much. Why wasn't she watched properly, who didn't notice her cries, was she bleeding...talk with your hunny. But keep the heat on them as far as regs will allow. They must be held accountable. Are you seeing derm on base? If you can swing it, I'd see a off base derm for consultation/second opinion---you'd have to pay out of pocket. Poor baby! Give her a hug for us!
This makes me so sad-I'm close to tears, so I know that baby was cryin' and they wrong for lying about it...I have a 9 month old and I would be TOO upset if something like this happened to her, and I would ask for as much as I can get. I'll keep you guys in my prayers....Take care of that sweetie pie!