1 year anniversary update pics


New Member
Hey Ladies, I am a little late, but my one year updated pic is in my siggy.. I am a few days late,, Oct was the month I joined. I want to say thanks to all you beautiful ladies for your help.. my hair has never been this healthy.. I could never have done it without you. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.
:congrats: :party: :congrats: Your hair looks wonderful. I have to do my own one year anniversary when I relax. How many inches did you hair grow in the year?
That is some nice growth!!!!!!! So thick and healthy looking. By next year you'll be mid back:yep:!
It has gotten so thick and you have made great progress. The best is yet to come!

Congrats again girly!!

I remember your hair when you first started out. You made great progress! What's your regimen? Do you get regular trims?
Ladies, thanks so much .. I shampoo at least once or twice a week, depends on how I feel.. and I found a great stylist with WL hair who relaxes me and dusts only every 3-4 months.. I think what is helping me is my diet also.. Salmon at least three times a week, lots of protein drinks, water and biotin. and prayer. I have learned so much from the ladies on the board.. and just starting to relax and leave my hair alone.. and it is helping.
Ladies, thanks so much .. I shampoo at least once or twice a week, depends on how I feel.. and I found a great stylist with WL hair who relaxes me and dusts only every 3-4 months.. I think what is helping me is my diet also.. Salmon at least three times a week, lots of protein drinks, water and biotin. and prayer. I have learned so much from the ladies on the board.. and just starting to relax and leave my hair alone.. and it is helping.

I think this is key. Your hair is beautiful. Congrats!
Ladies, thanks a bunch. I shampoo at least once or twice a week, depends on how I feel.. and I found a great stylist with WL hair, I think what is helping me is my diet also.. Salmon at least three times a week, lots of protein drinks, water and biotin. and prayer. I have learned so much from the ladies on the board.. and just starting to relax and leave my hair alone.. and it is working.
Hey Ladies, I am a little late, but my one year updated pic is in my siggy.. I am a few days late,, Oct was the month I joined. I want to say thanks to all you beautiful ladies for your help.. my hair has never been this healthy.. I could never have done it without you. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.

:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy: Your hair is too fly!!!! :yep:
Absolutely beautiful, Growinglong! You've made wonderful progress this year. What an encouragement! Keep up the good work.

(You're also confirming for me, that I need to post an updtate. We started at the same time last October.)
Hi Royal Glory,, I know we started at the same time,, please update I would love to see yours... I was wondering where you were?