1 More MTG New Growth PIC

Ok I am a little slow here; forgive me for this-- But I didn't even know you had an album. I only thought you had pictures of movie stars on you album so I didn't look at it much. Please don't hit me LD, Please.

YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! And your growth progress with that stinky crap is utterly amazing! :love: wow. And you have a ton of pictures.

Hee hee now I have a new album to :sekret: stalk-- I mean observe :lol: Great progress, once again! wow.
The MTG is no joke..my hair is going buck wild I just had to braid it up and sewin some hair, because i cant handle the MTG new growth...
Wow! :eek: That IS a lot of new growth. In just a little over a month too! That's great LD. Also, you are a very attractive woman. I didn't know you had an album either. Keep up the good work!
Nooooice!!! MTG is wonderful, I'm on week 7 now, and my sides have filled up thank Goodness. Now that I've started cowashing, and braidout, at least my ends are healthier, so I should be able to see an increase in length.
carletta said:
that is some MAJOR GROWTH chick! now....spill the beans on how often you're using mtg :yep: :up: :up:

LOL. I was surprised myself when I put the photos side by side. Believe it or not quite infrequently. I used to put it on every day but the sulfur is still there on my scalp so what's the point so now about 2-3 times per week.
anky said:
Ok I am a little slow here; forgive me for this-- But I didn't even know you had an album. I only thought you had pictures of movie stars on you album so I didn't look at it much. Please don't hit me LD, Please.

YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! And your growth progress with that stinky crap is utterly amazing! :love: wow. And you have a ton of pictures.

Hee hee now I have a new album to :sekret: stalk-- I mean observe :lol: Great progress, once again! wow.

Ms Gangsta

you're right I did only have hair inspirations on there, but didn't want to put a whole load of pics from my cell phone on there cause the quality was crap, so i borrow a friends digi cam as I felt being on here for nearly 3 years it's about time I shared and ppl were always wondering when I was going to sort my album out and post a pic of myself.

I promise not to hit you Anky, but you must leave one comment (at least in my album..ok?) it's ok for you to stalk I mean observe whenever you want :kiss:
Stormy said:
Wow! :eek: That IS a lot of new growth. In just a little over a month too! That's great LD. Also, you are a very attractive woman. I didn't know you had an album either. Keep up the good work!

Thank ya Ms Stormy. I will try very hard to keep up the good work :grin:
Naijaqueen said:
Nooooice!!! MTG is wonderful, I'm on week 7 now, and my sides have filled up thank Goodness. Now that I've started cowashing, and braidout, at least my ends are healthier, so I should be able to see an increase in length.

The thing is because of my new growth is coming in so fast, My whole do :look: is looking jacked up like it needs fixing. It's a blessing but I mean I can't hook it up the way I want to on a daily basis. I've even broken hair claws from tryin to clamp the NG in the back.
WOW LD that's amazing progress :shocked:. I'm very tempted to buy a trial size of this but I have spent so much money on shipping costs buying hair stuff.
pradalover said:
WOW LD that's amazing progress :shocked:. I'm very tempted to buy a trial size of this but I have spent so much money on shipping costs buying hair stuff.

PM me with your address fellow londoner and I'll put some in a small bottle and post it to ya.
LondonDiva said:
PM me with your address fellow londoner and I'll put some in a small bottle and post it to ya.

Awwww LD that's so kind of you :kissing4:. I can't thank you enough. Will PM my address right now for you :grin:
LondonDiva said:
PM me with your address fellow londoner and I'll put some in a small bottle and post it to ya.

AWWWWW LD that is so nice of you. Boy I tell ya, this board is full of wonderful women :)
LD, your progress is amazing. i am definitely gonna get some MTG when i get out of this weave.
ok i just broke down and bought some. even if i cant use it on the rest of my hair because of the weave, my edges need help bad. i hope this works.
Nice growth. congrats girl!!!

I have start with MTG today as well. Now I am looking forward to see my hair grow faster by November 2005.
LD, if you must know you are the ONLY reason I wanted to try this in my hair. I saw your first side by side comparison pics and I was completely blown away. I got some of this stuff and I was like, I don't care what it smells like - if LD can do it then I gotta do it. Your growth is really inspirational and that's only 11 days worth of growing! WOW
SweetNic_JA said:
LD, if you must know you are the ONLY reason I wanted to try this in my hair. I saw your first side by side comparison pics and I was completely blown away. I got some of this stuff and I was like, I don't care what it smells like - if LD can do it then I gotta do it. Your growth is really inspirational and that's only 11 days worth of growing! WOW

No girl that is 6 weeks June 11th - July 22nd. I wish it was 11 days.:lol:
LOL- wiping the matter from my eyes...man I just realized that. That's still a lot of growth, though! I'm still using my MTG :grin: