1 month progress with my vitamins...


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

Some of you all know I had a setback with bleach and horrible haircut this year that took me from BSL to around SL (not even full SL) so I have had to cut alot of my hair. I have not had my hair damaged like this in over 15 years.

I usually do keratin treatments, my last one was in the Summer 2012, but now I am growing my natural hair out completely. I have about 3 inches or more of naturally curly hair (I'm 3c for the most part). I have been taking tons of supplements and for the last month I've been co-washing daily. Here are my results:


I take:

MSM - 1000 mg (2-4 a day - I haven't been consistent but at usually at least 2 a day)

Biotin - (5,000 mcg - twice a day)

Silica (Horsetail - I purchased from Vitamin Shoppe 1 -day)

Viviscal or Marine Collagen (I just switched back to Nature's Gate Marine Collagen - I take 2 a day)

Vitol Ener-g vitamins (2 a day)

I will not be flatironing or using any thing in my hair other than Eco-gel and conditioner on my bun (what I've done the last month) until May 2013. I still can't believe the results for just one month. In the photo my hair from Dec is curled the one from November is flatironed completely straight.


This was my hair from March 2012 before breakage:

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WOW!!! Impressive!

I need to get my vitamin game up...especially since I'm in the vitamin challenge next year.
WOW!!! Impressive!

I need to get my vitamin game up...especially since I'm in the vitamin challenge next year.

I know back in 2006 I took Viviscal for 3 or 4 months and got an inch a month but I stopped because it was so expensive back then.

My hair grows about average I would say, nothing spectacular but this is definitely more than 1/2 inch a month and it's Fall/Winter when my growth slows down alot. My fastest growing months are March - Sept.

I am just glad to know I am not taking all of this crap for nothing lol. I haven't missed one day taking my vitamins because I set reminders on my cell phone for the morning and evening. :yep:

I hope this helps someone!!!
Wow that is alot of growth! WHich one do you think is really contributing?

Honestly, I think it's the Ener-g vitamins and the marine collagen either, natures gate and/or viviscal.

I think the Ener-g vitamins gave me a boost because I have only been taking them since Oct and I was only taking one-a-day instead of two. I've been taking 2 a day (since I'm not taking Hair, skin and nails from Wal-mart) for about 3 weeks.

I haven't taken Ener-g vitamins in YEARS, used to take them back in the day. They are the bomb, my mother convinced me to revisit these and I am SO glad I did! :yep:
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I missed the pics :(. I remember your hair from the BKT threads, did the treatments take it's toll on your hair? I cut my hair really short last year did to one treatment I did, my hair thinned out and it always felt coated.
I missed the pics :(. I remember your hair from the BKT threads, did the treatments take it's toll on your hair? I cut my hair really short last year did to one treatment I did, my hair thinned out and it always felt coated.

No, I never had problems until I started playing in the bleach this year. :nono: April 2013 would be 4 years using keratin and I still think keratin is a dream come true.

I just don't want to use any heat or chemicals for at least 1 - 1/2 years to get my hair back healthy THEN I will more than likely go back to the keratin but I will NEVER fool with bleach EVER again. I don't mind hair color, but hair BLEACH no way. :nono::nono::nono:
That's great growth for one month. The bottle says it has 7 mg of sulfur. What kind of sulfur? MSM?

Eta, correction mg not grams.

I think MSM. The MSM I use separate from this is called Doctor's Best and it is 1000 mg.
That's alot of vits, but your progress is great. I need to be more consistent with my vit intake. Have you experienced any side effects beside the great growth?
That's alot of vits, but your progress is great. I need to be more consistent with my vit intake. Have you experienced any side effects beside the great growth?

I know, I felt like a fool buying all that stuff but I saw a lady on Youtube named Priceless love (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0V_6EQR380) list her vitamins and she's African-American with 4a hair that's like tailbone length so I figured I'd try it out.

I have not experienced any side effects other than my nails, eyesbrows and chin :look: growing like crazy. I'm surprised I haven't sprouted any whiskers. I have a very senstive system (like most folks with allergies/eczema) so I can tell if something doesn't work for me pretty quickly. I don't plan to take all this stuff forever but I need all the help I can get over the next 6-12 months! :)

ETA: She doesn't mention the multivitamin or the marine collagen. I just added those to the mix. :yep:
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Ok I'm going to have to try marine collagen and ener-g STAT!!

Your growth is amazing for just 1 month!

I've been consistent w my vits all year and I wish I could take MSM in that high a dose, but it gives me sinus headaches.. I need this kind of growth in my life though. :grin:
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