I have a date set up for Thurs with a guy I met two years ago 6'4, 250lbs, d@mn near zero percent body fat with a gorgeous smile. :spinning::drunk::spinning: We had instant attraction and lots of flirting but we did not make it past our first phone conversation. I was interested in getting to know him he was only interested in getting to know me physically. I let him know what I was about and told him to hit me if he was ever serious about dating me. I got a HNYE text. I responded in kind. Then I received the are you free to go out text. We set up a date and time. Here is hoping it's not a waste of my Thursnite.
First date of 2016 was last night. He really likes me but there is no chemistry between us. He's cute, so I feel kinda bad. This was our second date so I'll give him one or two more, and hopefully I'll feel something.

Had an argument last night with the guy I actually prefer. Not sure what will happen there.

2 other men lined up for dates next week.
LMAO at the tag "You might be lezbon but you still need to date" :dead:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

the circle of love includes the rainbow flag
But I don't have enough energy to date right now. Maybe when the summer comes :lachen:
So you just gon roll up in the thread tombout you don't have no energy to date. Girl you have to eat every day BREFAS, LUNCH & DINNUH you can choose one of those times to have a date.

How much energy does it take to sit down, eat, & talk. You don't have to get extra pretty or do your hair differently just show up and eat.