02 Jan 2014 Big Chop with Pictures / What is my texture?


Active Member
I finally big chopped on 2 Jan. I been wanting to do this for soooo long! I know I have a few relaxed ends to chop. :ohwell: I am soooo loving this hair texture of mine whatever texture it may be. These darn hair charts are so confusing tho. When my hair is wet its spongy like and when pulled the curl pops into a nice curl...welll some parts that are long enough. When dry its still spongy and the curl is not so defined. Any idea what my texture is. Here is a wet hair pic of my hair front and back.
Also if you wanna see my before pic feel free to check out my blog: http://braids4grow.blogspot.com


Congrats on the BC! I'd say 4b?
Nowadays type seems to matter far less than the feel of the hair. You just focus on what the hair needs at any given time and feed it those things.
I'd need to see a pic of the hair dry to really determine...but it looks like a 4ab mix. Congrats on your BC!
Congrats! I'd say 4a...Once your hair grows out more you will be able to see your true definition and know what curl pattern you have. Lovely hair btw.