Where/How Did You Meet Your Man - The Master List

His uncles funeral..

We had talked on the phone prior,but physically meet at the funeral.
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We officially met at a high school graduation party. Although, we attended the same high school and even attended the same class. We ran in different circles. In class he was obnixious, so I wasnt interested. When we met at the party, I didn't recognize him as the boy in class. We have been together since! January, we will celebrate 32 years together. We have two children and we are awaiting our first grand children (twin girls) in May!
I met my guy accidentally. My girlfriend from high school was going to meet a guy and she wanted me to tag along. He was the guy. Once he saw me all bets were off. This was when I was 19. I’m 36 now. We just started dating, but he’s been in love with me since my teenage years

We were best friends. Then he was my side dude. Now that’s bae!