Zodiac And Relationships

What say you guys about a Capricorn (me) and Sagittarius?

I'm a Cap and dated a Sag for a few years. He was very romantic and giving. Intense at times. Boisterous, fun, center-of-attention type of guy. I've heard that Sags need their freedom but he pursued a relationship and was the faithful type. Honest, transparent (the type to give you passwords, no hassle). As with most Sags I know, he was very blunt but not intentionally hurtful. Extremely talkative - you will know this person's every thought.

Overall, it was a good experience. We were pretty young so I think that and distance were our issues. He also didn't stand up for the right things at times and that greatly bothered me. He didn't defend me in a couple of instances (to his parents and best friend) and I lost respect for him.

He seemed like an alpha on the surface, but I was the leader in that relationship and knew all (most) of my needs and wants would be fulfilled without question.
I'm a Gemini and my best female friend is a Scorpio. I dated a Scorpio but we are better as friends than in a relationship. My best relationships have been with Leo men, my longest relationship was with a Libra man (it was also not worth my time) and the relationship that provided me with the most security was with a Virgo man. My first boyfriend was a Sag, he was one of my best boyfriends but I couldn't commit for the long haul even though we don't talk much since high school when we do it still feels like we are close.
Good stuff!! I just reconnected with a Leo last night and we had a really good time. We were able to pick up like we never left off although its been almost a year since we last saw each other. Its funny, because he made a comment about how ppl often think he is flirting with them and I said that ppl often think Im flirting with them as well, but he said he didnt think I was flirting with him. I guess he wanted/expected me to fawn all over him. Lol I could potentially get there, but Im not ready for that level of vulnerability just yet. Lol We def have chemistry though and he is a very passionate kisser.

Im over Scorpio men, too. I have good chemistry with them, but not enough communication or openness.

The bolded are our most compatible signs. Which signs do you prefer to date?

The bolded is my issue all day. Men ALWAYS think I'm flirting with them, and I'm like, really? :confused: I'm working on being more reserved around men, especially ones I'm not interested in.

Oh, I'm a Leo. I haven't put too much thought in the zodiac but I do have great chex with other fire signs and I can't stand Pisces men.
I agree.

The men are players until they fall in love--- deeply.
He did mention how he "used to" but said he did alot of growing over the past two years. He says now honesty is the best policy. We will see.

Star sign related:

Sparks may fly when calm, earthy Taurus meets dramatic, self-expressive Leo. The fire may sometimes be warming, but sometimes it may singe both of you a bit. The attraction between you springs from your opposite spheres of focus, for Taurus is physical, sensual, and interested in life here and now, while Leo is imaginative, intuitive, and interested in potentials and self-expression.
Taurus can give support and form to Leo's imagination. Leo can lift Taurus' eyes to the inner world. Both of you love beauty and may share artistic interests. As a creative team, this is an unbeatable combination, especially if your talents are complementary.

But both of you tend to be stubborn, proud, possessive, and very fixed in your attitudes. Neither of you sees the need to change or adapt, and both are slow to forgive. This could lead to situations where injured pride prevents either or both of you from resolving conflicts or making the leap toward a new way of seeing and doing things.

Taurus may resent being taken for granted on the material level, while Leo may resent being asked to be "ordinary". Both of you need to learn to laugh at yourselves when you've been roaring too much at each other.
He did mention how he "used to" but said he did alot of growing over the past two years. He says now honesty is the best policy. We will see.

Star sign related:

Sparks may fly when calm, earthy Taurus meets dramatic, self-expressive Leo.
My guy is a Taurus and I am the Leo... I will say this. Taurus men have been it for me and that is saying a lot because our signs are STUBBORN. When I was younger- straight head butting. But for some reason, all of my "relationships" have been with Taurus men- they lasted the longest with me. Probably because of the same stubbornness.
If you want this relationship to work out- just know that he may move fast and you both need to compromise. I find with men though, women tend to be the ones compromising more (male ego). That is why I learned to appeal to logic and "encourage" them regarding something I want and make it appear like it was their idea. Win, win...
Ever since I learned about love signs, I've used that to compare compatibility. I'm a Gemini but my love sign is Cancer. Geminis are supposed to be flighty, flirty and love variety but I'm nurturing, protective, loyal to a fault and I crave stability.

So even though I'm a Gemini, my deep love connections have been with Taurus guys who offer me stability, loyalty and protectiveness.

As far as other relationships, I can get along with just about anyone. I'm very friendly and I accept people for who they are. I feel like I can learn something from just about anyone I talk to. That's definitely my Gemini nature kicking in.
Ever since I learned about love signs, I've used that to compare compatibility. I'm a Gemini but my love sign is Cancer. Geminis are supposed to be flighty, flirty and love variety but I'm nurturing, protective, loyal to a fault and I crave stability.

So even though I'm a Gemini, my deep love connections have been with Taurus guys who offer me stability, loyalty and protectiveness.

As far as other relationships, I can get along with just about anyone. I'm very friendly and I accept people for who they are. I feel like I can learn something from just about anyone I talk to. That's definitely my Gemini nature kicking in.

Okay, I only recently discovered what my ascendant and moon signs are so this love sign thing is news to me. I looked it up and my Venus sign is Pisces.

I'm a Capricorn so people (mainly associates, not close friends) think I'm stoic, along with other descriptors that basically equal mean, cold and calculating . But my ascendant is Pisces and my Venus sign is Pisces. My feelings are hurt very easily and in the few instances I confront someone about something they said or did they're shocked, like "you have feelings?" :cry4:
What say you guys about a Capricorn (me) and Sagittarius?

Give it a chance and have fun.

As for my personal experience with 3 sag men....I just cannot deal with them in a long term relationship.

I am put off by their lack of filter and sense of shock when you get hurt or offended by their words. Very opinionated and a bit judgmental.

However they are fun and outgoing, very talkative and usually know lots of people..., well-groomed and dressed generally. Hard working and don't mind spending money. Flirty. Very confident even borderline arrogant
I really think there is some correlation. I believe it really has to do with your entire birth chart so just more than your sun sign. I'm currently dating a Sag and textbook definitions say it won't work but it really is right now. It has to do with your communication styles and thinking which I feel stems from different planets and its house they are in. That compatibility is more important.

As a Taurus sun, I wouldn't really want to date another earth sign just because they haven't been great experiences. Or a Gemini because my father is one and well we don't mesh well. But it could have been their entire chart make up that simply wasn't compatible rather than just the fact they were a Cap or Virgo.
I am a Virgo. I have failed relationships with Scorpio :nuts:, Leo :angeldevil:, and Capricorn :pullhair: men. Thoughts about what sign would be a good match for me?
I'm a Cancer and I love me a good Scorpio. Lol I don't know what it is about our pairing, but it's always magnetic. It's the same with Virgos too. Not sure what it is, but we just get each other.

I will say though, for some odd reason, I've noticed I've attracted a lot of fire signs. Considering I have no fire signs in my birth chart, I find this interesting.

But I always say,the Don Lothario of the signs has to be Libra. They have a lot of swag! Always smooth. Lol
20160731_121518.jpg 20160731_123241.jpg This is relationship related so I will plant this in this thread. I have a method of reading my tarot. This was on point.

I be back to post in depth...
I'm a Scorpio, and like to other poster I will never deal with Geminis whether they are men or women.
My FH is a Libra. He's very emotional and expressive, very needy with my time and my attention. But in return he gives me anything under the sun, and refuses to let me lift a finger.
Our communication is also something I have never experienced. I, like a typical Scorpio lol, will withhold my emotions and thoughts until what I perceive to be the perfect time. But instead we both can talk very freely because the way he handles what I consider to be sacred traits just deepens out trust.
I'm also loyal because I decide to be, very passionate about my relationship and how my partner feels

Mental note - as a Scorpio woman only date Libra men. Got it!