Zodiac And Relationships

I'm a Capricorn. I don't think it has played a role even though I may behave like a Cap..they either like it or don't.

As far as compatibility, I do not go by what they say are the "worst match" and strike people off just for that. I give them a chance if they have qualities I like.

However, sometimes it is strikingly right especially for Sags lol. I don't get along with them.
Yes. I feel like the traits listed for each sign are pretty accurate, for the most part. But I don't believe in the "daily horoscopes" that tell you how your day is going to end up lol.

I'm an Aquarius and I feel like I have the typical traits of an Aquarius: rebellious, sociable, stubborn as hell and blunt. But my relationships with Aquarius men don't seem to last (or even get off the ground)...I think we're too similar. But I usually get along really well with fire signs and I think it's because my moon sign is Leo and my ascendant sign is also Leo...so I have some Leo traits too. My SO is a Sagittarius and it has been the best relationship I've ever had. I get along with the other air signs too (Gemini and Libra).

I've never gotten along with Scorpio men! Lol...we just don't mesh well together.
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Pisces and refuse to deal with an Aries. Cool as friends but terrible for me when it comes to matters of the heart.
I'm a Leo and after my experience with an Aquarian man I never want to deal with another one. I'm also not a fan of Scorpio men.
I'm a Scorpio, and like to other poster I will never deal with Geminis whether they are men or women.
My FH is a Libra. He's very emotional and expressive, very needy with my time and my attention. But in return he gives me anything under the sun, and refuses to let me lift a finger.
Our communication is also something I have never experienced. I, like a typical Scorpio lol, will withhold my emotions and thoughts until what I perceive to be the perfect time. But instead we both can talk very freely because the way he handles what I consider to be sacred traits just deepens out trust.
I'm also loyal because I decide to be, very passionate about my relationship and how my partner feels
Add me to the list of Scorpio women who don't deal with Gemini men.:look: I thought I was the only one. My sister and one of my BFFs are Geminis but other than that, the sign is on my do-not-deal with list.

I also don't deal with Pisces men. My other sister is a Pisces and between her and the few Piscean men I've been out with, no thanks. The funny thing is because both Pisces and Scorpios are water signs, many books say this is one of the best matches. Maybe for a Scorp man and Piscean woman but not the reverse IMO. I've got a lot of Sagittarius in my chart and that squares Pisces.

I do best with Earth signs, in particular Capricorn.
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I am a Leo- and I have had the Leo traits in a relationship but I have learned to water it down (egotistical drama). I don't know which sign I get along best with. I don't like Aries men- we will fight... and Sagittarius men turn me off (all of have dealt with fell in love with me WAYYYY too quickly for my comfort) All the other signs can't deal with my directness. I don't play coy or the damsel in distress.
Taurus men seem to have been it for me. I have dated A LOT of them. My ex husband is one and so is my SO. I think I have learned to adapt to their slowness and stubbornness that I prefer to date them over any other sign. I probably have a raising sun or moon in Virgo too (watered down Leo) which makes better compatibility with them.
@Chocoluxe I knew a Leo man with whom I could talk for hours but it felt like 5 minutes. He gave me all the attention I wanted when I needed it, was a great listener, very attentive to my needs and never wanted me to lift a finger.
The problem was his ego. You constantly have to stroke it or they feel like you take them for granted. He was a flirt and people person so he would strike up a conversation with anybody which made the jealous Scorpio in me question who else he was giving his special attention to apart from me.
I don't know about the sex because I didn't let our thing get far enough for me to get hooked, but the chemistry and sparkles between us told me it would have been an addictive relationship. The way this man held me...

I'm a scorpio and wouldn't recommend a Scorpio union. I used to say go for it, but a decade with DH made me realize that it's so draining to deal with. We're very different despite our similar signs.
I can't stand male Caps, Pisces and Cancer.
@Chocoluxe I knew a Leo man with whom I could talk for hours but it felt like 5 minutes. He gave me all the attention I wanted when I needed it, was a great listener, very attentive to my needs and never wanted me to lift a finger.
The problem was his ego. You constantly have to stroke it or they feel like you take them for granted. He was a flirt and people person so he would strike up a conversation with anybody which made the jealous Scorpio in me question who else he was giving his special attention to apart from me.
I don't know about the sex because I didn't let our thing get far enough for me to get hooked, but the chemistry and sparkles between us told me it would have been an addictive relationship. The way this man held me...

I'm a scorpio and wouldn't recommend a Scorpio union. I used to say go for it, but a decade with DH made me realize that it's so draining to deal with. We're very different despite our similar signs.
I can't stand male Caps, Pisces and Cancer.

Good stuff!! I just reconnected with a Leo last night and we had a really good time. We were able to pick up like we never left off although its been almost a year since we last saw each other. Its funny, because he made a comment about how ppl often think he is flirting with them and I said that ppl often think Im flirting with them as well, but he said he didnt think I was flirting with him. I guess he wanted/expected me to fawn all over him. Lol I could potentially get there, but Im not ready for that level of vulnerability just yet. Lol We def have chemistry though and he is a very passionate kisser.

Im over Scorpio men, too. I have good chemistry with them, but not enough communication or openness.

The bolded are our most compatible signs. Which signs do you prefer to date?
Good stuff!! I just reconnected with a Leo last night and we had a really good time. We were able to pick up like we never left off although its been almost a year since we last saw each other. Its funny, because he made a comment about how ppl often think he is flirting with them and I said that ppl often think Im flirting with them as well, but he said he didnt think I was flirting with him. I guess he wanted/expected me to fawn all over him. Lol I could potentially get there, but Im not ready for that level of vulnerability just yet. Lol We def have chemistry though and he is a very passionate kisser.

Im over Scorpio men, too. I have good chemistry with them, but not enough communication or openness.

The bolded are our most compatible signs. Which signs do you prefer to date?

Well, I is married now so I don't really know what I would prefer at this point in my life. :spinning: I do know I didn't like these signs back in the days but I've changed a lot over the last decade so who knows what I would like now.
I love male Libras as friends but they make poor husbands based on the 4 Libras I have seen in relationships around me. They're too selfish, careless and commintment-phobic
I loved and still love Leos despite their constant need for attention. In reality I don't mind that as a Scorpio because I love to give attention to my beloved. My former Leo flame said he loved to flirt but knew his boundaries, whatever that meant. :rolleyes: We would've worked out if he had been ready for a serious relationship in which my attention alone was enough.
Leos do expect us to fawn all over them but our pride and secret side wouldn't let us do that as a Scorpio. We give them the chase and they enjoy that more. Flatter him once in a while but don't let him feel like he has you on lock. :lachen:
I still love my Scorpio fellas. They will give you the moon if they can but get soooooo comfortable and forget that stars come with the moon and that they should continue to woo you. :confused:
Well, I is married now so I don't really know what I would prefer at this point in my life. :spinning: I do know I didn't like these signs back in the days but I've changed a lot over the last decade so who knows what I would like now.
I love male Libras as friends but they make poor husbands based on the 4 Libras I have seen in relationships around me. They're too selfish, careless and commintment-phobic
I loved and still love Leos despite their constant need for attention. In reality I don't mind that as a Scorpio because I love to give attention to my beloved. My former Leo flame said he loved to flirt but knew his boundaries, whatever that meant. :rolleyes: We would've worked out if he had been ready for a serious relationship in which my attention alone was enough.
Leos do expect us to fawn all over them but our pride and secret side wouldn't let us do that as a Scorpio. We give them the chase and they enjoy that more. Flatter him once in a while but don't let him feel like he has you on lock. :lachen:
I still love my Scorpio fellas. They will give you the moon if they can but get soooooo comfortable and forget that stars come with the moon and that they should continue to woo you. :confused:

Thank you for these gems of wisdom you dropped! You told no lies! lol
I'm a Scorpio & pretty much match 90% with the description about us. Passionate/ ambitious/ loyal/ sensual/..etc etc

As for my compatibility at one point all my bff female friends were Gemini's & now they're Scoprios and PiscesWhich I found to be interesting.
I dated a guy who was born same day as me.... Was kind of cool... Then weird. He was me times 10 & kind of competitive with me. Dated a Gemini that just wanted to control me & had a god complex.

I don't know if I actually have a preference for dating sign. I just kind of go with it... I don't see a pattern yet that I need to be aware of. My guys are all over the spectrum.
Im a scorpio entertaining a leo man. Any scorps have any experience with leo men?
My brothers are Leos and they love Scorpio women.

They are very possessive of one another from what I can see. Also, I see that if a man cheats on a Scorpio, she'll cheat right back. Also, from the outside looking in Scorpio women seem very loyal and very supportive.
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Yes. I feel like the traits listed for each sign are pretty accurate, for the most part. But I don't believe in the "daily horoscopes" that tell you how your day is going to end up lol.

I'm an Aquarius and I feel like I have the typical traits of an Aquarius: rebellious, sociable, stubborn as hell and blunt. But my relationships with Aquarius men don't seem to last (or even get off the ground)...I think we're too similar. But I usually get along really well with fire signs and I think it's because my moon sign is Leo and my ascendant sign is also Leo...so I have some Leo traits too. My SO is a Sagittarius and it has been the best relationship I've ever had. I get along with the other air signs too (Gemini and Libra).

I've never gotten along with Scorpio men! Lol...we just don't mesh well together.

I'm an Aquarius and do not like Scorpios men at all either. They creep me out with the whole "people think I'm their friend, but I'm really not" thing. Also, one told me he doesn't believe you can be friends with a girlfriend. I was done after that. Plus the whole "a girl needs to be exceptional in all categories if I'm going to make her a girlfriend".
I'm an Aquarius and I find

Scorpio men: not as deep as they think they are, uninteresting, cares about if I meet his standards like a checklist
Capricorn men: care too much about how you dress, want to go clubbing with you which are both turn offs
Virgo men: don't get sarcasm, conversation never flows, not spontaneous
Aquarius men: huge ego, very honest, talks a lot, no attraction though like I don't want to have sex with one
Aries men: great conversationalist, take charge, break the ice, pull you out your comfort zone, exciting
Libra men: don't talk but don't want you to leave, very chill and laidback
Cancer men: will drown you with their emotions, easily destroyed when something bothers them and you don't care about it, constant need to touch you, almost impossible to get them to open back up once you cause them to shut down
Pisces men: super caring, listens to all you have to say patiently, incredibly sweet, attentive

And as an Aquarius, I feel like all these men immediately try to trap me/lock me down, all except Aries.
I'm a Scorpio who is entertaining a Saggitarius he has really wowed me so far in terms of caring and focusing on what it is that I need. He's also a bit younger than I am but his maturity level is amazing. I'm excited to see where this goes.

The last guy I dated was also a Saggitarius and he was a great guy as well. It ended because we weren't on the same level in terms of what we want in life.

Like others have mentioned I don't deal with Gemini men, one was enough. That man was the only man I ever considered calling the authorities on. I didn't but came close and was done after that.

Scopio men are ok but there was always a power struggle while dating another Scorpio. The sex was amazing eveything else was too dramatic probably due to the fact that we're so emotional.

Cancer was also a good sign to date but we were young with limited experience so it was fun while is lasted. I do remember him being extremely emotional.

Pieces was too crazy and needy his moods scared me.

The one Aquarius man I dated was liar I'm not sure how else I can describe him because of the things he did. I'm glad that period of my life is over. Also never again would I date an Aquarius one was enough.
I'm an Aquarius and do not like Scorpios men at all either. They creep me out with the whole "people think I'm their friend, but I'm really not" thing. Also, one told me he doesn't believe you can be friends with a girlfriend. I was done after that. Plus the whole "a girl needs to be exceptional in all categories if I'm going to make her a girlfriend".

Lol YES. Especially to the bolded part...they're manipulative and they think they're being sneaky about it, but it's so obvious. And in my experience if they see you're confident about something, they say something "subtle" to try to put doubt in your head and kill your excitement and confidence, lol it's like "B**ch, let me have my moment!" but then they want to get flustered when you say something smart back lol.

I'm an Aquarius and I find
Scorpio men: not as deep as they think they are, uninteresting, cares about if I meet his standards like a checklist
Capricorn men: care too much about how you dress, want to go clubbing with you which are both turn offs
Virgo men: don't get sarcasm, conversation never flows, not spontaneous
Aquarius men: huge ego, very honest, talks a lot, no attraction though like I don't want to have sex with one
Aries men: great conversationalist, take charge, break the ice, pull you out your comfort zone, exciting
Libra men: don't talk but don't want you to leave, very chill and laidback
Cancer men: will drown you with their emotions, easily destroyed when something bothers them and you don't care about it, constant need to touch you, almost impossible to get them to open back up once you cause them to shut down
Pisces men: super caring, listens to all you have to say patiently, incredibly sweet, attentive

And as an Aquarius, I feel like all these men immediately try to trap me/lock me down, all except Aries.

I agree with what you said about Virgo men..the conversation just doesn't flow. That's been my experience with Taurus men too. One thing I will say about Aquarius men that I've had a FWB situation with...the s*x was GOOD.
Cancer men seem to be clingy. You may have just gotten home from spending the whole day with them and they're already texting you to hang out again tomorrow. As an Aquarius, I don't like that...I always need space. The thing I've noticed about Pisces men is that they don't want to make you mad and will sometimes not tell you things because they're afraid of making you mad.
Lol YES. Especially to the bolded part...they're manipulative and they think they're being sneaky about it, but it's so obvious. And in my experience if they see you're confident about something, they say something "subtle" to try to put doubt in your head and kill your excitement and confidence, lol it's like "B**ch, let me have my moment!" but then they want to get flustered when you say something smart back lol.

I agree with what you said about Virgo men..the conversation just doesn't flow. That's been my experience with Taurus men too. One thing I will say about Aquarius men that I've had a FWB situation with...the s*x was GOOD.
Cancer men seem to be clingy. You may have just gotten home from spending the whole day with them and they're already texting you to hang out again tomorrow. As an Aquarius, I don't like that...I always need space. The thing I've noticed about Pisces men is that they don't want to make you mad and will sometimes not tell you things because they're afraid of making you mad.

Lord, why did you tell me that about Aquarius men? I've never went there but now I'm curious.