Thanks, Shimmie! God bless you & your family richly

This audio is DEEP! It talks about the true foundation of our country, too, and whew I'm not surprised. I'm just disgusted.
I saw Zeitgeist!!! Can you give us an overview of what he says. I can't listen to the whole thing right now.
Zeitgeist EXPOSED: proof that only God could've been behind the Bible

Here are some Google videos by another man who exposes Zeitgeist for all its lies

He also offers proof that the Bible is the only book dealing with the supernatural that actually has supernatural codes in it.




it's one thing to be ignorant because no one's told you the truth, but I pity those who were warned and still chose not to receive it.
I am not going to look, I went down this road before. This really has nothing to do with the Mark of the Beast. I was afraid and worried after I seen this and I read in the bible about mans heart failing them for fear. I am looking forward to Jesus coming again. I am getting prepared and the way you get prepared is to study your bible diligently memorizing scripture to help you get through the many many trials we are going to be facing more and more everyday until Jesus comes again. That is your seal that you will get from the Father your knowledge of the word of God and you applying it to your life God will see this and seal you. Others will accept the false teachings and will be sealed as well but sealed with the false knowledge that they live by everyday and believe without searching the scriptures. Many Christian's believe many things without searching the bible to see if its true or not. I want to know why everything is done. I search the scriptures to see if its true and I keep searching I don't rely on one line either.