yuck stuff under my nails.


Active Member
Ok, after clarifying and using no protein for the past few washes, I felt my hair being "protein-ready." :lachen: I pre-poo'd with a mixture of Amla, coconut and rosemary oil. Then slapped some Silk worm and Lekair and a plastic bag and went to sleep. Rinse it out and then used my Pratail rinse. My hair felt "ooooolaaaalaaaa!" I just bunned it and came on to work. During the course of the day, I scratch my head and there is blue gunk in my nails. :eek: Ew. I used Colourshines last week so that is why its blue, but why the gunk when I cowash? What did I do wrong??? My hair still feels great so I really do not want to wash it until maybe tomorrow or Sunday. But I want to know what I did wrong so it will not happen the next time.

I agree with La Flaca. Conditioners are meant to coat your hair to make it smooth and less likely to tangle. So they would also coat your scalp.

I remember a while back reading how people CW by apply the conditioner to their scalp and massaging. That never made sense to me since the conditioner is meant for your hair not your scalp. The idea just made my scalp feel itchy even without anything on it. I love a "squeaky clean" scalp (a bit of an exaggeration - the squeaky part but y'know what I mean). When I condition my hair, I rarely bother with applying conditioner to the base of my strands. I trust the sebum from my scalp will take care of that area.

I found it interesting the JJJ who's webpage I linked to yesterday only conditions the top section of her hair; not the base. Goes along with what I believe: that the oldest section of your hair is the one that needs the most attention as it's endured more wear and tear and been around longest.

I know people who never wash their braids but use something like witch hazel to clean their scalp. Perhaps that could work for you? I dunno, just guessing.

I wonder if the Wen Cleansing Conditioners would leave the scalp less gunky even if applied directly?
Hmmm...I do saturate the scalp a bit, but only to soften the ng. using my mtg mixture and all those oils, i think i better chill with the cowash and saturate my ends the most next time. it also killed my color. my hair is back to brown in the sun. i just cannot win. and i have been scratching all day. going to shampoo asap. thanks ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Chicca... maybe an ACV rinse? If you put 1/4 cup in a basin and dunk your head, you could massage your scalp, and seal your hair cuticles. This would ensure you get the scalp clean while your hair just gets smoothed even more by cuticles closing. You can apply a leave in conditioner to coat the outside of your hair some more. The ACV will also ensure the goodness absorbed into your strands gets locked in.
Nonie said:
Hey Chicca... maybe an ACV rinse? If you put 1/4 cup in a basin and dunk your head, you could massage your scalp, and seal your hair cuticles. This would ensure you get the scalp clean while your hair just gets smoothed even more by cuticles closing. You can apply a leave in conditioner to coat the outside of your hair some more. The ACV will also ensure the goodness absorbed into your strands gets locked in.

That's a good idea. I never thought about soaking in the basin/sink.:p