Less protein, more moisture [including oils]. Protein products can be counter-productive for some hair--I've found that to be true.
Hi Ebony,
I don't think it's the CON, lol I love my CON, I use it once a week. What I understand is that you are bunning your hair for protection. First of all, stay away from the protein products. Secondly, I think your hair is begging for better protection. My hair is too short for a bun, but when I wear it out for a week or two (in a mini puff with a scarf) it just gets tired of being "out" and gets very dry. Bunning is great protection for pressed hair and for relaxed hair but to me protection for natural hair is braids or twists left in for at least a week or two and then giving those twists or braids lots of moisture (and oil too if your hair likes oil) on an on-going basis, likely at least daily. When I keep my hair in twists or braids the natural hair is much better able to hold in the moisture.

I just think your hair needs a break. From looking at your natural wet pics your hair looks very healthy. I think your hair needs to be in twists or braids at least 50% of the time, the other 50% it could be in a bun or twist/braid out. Many longer-haired naturals where twists or braids 90% of the time. HTH
i cornrowed my hair last week
and have been spraying it with some conditioner spray thing my mom has lol
and my hair has not felt dry once
i spray it every day and even when it dries it feels moisturized
so i dont think the buns are helping at all
it always felt horrible and dry in the middle
but the ends of my braids do sit on my shirt so i dont know if thats bad
i also was thinking of trying OYIN handmade
any one has recommendations for moisturizing and deep conditioner
I think im also going to try that Elucence clarifying

hopeful said:
Hi Ebony,
I don't think it's the CON, lol I love my CON, I use it once a week. What I understand is that you are bunning your hair for protection. First of all, stay away from the protein products. Secondly, I think your hair is begging for better protection. My hair is too short for a bun, but when I wear it out for a week or two (in a mini puff with a scarf) it just gets tired of being "out" and gets very dry. Bunning is great protection for pressed hair and for relaxed hair but to me protection for natural hair is braids or twists left in for at least a week or two and then giving those twists or braids lots of moisture (and oil too if your hair likes oil) on an on-going basis, likely at least daily. When I keep my hair in twists or braids the natural hair is much better able to hold in the moisture.

I just think your hair needs a break. From looking at your natural wet pics your hair looks very healthy. I think your hair needs to be in twists or braids at least 50% of the time, the other 50% it could be in a bun or twist/braid out. Many longer-haired naturals where twists or braids 90% of the time. HTH