You've all sucked another person in....


Well-Known Member
I've been lurking around here since 04' and finally subscribed.

First off thank you so much for reading this because im sure this may end up being a looong intro.

I'm 24 yrs old and i found this forum back in 2004. I was very encouraged to start taking better care of my hair. i attemped to transition and i got to the 5 month mark and gave up. My NG was very small spirals so i guess im a 3c/4a? Anyway....although i continued to relax after that, my hair was in GREAT shape (because of all the advice i read while lurking lol)...I kept up a regimen for about a year (hardly even split end).........and then i got lazy!

November of 06 came and and although my hair was past my shoulders, i noticed my pony tail was looking alitle flimsy. I decided to really inspect my hair. In doing so i discovered that not only did i have a ton of breakage....but there was a decent sized patch of hair that was only MAYBE 1/2 long ( which obviously ment i was also LOOSING my hair). I was hysterical & had no idea what to do. Then i remembered this site!

Since then Ive cut my hair VERY short and have been taking pretty good care of it. I've have grown about 1 1/2 inches with ALOT less breakage and have even noticed alot of new growth in my apparently i was loosing hair there too :(

I've been relaxing my hair every 6 weeks ( over processing big time) for the past 16 years and after seeing all the hair loss and thinning i've decided to once again attempt to transition to natural.

As for my regimen ...i have not developed one fully yet but ive started and I also ordered MSM powder and Biotin vitamins...cant wait for it to arrive!

ANY advice you can give is very much appreciated ...products, regimens ANYTHING. ( Not to knowledgeable on all the abbreviation yet though..)
You've all been a big inspiration to me & i know that i would have alot of support.

(ill have pics soons..)

Thanks for reading my post!!!
Welcome aboard!

I'm not sure what advice to give you, as I'm still learning myself, but I would tell you to just start reading as many posts as you can, and ask questions! The girls here are wonderful!

Happy hair growing!
:wave: Welcome.

I don't have much of a regimen yet.

But since I have been on this forum I have learned:
-to wash more frequently
-use no direct heat
-every one in a while your hair needs a good deep condition(meaning with heat)

MOST IMPORTANT: No one technique works for everyone. You have to find what works best for your hair. I made this mistake early on and learned the hard way.
LilMorenita said:
I've been lurking around here since 04' and finally subscribed.

First off thank you so much for reading this because im sure this may end up being a looong intro.

I'm 24 yrs old and i found this forum back in 2004. :eek:
Nice to meet you :)

I was very encouraged to start taking better care of my hair. i attemped to transition and i got to the 5 month mark and gave up. My NG was very small spirals so i guess im a 3c/4a? Anyway....although i continued to relax after that, my hair was in GREAT shape (because of all the advice i read while lurking lol)...I kept up a regimen for about a year (hardly even split end).........and then i got lazy!
This is what I worry about so much. It's easy to fall off the wagon. I'm glad to see you're back on with us. :grin:

November of 06 came and and although my hair was past my shoulders, i noticed my pony tail was looking alitle flimsy. I decided to really inspect my hair. In doing so i discovered that not only did i have a ton of breakage....but there was a decent sized patch of hair that was only MAYBE 1/2 long ( which obviously ment i was also LOOSING my hair). I was hysterical & had no idea what to do. Then i remembered this site!

Since then Ive cut my hair VERY short and have been taking pretty good care of it. I've have grown about 1 1/2 inches with ALOT less breakage and have even noticed alot of new growth in my apparently i was loosing hair there too :(

I've been relaxing my hair every 6 weeks ( over processing big time) for the past 16 years and after seeing all the hair loss and thinning i've decided to once again attempt to transition to natural.

As for my regimen ...i have not developed one fully yet but ive started and I also ordered MSM powder and Biotin vitamins...cant wait for it to arrive!

ANY advice you can give is very much appreciated ...products, regimens ANYTHING. ( Not to knowledgeable on all the abbreviation yet though..)
You've all been a big inspiration to me & i know that i would have alot of support.

I'm not the hair expert YET. But I just wanted to say hello.

(ill have pics soons..)

Thanks for reading my post!!!

This is such a great place because no other people can really understand. Welcome!
I've been lurking around for a while and have learned some great things so far. This site is very addicting!!

i usually wash pretty often because my scalp gets itchy very quick...even with products that prevent it. Ive had to part ways with my beloved curling iron though & have not touched my blow dryer since ( i feel like im going though withdrawal symptoms lol.) I've gone back to roller setting & i now flat iron(ceramic of course) my NG once a week @ a very low temp. Im about 9 weeks post relaxer.

I thought I lurked for a long time before joining since I found the site in 05/06 but only recently joined, but you have surely been a long-time lurker :lol:. Well, I am texlaxed and am not all that hair wise myself just yet so I will let the experts come in here with advice. You might want to browse through the Transitioner support thread if you haven't already. I think there's a sticky about it too. I wish you all the best. :)
Hello...I am also a newbie that is transitioning to natural and I would suggest reading all that you can. Don't be afraid to try something new and most of all have fun!!!!