You're Single, Not Dead! (blog post)

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Nothing earth-shattering, but I thought folks might find it of interest.

I’m single because that’s what works for me right now.

I’m not jaded, I’m not bitter…I’m just single, and I’m ok with that. I’m enjoying this time of doing me and when it’s time to operate in some plural form, I’ll be ready.

I understand people want companionship, but I am sometimes disturbed by conversations I’ve had with friends of mine, that have turned into rants about how great and wonderful they are and how they can’t understand why they’re still single. Just stop it. The time spent ranting, would be better spent doing some good self reflection. The reality is there is a difference between being ready to be in a relationship, and being relationship ready. In the equation called your life, you are the only common denominator.

Here’s my list of things that Single Sistas Need to Do Before 2011 Is Over:

2. Stop viewing being single as some form of cruel and unusual punishment.
3. Stop comparing yourself to your married/boo’d up friends.
4. Stop casting yourself as the victim of some ponzi dating scheme.
5. Think outside of the box about where you’re meeting men.
6. Cast a wider geographical dating net.
7. Stop overanalyzing everything!
8. Take the time to enjoy your singletude.
9. Avoid discussing relationships with your bitter single friends (What’s that saying about birds of a feather…)
10. Remind yourself: I’M SINGLE…NOT DEAD!
Yeah right. Like women will listen. Having a man is the most popar topic with Black women. You HAVE to have a man. Even if he is in prison, or can't read, or is unemployed and selling drugs. Or
all three. Or something is wrong with you. But
you get a huge gold star if he is a mechanic at the
local bootleg garage making $12,000 a year. After
all who would rather be single and happy as opposed to having a man who can't pay the bills and has grease caked under his nails. Smh

Good post though. :)