As some here know, I have graduated from pharmacy school; however, it ain't over yet. I have to take a board licensing examination called the NAPLEX. I am scheduled to take it on the 15th of this month. I feel okay about it, but thoughts of how poorly I have performed on standardized tests in the past do creep up, causing a bit of apprehension and anxiety. I really struggled in pharmacy school and I will be honest, sometimes I wondered if God didn't want me to be successful in my career. There was no doubt in my mind that this was God's will for me, but I still felt like He was not there, despite the dedication in studying and prayers. I know this is not the operation of the Lord, but I am just being honest. Well with all of this said,please pray that I pass this examination on the FIRST GO ROUND and that He keeps me in perfect peace about my future in this career.