Your Opinion On These Two Products Please.....


New Member
Which product do you honestly believe helps with breakage and thinning of hair------> Organic Root Stimulator (ORS) or Doo Gro ?

Which one would you recommend to a LHCF buddy if she is having thinning and/or breakage in the temple/hairline areas?

Why would you recommend this particular product (ORS or Goo Gro)?

Have you personally had good results, excellent results or no results with either of the products?

How long did you use either of these two particular products before you saw results? (For example 6-8 weeks, 3 months, etc.)

Which paricular item in either ORS or Doo Gro product lines did you use to combat your thinning and/or breakage problem and it actually worked?

Any help you ladies can offer to help me would be greatly appreciated.
Please feel free to offer any advice and solutions for breakage and thinning around the hairline/temple area.

I've used ORS Olive Oil. Its a little gummy, but my intentions were never to use it to combat breakage, per se. I've heard people say that ORS Carrot Oil works well for breakage, but I couldn't deal with the smell of it.
Save your money with the Doo Groo, that stuff does not work and is full of nothing but petroleum(ie Vaseline), if you have to use something along the same line, use Hairobics All natural hair and scalp booster, I've tried the ORS temple balm, it worked for a short while, than stopped working, I'm having success with spraying my edges with Surge spiked with peppermint oil and Infusium 23 mixed. I would suggest that you not pull your hair into ponytails, and tie your hair up at night with a satin/silk scarf to help prevent breakage, I have a satin pillowcase as a backup because every blue moon my scarf will slip off...HTH
My hair did not like the doo gro. I used ORS Olive oil products when I was in a weave and on my hair when it was natural.
I used the whole Doo Groo line for at least 5 months and it did absolutely nothing for my hair I think its the pits.
I would difinitely recommend the ORS line.
I think the Hair Mayo is the best product in the line I still use it to strenthen my hair.
The Temple balm did not work for my hair line either I like
Surge,Profectiv anti-thinning cream and castor oil for your hair line.
I tried the Doo Gro deep conditioner, and ORS shea butter leave in. I didn't like either of them, they dried out my hair. I agree with the ladies, Surge rev 14 and Profectiv are quality products. If you do try Surge be careful, some ladies have had allergic reactions, but it has worked well for many of us and I've never had a problem with it. HTH
I use the doo gro anti-itch growth oil (which contains no petrolem/mineral oils like most of the line it's base is soybean oil) and I use it solely for the purpose of oil and to combat the itchies not for any miracle results. It's been good for oiling but other then that no miraculous growth spurts