"Your hair is going to mildew..."


New Member
:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

You'd think after all these years I would have learned not to have hair conversations with my cousins...

For background, my aunt and her kids got the "mixed" hair in the family, my mom has the Indian hair, and I got my hair from my dad's side of the family. So, I have always had the shortest most fragile hair in the family (my childhood on hair issues were not pleasant). However, since joining LHCF, my hair is the healthiest it's ever been and I am now working on length.

Yesterday I wore my hair down for church but I put my phony bun on to go to dinner at my aunt's place. The phony bun is my style 99% of the time. So, they asked me about my hair (naturally). The first negative comment was when I told them I probably won't relax my hair until the Friday before Christmas (I'm 8 weeks post now) and I got the obligatory "your hair is going to break off if you wait that long to relax" comment (my longest stretch was 13 weeks with no issues). Then I showed my other cousin how I bun to protect my ends. First, I use a baggie to protect my hair from the netting on the inside of the phony bun. Since I stick a baggie on anyway, I put Mizani Rose H20 on the ponytail part to infuse my ends with moisture while I have the bun on. Why did this girl tell me my hair was going to mildew from being damp all the time?:wallbash: I explained to her that I dry rollerset my hair every night so my hair is not damp 24-7 and I wash and condition my hair twice a week. But no... she insisted my hair is going to mildew!:wallbash:

I really shouldn't bother with those conversations.
That is family for you. I am agreeing you shouldn't bother with those conversations and you might rather show them then tell them, meaning when they see your long hair they'll be asking you for your regimen. I am not bashing you the least just you can't beat a dead horse. It's a shame but what are you going to do "so That's family for yah.
I have never heard of hair mildewing..lol Perhaps these relatives are speaking based on THEIR mildew hair experience bahahahha

The hateration on hair just neva stops..u just have to lol about it.
It seems possible for hair left wet to mildew, IMO. Plenty of members here wet bun with no problem, but IRL most people dry their hair every time they wash it, so your cousins don't sound ignorant to me...
I've heard the mildew comment before. Pay them no mind and try to talk to people that understand your process. I find it is best to do that with most aspects of my life :)
if it was said out of ignorance...plz note that ignorance is bliss. but other than that hair can mildew. it's a rank smell. but poo'n 2+ x's a week you'll most likely not ever experience it. my hair has mildewed pre lhcf before and only once after joing. i think i went like 2-3 days once doing a whole head baggy and b/c phx is super hot in the summer, my hair mildewed. but a good poo and air will do the trick. uh let me run out of here b4 i get the side eye.

:perplexedima get in on this convo. you just have to do you, no matter what haters say. nobody in my family thought i could grow hair either ,but as you know i keeps shutting peole down when they see my hair. you will shut then all down one day when you swing your hair in their faces:grin:.....:yep:
Believe me, once your hair gets to APL and longer, you will no longer hear much talk back from people, they'll start whipping out their notepads and taking down everything you say to do.

I think people sass ladies with SL hair alot because they can't visually see the fruits of your labor, which is understandable in a way.

Let your hair do the talking at first, then when you get long length, you'll be stopped in the street for your regimen and when you say something unusual, they'll be like seriously? you'll nod, they'll look you up and down and be like, she must know what she's talking about! And take your word as gospel.

lol...you gotta love family....that is just hilarious...but I do have a hair mildew story as told by my Chicago beautician.

He told me back in his weave king days when he did alot of hair shows this girl came to him to have her hair done in a quick weave but she had a phony pony on her head. So he took the phony pony off and she had her real hair underneath in a ball ponytail. One of those ponytails from back in the day you would put your hair up in a high ponytail on top of your hair, put your real hair in a ball and put either a scrunchi or rubberbands around and take your weave track and wrap it round and round your ponytail with 1,000 bobby pins securing the track and put one last scrunchi in around your weave track to make it look like your ponytail.

He said that would have been just fine but when he went to take down her real ponytail he literally had to crack open the middle part...he said her hair felt like a helmet and once it was open it S-T-A-N-K-E-D so bad he said he felt like someone died in there. He told me everyone was running to go outside and that the smell was just putrid and he had to go and get fans and oils and stuff.

She had a fungus growing on her scalp and that he didn't understand how she did not know it!!! Well come to find out what she did was she had relaxed her hair and when she was doing her phony pony tail her hair was still wet...she never dried, no blow, no air...nope just good ole slapped on tons of black gel on the outside of her hair to make it smooth balled up hair and put weave on but she had worn this ponytail for 2-1/2 months straight. She never did take her real hair down she would just take off the weave and put up another track. He believed that she probably didn't neutralize the relaxer right and still had some left in her crown area and since it never dried right it just got nasty in there...he ended up making her go to the dr and he said thats how he got into doing just natural hair. No more weaves for him...
lol...you gotta love family....that is just hilarious...but I do have a hair mildew story as told by my Chicago beautician.

He told me back in his weave king days when he did alot of hair shows this girl came to him to have her hair done in a quick weave but she had a phony pony on her head. So he took the phony pony off and she had her real hair underneath in a ball ponytail. One of those ponytails from back in the day you would put your hair up in a high ponytail on top of your hair, put your real hair in a ball and put either a scrunchi or rubberbands around and take your weave track and wrap it round and round your ponytail with 1,000 bobby pins securing the track and put one last scrunchi in around your weave track to make it look like your ponytail.

He said that would have been just fine but when he went to take down her real ponytail he literally had to crack open the middle part...he said her hair felt like a helmet and once it was open it S-T-A-N-K-E-D so bad he said he felt like someone died in there. He told me everyone was running to go outside and that the smell was just putrid and he had to go and get fans and oils and stuff.

She had a fungus growing on her scalp and that he didn't understand how she did not know it!!! Well come to find out what she did was she had relaxed her hair and when she was doing her phony pony tail her hair was still wet...she never dried, no blow, no air...nope just good ole slapped on tons of black gel on the outside of her hair to make it smooth balled up hair and put weave on but she had worn this ponytail for 2-1/2 months straight. She never did take her real hair down she would just take off the weave and put up another track. He believed that she probably didn't neutralize the relaxer right and still had some left in her crown area and since it never dried right it just got nasty in there...he ended up making her go to the dr and he said thats how he got into doing just natural hair. No more weaves for him...

Yuck that was so...descriptive. I got shivers from reading this WOW :barf:
but your hair can mildew. it can mildew if it's not dried properly esp if you wear wigs, weaves, and phoney ponies. she didn't sound that ignorant. she sounded no more ignorant than you describing hair as mixed and indian to be honest.
Hair CAN mildew. Don't believe me? Get a sew in. Wash it, and try to let it air dry, esp. with thick BSL hair. Your hair WILL mildew. It has happened to me. Not fun.

Since you are not leaving your hair wet for long periods of time, you should be cool.
Hair CAN mildew. Don't believe me? Get a sew in. Wash it, and try to let it air dry, esp. with thick BSL hair. Your hair WILL mildew. It has happened to me. Not fun.

Since you are not leaving your hair wet for long periods of time, you should be cool.
Yeah it can. Never happened to me but I've heard of it happening.
So I was just this week starting to experiment with wet bunning and now you've all freaked me the heck out about bunned or hidden wet hair mildweing :) . I'm confused: is wet bunning good for hair or not?

OP, how very obnoxious. People always have to have a reason to share their erudite opinions. Trust me, even when your hair grows to BSL and they stop nagging you about it, they will move on. There are soooo many wonderful subjects for them to provide expert advice about: weight, skin, job, friends, your love life....
So I was just this week starting to experiment with wet bunning and now you've all freaked me the heck out about bunned or hidden wet hair mildweing :) . I'm confused: is wet bunning good for hair or not?

OP, how very obnoxious. People always have to have a reason to share their erudite opinions. Trust me, even when your hair grows to BSL and they stop nagging you about it, they will move on. There are soooo many wonderful subjects for them to provide expert advice about: weight, skin, job, friends, your love life....
For me no because my hair would never dry in the middle and I'm not ok with that, lol. I don't like constant wet hair because it messes with my sinuses and gives me all kinds of problems.

A lot of people do wet bunning with no problem though. I think they are co-washing very frequently so maybe that's why it dosen't mildew? There's a lot of threads so maybe check them out and see what they do.
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Okay? Did she mean mildew as in grow mold? or did she mean it's going to smell like mildew?

I know when I wore wet and wavy hair weave, I would wash it every morning and let it air dry. My braids underneath went a week or so without completely drying out and it got a rank smell and I had to just take it out. So lessen learned I would use a spray bottle of water instead of saturating my entire head everyday.

So maybe that's what she meant..I hope.
For me no because my hair would never dry in the middle and I'm not ok with that, lol. I don't like constant wet hair because it messes with my sinuses and gives me all kinds of problems.
Thanks, yes, I hate the feel and the look of slicked back hair on me, so I never ever do it. I am a natural curly wash and go fiend.

But I really need to keep my ends off my shoulders because they keep getting trapped under my bag straps, which straighten them permanently over time.

Also, I was thrilled to discover that when slicked back while wet and bunned, my hair fits much better under a half-wig. I cannot cornrow or braid at all :crying3: , so I was excited about this. Even better, the texture looks smooth and flat enough to maybe be able to get away with a straighter-textured half wig.

But I can't stomach mildewed hair, so it's back to the old drawing board...
OH, and OP, it sounds like your hair isn't really that damp so you're not at risk, but I just ran and took down my 24-hour old bun (washed yesterday, leave-in condish /aloe vera/mango butter on ends and baggied ends) and it's still damp as hell. :(
but your hair can mildew. it can mildew if it's not dried properly esp if you wear wigs, weaves, and phoney ponies. she didn't sound that ignorant. she sounded no more ignorant than you describing hair as mixed and indian to be honest.

Did you somehow miss the quotation marks around "mixed" and "Indian?" I described them that way because that's the way my family describes them and it goes along way in explaining how I had hair issues as a child in that family.
Okay? Did she mean mildew as in grow mold? or did she mean it's going to smell like mildew?

I know when I wore wet and wavy hair weave, I would wash it every morning and let it air dry. My braids underneath went a week or so without completely drying out and it got a rank smell and I had to just take it out. So lessen learned I would use a spray bottle of water instead of saturating my entire head everyday.

So maybe that's what she meant..I hope.

I don't know... but I tried to explain to her that (a) I take that bun down and rollerset everyday so my hair gets a chance to dry everyday and (b) I wash and condition my hair 2x's a week. My comments just went in one ear and came out the other so I just shut-up and put my bun back on.
Don't even try to explain, KIM.

Exactly. I dont even tak about my hair. People ask me questions about it and it's one word answers and I change the subject. I dont have the patience.

My friends kept bugging me about why I'm wearing wigs, I told them I just wanted something different. When the truth is, my hair fell out from the stylist not washing the perm out properly. I'm not even gonna waste my time explaining my regimen to people.
It seems possible for hair left wet to mildew, IMO. Plenty of members here wet bun with no problem, but IRL most people dry their hair every time they wash it, so your cousins don't sound ignorant to me...

ITA. Even though I know it wont happen from having done this myself, prior to joining the boards I would have thought the same thing. After all, most people know that when you wash a weave for example, you need to make sure your hair under the weave (especially if it's a net weave) gets completely dry to avoid mold/whatever other grossness from growing in the warm, damp environment, right? With that in mind, your cousin's line of thinking is actually not too far off.
:rolleyes: At the nasty woman who did not wash her hair 2 1/2 months.:nuts::barf: That is strait up nasty. No wonder her hair was smelling. :lachen: I used to wet my hair daily as a natural and never once did it stink because I co washed daily. I am OCD about smelling good. I have mixed people in my family who flaunt the my hair is better than yours attitude. I don't share what I do to my hair to them because they think they are hair gurus. When your hair starts to thrive from the TLC you give it, then they will be more humble. If not, KIM.:rolleyes: