Your Buns?


Well-Known Member
How many times do you wrap your hair for a bun? I have gone from 1 1/2 around to 2 1/2. I'm pleased with my prgress, but I wonder how long my hair needs to be for a full thick bun. (I'm about 1/2 inch from bsb)
Really depends on what you consider a bun? I mean, if you can put your hair in a ponytail and secure the ends underneath, that's a "bun"

At your length, a cinnamon bun or a lazy wrap bun is very possible. I'mma go try and find some tutorials or something so you get an idea of what I'm talking about.
Okie, found some videos :)

Cinnamon bun: I've been able to do this one with not so long hair. At APL, you can do this and it'll hold securely. You can also use an elastic or a hair stick, and this sucker will stay up all day

Lazy wrap bun: This one, I only tried after I hit BSL, but I think shorter lengths can give it a shot. I tend to tuck the ends in, and as my hair gets longer, I wrap it around a 2nd or 3rd time. This is my go-to bun, I mean, this one holds up beautifully without having to fuss with it.

I'm still trying to think of other ones that might suit your length. I'll keep you updated if I can remember any.
Thanks for posting those links Bene. I really like the wrap around bun. I will have to try that tomorrow :yep:. Thanks again.

ETA: I just tried and it and I can't get it to work:sad:. Either my hair is too thick or the hair stick I am using is too short (now that I am writing this I think it is a combination of the two; my hair is too thick for the length of hair stick I have). I will have to get a longer stick and try again some time.

E (again) TA:I DID IT!!!!! I like this bun!
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I wrap my hair about 2 1/2 times to do a cinnamon bun....I love doing those two bun styles...Lazy Wrap is a little trickier for me to do:perplexed:
Well, maybe I'm doing it wrong b/c I'm nowhere near your length Smiling Elephant. I notice that I don't get that cinnamon swirl though. It's like my second wrap is hidden underneath the first one, so it sticks out if that makes sense.
Thanks Bene for the tutorial!
Thanks Naturalmanenyc!. That was actually beautiful. I'm going to try it right now. (Her ponytail length looked close to mine too.)
I can only wrap my little bun around once...
