YOUR BIGGEST hair hurdle


New Member
This i think has been done b4, but it had pages of responses so i wanted to start a new one...:D :cool:

  1. What was your biggest hair hurdle?
  2. What steps did you take to get past it?
  3. How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?
  4. How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?

Ok, here's mine....

What was your biggest hair hurdle?

Its got to have been getting to armpit length!

What steps did you take to get past it?

LOTS! protective styling, buns, scalp massages you name it! I was using the dreaded MOTIONs at the time..hmmm

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?

It took me about a year to get from shoulder to armpit!!!...the answer was: NO TRIMMING and less and less heat, the least i think i got to was every 3 weeks and i saw a difference...

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?

Well i no never to comb airdried hair again! I take consistent vits and a healthyISH diet..
What was your biggest hair hurdle?
  1. What steps did you take to get past it?
  2. How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?
  3. How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?
Ok, here's mine....

What was your biggest hair hurdle?

Its got to have been getting front of hair past collar Bone length, no both the font and back are the same length. For the first time EVER

What steps did you take to get past it?

Protective styling, gave hair more protein for strength

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?

It took about 6 months of SERIOUS hair care like never B4

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?

I am just gonnakeep going, its gaining length now I have pasted this point like never before.

For my ladies with neck length that seem like it taking for every HANG IN, it does happen :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: After that is palin sailing I THINK :eek:
What was your biggest hair hurdle?
Mine was getting away from weaves and braids as a crutch.

What steps did you take to get past it?
Quitting cold turkey!!

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?
A few months. I started just trying to learn more about my hair and create styles that still looked nice. Compliments from others on my own hair helped, as well.

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?
I had a setback about a month and a half ago that almost made me go back to my old ways. I started having heat damage from incorrectly using a blowdryer. I stopped using it and have just contined caring for my hair properly. I don't use the blowdryer at all now. I just airdry and flatiron. I have finally reached a length that makes it easy to wear my hair in protective updos so that I can reach my goals.
kizzylonghair said:
For my ladies with neck length that seem like it taking for every HANG IN, it does happen :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: After that is palin sailing I THINK :eek:

Kizzy! It gets SO MUCH MORE EASIER once you pass the shoulder area believe me!
Candy_C said:
Kizzy! It gets SO MUCH MORE EASIER once you pass the shoulder area believe me!

It feels like it, the realxer stretching, the syliying, protective sytles are become so much easier to do with all my length now. As long as I dont have any setbacks I really think I can get to bra-strap:grin:
Man, getting from Shoulder to Armpit is NO JOKE -- I thought I would have been at armpit by December. I really hope it will be smooth sailing once I get there.

You ladies are such an inspiration. Other than getting to armpit, I think my biggest hurdle is neatly wrapping my hair at night or doing SOMETHING with it.

I get so the very minimum I did invest in Satin pillowcases.
What was your biggest hair hurdle?
My biggest hair hurdle was letting go of that heat. I stayed at APL for mos, though I am not quite BSL AND i did a 2-3 inch trim it is growing. I can't wait to get past BSL though.

And finding a consistent regimen. I am happy to say I found one and I am ready to see how it works for me int he long-term!

What steps did you take to get past it?
I quit heat cold turkey. I am not into protective styling but, I don't comb my hair except to detangle on wash day, I give it intense moisture, moisturize daily,put it up, and NO HEAT!

As for the regimen, I sold most of my old products, I will buy all my new products in bulk so I can not worry about repurchasing something else.

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?
Well I began my journey Oct 2005 but it REALLY began in April 06, so it took me about 6 mos to get it together.

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?
No heat, intense moisture, moisturizing daily, and giving my hair tlc!
What was your biggest hair hurdle?
Using Heat
what steps did you take to get past it?
I learned to rollerset and do braid/twist outs
How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?
About a month of really maintaining it by rollersetting and braiding at night
How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?
I continue to rollerset and braidout. I am trying to figure out how to do a wash and go on relaxed hair. I only use my flatiron when I get a touch up to see my length. Other than that, I rollerset or airdry in a scrunchie. My hair is in much better shape.:)
What was your biggest hair hurdle?
Getting past neck length...its a REAL PAIN!

What steps did you take to get past it?
Protective styling like it was my religion, deep conditioning every other day, daily rinsing after my workouts, scalp massaging while the conditioner was under my plastic cap, conditioning over night once per week, combing only under the shower water. PS. I used heat every two weeks and it didnt seem to hurt me since the rest of my regimen was rock solid.

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?
With all that extra stuff i was doing, it only took me two months to get to shoulder length from neck length. Trimming off a good inch and a half really encouraged healthier growth. I had much less breakage and it seemed like my hair was growing a mile a minute!

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?
Well, I've gotten pretty lazy and my slowed progress is the result of that. Now that its summer again, its way too daggone hot to straighten my hair, so I'm back to the ol' faithful and reliable regimen that gave me such great results last summer.
thanks for this thread and all of the posts ladies. I am really finding it hard to get pass shoulder length- this is muh encouragement. I will actually try deep conditioning my hair every other day starting today. Thanks and keep sharing!
What was your biggest hair hurdle?
Dried and damaged hair

what steps did you take to get past it?
Drowned it in moisture. I used moisturising shampoo, deep condition weekly, used oils for my hair and body such as flaxseed oil, heat protectant, trims, and sleeping with a satin cap so my pillow cases wouldnt sap up moisture. Whew!

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?

It took at first a couple of months at first because I was working with lots of damaged hair. But with the help of keracare and my other products, my hair is no longer dry.
I am too grateful for this thread. Its like the Heavens have opened and the Angles are singing!!!!!

I got 2 inches from my last stretch (14 weeks) and thought I would get the same this time but it look like my hair is the same!!!!

I am at that ark-ward just past shoulder and & not APL length. I was really hoping to get to APL by June. I’m like 2 – 3 inches away!

It’s really comforting to know it a hurdle to get to APL. I was getting really discourages!

What was your biggest hair hurdle?

Passing BSL, I kept having set-backs, and scissor happy stylists ruin my progress-I asked them to trim 1 inch they cut 3"

What steps did you take to get past it?

I stopped going to them, stopped believing the heinous lies etc.. and learned how to do my hair @ home, protective styles etc...

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?

I think I actually did it in 6-7 months

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?

I moisturize daily w. home made spray, cover hair or baggie daily.
Try keep my hair natural most of the time and stick to my regime
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hey, these are really good! keep them coming ladies, i know theres more people who have had struggles...surely its not all plain sailing?!
What was your biggest hair hurdle?

A lot of new growth! I couldn't stretch without breakage. But if I relaxed the standard 6-7 weeks, the frequent perming would drastically weaken my hair.

What steps did you take to get past it?

Finding a great braider, with technique that didn't thin or break my hair.
I realized that I can only stretch my relaxers with braids.

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?

I did my first successful stretch for 14 weeks with the help of braids. When my newgrowth becomes too much and I'm not ready for a retouch I'll slap in my individuals.

I gotta add, trying to grow my hair from shoulder length to brastrap is no joke. But I'm encouraged reading this thread.
Giong from bottom of bra strap to waist length. I have to keep myself from trimming my non-phyto hair which is quite stringy. I began to braid to keep from touching it for weeks which really helped.
What was your biggest hair hurdle?

what steps did you take to get past it?
I have been stretching my relaxers, protective styles, and trying not to think about it too much

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?

Im not pass it yet, but what has really helped is not worrying about my hair, and just making sure to take care of it. When I dont think about it, it seems to grow like weed. Also taking progress pics and receiving feedbacl keeps me motivated.
My biggest hurdle is:
Getting to APL
The steps I'm taking:
No heat
Protective styles 100% of the time
Baggie Method every night
How long did it take to get there:
I haven't got there yet but my goal is to be there by 2007
1. What was your biggest hair hurdle?

My first and biggest hair hurdle was regrowing the entire back section of my head-- I mean downward from ear to ear! :eek: I suffered major breakage and this section was so short (less than 1 inch) & my scalp was dry and tight. :(

2. What steps did you take to get past it?

I found LHCF and started talking vitamins, shampoo and condition regularly, and deep condition with heat. I used Scurl and plastic cap (for the baggie effect) each night.

3. How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?

I started my haircare routine in Sept. 05, and now my hair is healthy plus my back section has completly grew back in!

I now concentrate on my hair HEALTH instead of my hair STYLE!

4. How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?

I'm close to reaching my first "length" goal of being SHOULDER LENGTH! I am natural, so I think I'm already there if my hair was straigthen but I'm waiting until August.

I plan to wear my natural hair down only during my Birthday week (Aug. 15th) and then it will go back into protective custody until I reach my next length goal of AP.:lol:

I plan to keep doing what I am doing and wearing protective styles (braids or weaves) to keep my ends covered.

It is great to hear that many others got thru that shoulder to armpit challenging growout phase. My hair has never been longer than slightly below shoulder before, so I'm excited!:p
What was your biggest hair hurdle?
Growing out my damaged hair. It was colored and cut, thin and tired. It's taken 2 years to grow a new head of hair.

What steps did you take to get past it?
I began doing conditioning washing and deep conditions every week.

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?
I'm not really past it yet. My hair is shoulder length, but that's only the back half of my hair. My goal is to get the front of my hair to my shoulders.

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?
I maintain the length I have now by not slipping up. Doing the deep conditions, clarifying, protein and porosity controls etc.
My key right now is moisture.
Ok, here's mine....

What was your biggest hair hurdle?

Soft tangle-free ends. No matter how many times I cut it they would be tangled and spliting about 3 weeks later.

What steps did you take to get past it?

I kept cutting off the tangly parts (a little at a time), henna, and minimizing manipulation.

How long did it take you to get past/And what finally worked?

It's been 3 months (longest ever) and my ends are still soft and tangle/split-free. Henna helped a lot. But the biggest change was only detangling once/week.

How do you maintain your hair now you've surpassed?

The same. Henna treatments and minimizing manipulation. I'm planning to dust as needed, but I haven't needed to yet.