You Now May Rest in God's......


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Healing Presence


I am healed in body, mind and soul.

Healing comes in many forms and in many ways. Some wounds heal quickly and visibly, like the physical healing of a scratch or a burn. Other wounds may take more time to heal. A broken heart, a troubled life or a dampened spirit requires a greater depth of healing--healing of my body, mind and soul.

Every need for healing is an invitation to turn within to God for guidance and direction. As I enter into the silence to meditate and pray, I connect with the Source of both my physical and spiritual healing. I am guided to the ways of strength and wholeness.

I receive the most vital and lasting form of health: the healing of my soul.

For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal.

.--Jeremiah 30:17


Angels, Jesus gave us the ultimate in His Blood Covered Sacrifice; a full opened embrace to come unto to Him and be ye healed.

You don't have to carry this burden of heaviness, nor heartache any further. Jesus says to 'drop it', to let it go, to let Him take it and carry it for you. For when He died upon the Cross, He did just that, He took our heartaches with Him.

The chastisement of our peace was upon Him and He took it lovingly without murmer nor complaint, nor a side-eye towards any of us in blame.

The chastisement of our peace... was upon His shoulders.

That's a heavy statement and an even heavier expression of love for us. Whatever the pain of your life, your body, yiour heart, entails, Jesus has lifted it from upon you so that you no longer have to bear the pressure of its care. His love is already there to lift you above it. Far above and beyond you could ever ask or think.

Receive your healing. It's a true gift of God from whom the price has already been paid.... in full.

Receive your healing, it's God's loving gift to you for always. :love2:

Shimmie's Heart.... :love2:
