You must just have "good" hair


Well-Known Member
is what I hear when I send out pictures of my hair growth. It just seems that some of us would rather have an excuse for not taking care of our hair. This is the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been and I'm in my late 50's, so did I like get "good" hair after I turned 50:lachen:?. When I tell my sister friends what I do to care for my hair, they're like "that's too much trouble". I wash and dc 2 xs per week, use protein when needed and also garlic cream if I'm shedding. I have used some "growth aids", but I still take really good care of my hair. Thanks ladies!!

Congrat on your growth lady keep up the good work :up:
I'm glad to find out that :yep: age doesn't matter, I'm younger but my hair began to grow in my early thirties! Praise the Lord :yay:
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Yes, it's always so much easier to say someone has 'good hair' and that's why their hair is so nice. I know I thought the only black people that could grow long hair were the ones that, as Martin Lawrence said, had "Indian in their faaaamily." :lachen:

Well, that wasn't true it was just my excuse for rushing and half washing my hair and pouring on the Infusium (never, never deep conditioning) and going. Deep down I cared about the health of my hair, but thought the length I had was the length I was going to have.

After I found the board I discovered something different. After reading I applied the same principles to my hair as life...hard work reaps great rewards...little work yields little rewards.

Now, when I mention the stuff I'm doing and the products I'm using I get the same thing, "I don't wanna do all that!" They want long hair, too, they just don't want to put in the work.

Their reply to my regimen is "see, you always had good hair and you can use that stuff on your hair. I have 'black people hair' and my hair would break if I used 'white people' stuff." :drunk: What? :spinning: My birth certificate says "negroid" just like your's and my hair cranks up to the scalp just like yours. :grin:

I guess I had a rebirth in December when I joined...people and their excuses.

Congratulations on your progress. :yep:
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Coffee, your hair looks fabolous!!

What you speak of is called "learned helplessness." People would rather sit there and feel sorry for themselves even though they know and have seen proof that there's possibility of achieving what they want. Women that see your hair know in their minds it's possible, but it's much easier to pout and say that they just weren't as blessed as you.:perplexed

It's unfortunate, but that's how many are. Keep up the good work!
It's easier for folks to make excuses for not investing the time in their hair. I have heard "well I don't have your hair" or your hair isn't nappy. Whatever. Take care of your hair and it will reward you.
Coffee, your hair looks fabolous!!

What you speak of is called "learned helplessness." People would rather sit there and feel sorry for themselves even though they know and have seen proof that there's possibility of achieving what they want. Women that see your hair know in their minds it's possible, but it's much easier to pout and say that they just weren't as blessed as you.:perplexed

It's unfortunate, but that's how many are. Keep up the good work!

Coffee your hair looks great. Looks like you are apart of the 50 and fly group. I love the term Learned Helplessness.
Thanks ya'll everyone is really supportive here!! I had surgery on Monday, but the month before I was really making sure to do my DC's, and protein treatments so I had as little shedding and or hair loss as possible from the
Anesthesia. My wonderful hubby helped me with my Wednesday night routine last night, so I could stay on schedule. (Wed & Sat ). Even though he calls us "those hair people" he's very supportive and understanding:yep:.

This is my email response to the "good hair" comment:

Trust me I don’t have what’s called ‘nice hair”, I’ve just started to really take care of it, the way I should. I wash and deep conditioning 2 xs per week. I use protein treatments when needed or some garlic cream when it’s starts to shed. I really started reading a lot about black hair and the misconceptions out there about it. We can and do grow long healthy hair if we just take care of it. Our hair needs a lot of moisture, so I use a conditioning cream on it everyday. I am proof that we can grow long(er) healthier hair. Too much heat is one of the no no’s for our hair, air drying is best, or a hooded type dryer, which I broke down and purchased.
Coffee: Your hair is beautiful. I had a long rant going because I get that a lot, too, but the computer ate it up. It is frustrating when I get complimented on my hair (that I have been working on since late 2003, but did not find LHCF until mid-2005) and I try to give folks some good information on limiting heat, reading labels, choosing products with hair-friendly ingredients, protective styling, protein treatments, deep conditioning, adding things like coconut milk, honey, molasses, yogurt, aloe vera, etc. to conditioner to rev it up, paying attention to your scalp, etc., and they wave me off saying: "Your hair is thriving because you have good hair." I heard it from a 21 year old three weeks ago, a 47-year (my age) four weeks ago and a 39 year old Monday...It is very frustrating because when you discover a wealth of good information and then you apply it and see the kind of results we have seen, you want to share it because you know it works and you get waved off...
You ladies are on point with this thread. Coffee, your hair looks so beautiful. It looks thick and so healthy!!! I wish that some of us would wake up and smell the coffee (no pun intended). We all could have hair like yours if we just give our hair a little tlc. And learn how to take care of what God gave us.

Coffee your hair looks great. Looks like you are apart of the 50 and fly group. I love the term Learned Helplessness.
It's very pretty. I have had several ladies at church tell me that I have good hair whenever I tell them that I haven't had a relaxer in 10-12 wks. They don't realize that's it's all about how you take care of your hair. True, it's extra work but is is so worth it.
Coffee, your hair looks beautiful. At least your LHCF sisters understand the hard work and dedication that it takes to maintain your hair. :up:
is what I hear when I send out pictures of my hair growth. It just seems that some of us would rather have an excuse for not taking care of our hair. This is the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been and I'm in my late 50's, so did I like get "good" hair after I turned 50:lachen:?. When I tell my sister friends what I do to care for my hair, they're like "that's too much trouble". I wash and dc 2 xs per week, use protein when needed and also garlic cream if I'm shedding. I have used some "growth aids", but I still take really good care of my hair. Thanks ladies!!


That's hillarious!! that's too much trouble? they must not want it badly enough.
You do got "GOOD" hair; GOOD HAIR CARE. Its funny when people ask about your hair and you tell them what to do they say "Its to much".
Let them know it takes hard work to look GOOD!
is what I hear when I send out pictures of my hair growth. It just seems that some of us would rather have an excuse for not taking care of our hair. This is the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been and I'm in my late 50's, so did I like get "good" hair after I turned 50:lachen:?. When I tell my sister friends what I do to care for my hair, they're like "that's too much trouble". I wash and dc 2 xs per week, use protein when needed and also garlic cream if I'm shedding. I have used some "growth aids", but I still take really good care of my hair. Thanks ladies!!

I say yay for you!! :clap: Congratulations!
BTW, your hairstyle looks very pretty in your siggy.
The effort you're putting into it is obvious because your hair looks great. As they say, " get back what you put into it". You've got good hair, because you take good care of it! Congrats!