You know what??


New Member
My hair loves heat, and I can't keep pretending like it dosentn:nono: I know I know, people say heat is too bad and what not, but seriously, ive stayed away from heat for almost 6 months, and I had shedding and breaking, only the weeks where I had used direct heat did my hair not shed or break at all, and I could easilly detangle it, and it FELT GOOD so im sorry, and I know im in the bootcamp where your not allowed to use direct heat, I know shame on me, but this works for me, and I need to do what makes me and my hair feel good. so sorry but I guess that means I can't participate in Bootcamp anymore :( but as long as I get results at the end of the year its good anyway, so I will still post my results then :)

Just wanted to share

thanks :)
This is true for most people, especially my sister. Her hair can take anything.

She has 3B naturally curly hair and puts heat on it everyday to touch up roots and puffiness, yanks the comb through tangles, doesn't sleep with a satin cap, hardly gets trims, and I have never seen her wear a protective style in her life. She always wears it down.

She could probably run through a ring of fire and her hair would have grown about an inch in the process (her hair grows fast too).

I simply told her that I hate her (in a nice way :look:), but she simply shrugged it off and continued pulling her hair into a tight ponytail and applying about 5 different products at once to get her hair to lay flat.


Her hair is simply resilient and loves heat (and abuse, only in her case). You guys may just be some of the lucky few, darn you :wallbash: Hope your hair gets back to where it was before. hair thrives with heat too! If it werent for indirect and direct heat, my hair would be a massive, tangled, matted, knotted ball of coiled strings. Do what works for YOUR hair and make no apologies!
Girl please, I was in bootcamp for a full week or two and I broke that rule, lol. :lachen:

For me I find that the same is VERY TRUE! I really cant do the no heat thing at all, my hair is just better when I have a good flat iron and can then style it with curls after (and that's where the NO DIRECT HEAT comes in as I use Carusos or Pincurl to achieve that look). For me the BEST thing to do to minimize heat damage was to invest in two really awesome flat irons with tourmaline/ceramic plates and that use far infared technology. These help to seal the cuticle and preserve moisture in the hair. I always do it on wash day, and wash day only after a good conditioning. I use heat protectant, and I'm good to go. I have not seen any adverse effects on my hair, instead my hair is thriving. I do this 2x a week. I first heard about this from Cathy Howse's book, and stuck to it, no problems for me. I also pay close attention to my ends and make sure I have a balance of protein and moisture, I think this is really important if you're going to use heat.

If you do it right, and dont over do it by using direct heat everyday, then you should be fine. Dont feel bad, you have nothing to feel bad about. What works for some may not work for all, your hair will tell you what SHE needs, :yep:.
My hair seems to do much better with heat too.
I'm still trying to learn and figure this stuff out.
Transitioning hair is a horse of a different color.