You Feel Like You're Doing Everything Right, But It's Still Breaking--CLICK NOW!

Great stuff Supergirl. That Mizani H20 Night Cream is definately the truth. It works wonders on new growth as well. (I can get a comb through my 4z roots in the back... YAY) :lol: Also it's true that Kera Care Hydrating poo works well with the protiens...I've been using Aphogee Intensive Keratin and I'm seeing some great results. Great thread sis.

Thank you for bumping up this thread. For a newbie like me, step-by-step directions is exactly what I need. Thanks SG!
I am a newbie as well and I appreciate this thread SG. Lord knows a sista needs some guidance. Good lookin out!
I just want to know where have I been that I did not see this thread before now. I LOVE Supergirl, just cus... Who else takes the time to share like this and give feed back! I've been slacking so much it's ridiculous. But I still find myself giving advice all the time. I should be using what I'm giving to others. I have not taken a supplement or vitamin in nearly a year, and It's not that my cabinets are not full enough as it is. In fact I should be throwing most of them out and starting over, due to expired dates. The only thing I have been sticking with is drinking water.

Just to add to Supergirl's post, I would suggest
* When you using your conditioner, wrap it with a hot towel and stick a shower cap on it till it cools. (this is LHCF advice that works)
* Use a seamless shower comb in the stream on the water.
* For your final rinse, use bottled water (distilled) if you have it or (AVC)
* If you use a towel, pat or squeeze gently with a microfiber one. (they are lint-free)
* and use those satin pillow cases to sleep on (heaven)
* for ponytails and buns, use stocking cut up in thick strips
* and if you have to flatiron use a Maxi-glide (it works)

Again I take nothing away from SUPERGIRL, I am only sharing what's in my nogen. Cus I know many of these DIVAs at LHCF have helped you, you ol' timers remember the original website. Let's help the newbies out !
HoneyDew said:
Breakage must be a HUGE problem. I cannot believe how many hits this thread has gotten. :eek:

you sure right HoneyDew. I know this information has helped MANY!
Oh, by the way guys, last weekend I saw this stuff at Beauty First last weekend. And they are having a buy one item - get one 50% off sale.

I saw it in the one in Columbia, for you Maryland ladies.

But, you know how yall be buying up stuff. They may not have anymore now. :)
Do I suspend my henna treatments during A ? Also, does anyone know how to put an actual picture in your sig ? I tried the
tags and only the link shows up, not the pic.
stinastina said:
Do I suspend my henna treatments during A ? Also, does anyone know how to put an actual picture in your sig ? I tried the
tags and only the link shows up, not the pic.

stinastina said:
I don't know why it's not working for me. :perplexed

If you're trying to link from fotki, then that's why it isn't working. Fotki does not allow direct linking/hotlinking. Upload the pic to,, or and then paste the link between the img tags.
navsegda said:
If you're trying to link from fotki, then that's why it isn't working. Fotki does not allow direct linking/hotlinking. Upload the pic to,, or and then paste the link between the img tags.

Tinypic worked great ! Thanks for your help, navsegda ! :rosebud:
This is just what I needed! My hair is breaking big time this winter. Piles of hair in the sink. I had stretched my relaxer from November 7th to today, January 27, and whoa boy, my hair did not appreciate it. 4Z roots and permed ends do not make a good match. My hair seems to respond better when its all one texture, either all natural or all relaxed. I will have to buy a clarifying shampoo and give that a shot next week, and I will scout out some of this Mizani H2O intense. So the petroleum hasn't been a factor for anyone? I worry about it coating my hair.
I was wondering if it's okay to do ACV rinses inbetween shampoos since I'm afraid of buildup? My ACV is pretty diluted so it doesn't get my hair squeaky clean but just clean and moisturized enough....
I'm glad this was bumped up. I so needed this right now. My hair is coming out every time I comb it. I'm going to try to clarify and get the Dudleys protein cream.