You ever went back to an ex?

I never have... but there is one that I would get back with in a heartbeat. I broke up with him because he was not operating on my time frame...and in retrospect I think I could have handled things differently. We never stopped talking despite both being in relationships with other persons during the last 2 years. We still talk pretty much everyday.
gn1g said:
oh my, not good. We must move forward a wonderful future and easier life lessons await us.

At the beginning of the year I read through a few threads on closure, most said it was not important. But after this episode I am incline to feel that it is crucial. We suffer wounds while relating to others and and go thru traumatic experiences and continue to limb along thru life. Never stopping or going back to heal properly. Those experience come out in other relationships kind of like a domino effect. Closing relationships can be very painful but important.

We have chambers and compartments in our hearts in which we hide parts of us that actually effect how we relate to others. It can be very subtle, be nevertheless it is there.

so I say to chebaby close those relationships and move on, your best is yet to come!


This is a great point...I got closure when I least expected and it brought a lot of unresolved feelings and made me regret meeting up with him. But now I am thankful for it because I am moving on.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Yes, and it's not a good idea IMO....especially if they're abusive. A majority of the time you go back to the same mess you just left, blocking anyone new (..and better) to enter your life.
Yes I have. Twice to the same dude. And each time I left sooner than the time before. I can't stomach him anymore. I respect him as a person, he's just not the kind of person I respect. Does that make sense?

Another guy I dated in college. He was so sweet. Things got messy with his ex and we ended contact. Then we reconnected and we've been joined at the hip for almost two years. So far, worth it. He's a great guy. Not at all like my previous KANG
No, but I would say it depends on why we broke up. If its a matter of things like time or one of us were movinh and circumstance got in the way, sure. If we actually had problems beyond " well i am moving to the other side of the earth" probably a bad idea.

I still talk to almost all of my exes though.

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Cosigning the above... Don't do it!! No matter what you think the reasons for ending the relationship in the first place are still there. Don't do it! Don't do it! Don't do it!!!
I still want closure from my last relationship. But I would not take him back. I would always think about what he put me through.

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I did.

I wanted closure and it was the best sex I had ever had. That's hard to give up..:look:

Never ever go backwards if you can help it. Never.
Yep I did!

I broke up with my at the time boyfriend because we were just complete polar opposites. I ended our relationship for about a year, because I didn't think we'd be happy together.

After about a year he came to bring me back my bike that I left at his house (just an excuse to see each other) and we began to chit chat and after about 3 months he proposed to me.

We got married July 24th 2010 :)

My mother and grandmother always told me that when you break up with someone you should NEVER go back. But during my break I realized that he kept me grounded.
I wish I had an ex to talk about going back to but alas I have no exes at the age of 27. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
the best determinant of future behavior is past behavior. theres some exceptions to the rule but dating an ex is like rewatching movie you've already seen. Would u watch a crappy movie for a 2nd time hoping it was better this time around?

However if the previous relationship ended & it wasnt for reasons like disrespect, cheating, etc then rekindling could work out.

good luck
I wish I had an ex to talk about going back to but alas I have no exes at the age of 27. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing.


I was like you at 27. Trust me, it's frustrating as hayle but a good thing. Just listen to all the miserable stories around you. When I finally did get into a relationship (which was a hot mess) I longed for the days I was single. I know what I'm saying might be a hard pill to swallow when you haven't been on this end but grrrrrl, take your time!
Yes. Multiple times with different exes. It usually ended with us breaking up yet remaining friends. Most recently I got back with my ex last year after a 3 year hiatus. We are now married and expecting. Life is good.