You ever went back to an ex?

Both, I know that is a crazy answer, but we able to rekindle that love we had for each other for a while. But old behaviors and attitudes showed up again and this time we were mature enough to agree it was better to end it. We are still friends today.
If you mean break up and get back together after weeks or less than I have done it...plenty of times lol

Gone for what I thought was for But I would consider it.
I did and it was one of the worst decisions I have made in my life.
We were together when I was 17 we ended things on a good note. The next time around, not so much. I'm very much over it..but still think he's a piece of $hit.
I did and it was one of the worst decisions I have made in my life.
We were together when I was 17 we ended things on a good note. The next time around, not so much. I'm very much over it..but still think he's a piece of $hit.

LOL tell us how you really feel.
Yep. Should have left him alone when we broke up in college the first time. Instead I ended up having to call off my wedding at the age of 27 because he was up to the same old mess. Horrible decision for me.
Yes, and it turned out perfect! We were together for a couple of years in a LDR, broke up, both entered new relationships (which didn't last...) and got back together about a year and a half ago (no longer long distance).

Things couldn't be any better...
Yep. Should have left him alone when we broke up in college the first time. Instead I ended up having to call off my wedding at the age of 27 because he was up to the same old mess. Horrible decision for me.

I'm so sorry. This is EXACTLY what I'm worried about. Reason #454574 why I don't plan on getting back with him despite his plans....
Yup and regretted it. Never, ever, again will I even consider reconnecting with an ex. NEVER!
nope for some reason after im done with a guy he looses whatever appeal that he had before and the sight of him makes my skin crawl.

there is one exception and thats ds father. i would take him back in a heartbeat.
Yes it was a waste of time and I will never do it again. The reason why is because I was still in love with him and he didn't cheat and I didn't either,meh just didn't like the ways handled some things so we split and we got back together twice because he said he always thought about me, but when I broke up with him it was final
Yep, after he dumped me like a piece of trash I took him back like an idiot. Then I found out he was sleeping with some other chick. I was 18 and very stupid.
Yes, and it ended up being a bad idea. Reconciliations rarely work. I had to learn that the hard way. I wasted a lot of time on something that went nowhere.
Anybody ever went back to an ex. Did it turn out to be a bad idea or good idea?

thats all i ever do. always been my problem :nono:
I'm back with another ex :lol: will i ever learn..
but everything is beautiful so far. we were together 15 years ago when we were younger and not ready for each other.
Yes I have. It was a terrible decision (still getting over that a$$). Don't do

yup the 1 heartbreak of my life was from getting back with an ex. years and years of getting over him..i honestly dont think ill ever be 100% over him.
Unofficial answer: Yep and we're seriously talking marriage. We just had things to work out with each other before we could be fully invested and once we did that, we were good.

Official answer: Of course, the end is not yet, so I'll let you know the official answer next year if I'm married or not.

ETA: I'd never consider getting back with any other exes though. That'd definitely be a recipe for disaster.
nope for some reason after im done with a guy he looses whatever appeal that he had before and the sight of him makes my skin crawl.

there is one exception and thats ds father. i would take him back in a heartbeat.

Really? I thought he was awful to you.
I have and we're going strong but our break up was mutual and had more to do with time a distance than anything. If trust was broken or it was a bad break up i wouldn't go back to an ex.
Yes… We dated in high school. I was a freshman and he a senior. We drifted apart after he graduated but still remained friends. We dated again but it ended when I moved way after college for about 9 years. Our “break ups” have never been fights or messy… we were just in different places in our lives. Two years ago we reconnected when I moved back to my hometown and we’ve been inseparable ever since and got married July 14, 2012!
Both, I know that is a crazy answer, but we able to rekindle that love we had for each other for a while. But old behaviors and attitudes showed up again and this time we were mature enough to agree it was better to end it. We are still friends today.

^^I know that to be tru.

I was told never go backwards. K.I.M. forward.
Unofficial answer: Yep and we're seriously talking marriage. We just had things to work out with each other before we could be fully invested and once we did that, we were good.

Official answer: Of course, the end is not yet, so I'll let you know the official answer next year if I'm married or not.

ETA: I'd never consider getting back with any other exes though. That'd definitely be a recipe for disaster.

chocolat79 Woah!!! This sounds very similar to my situation. I need to figure out what I'm doing...
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I have and I always wind up kicking myself in the end. I've learned that if you don't fix the problems/issues that caused you to break up before you get back together, then it's not going to work. You can't sweep things under the rug and hope that things magically work out.
all i ever do is get back with exes. they always come back and i usually let them:perplexed:
there is one who has been in and out of the picture for 11 years:nono: he is the reason im a mess in the first place. he was my first everything and the reason i dont expect much from men.
I never have and thankfully haven't been tempted to. But I think if I ever had a relationship that ended because he or I had to move, I may consider dating again if we move closer and are both interested. I think it's harder if the relationship ended due to trust being broken.
all i ever do is get back with exes. they always come back and i usually let them:perplexed:
there is one who has been in and out of the picture for 11 years:nono: he is the reason im a mess in the first place. he was my first everything and the reason i dont expect much from men.

oh my, not good. We must move forward a wonderful future and easier life lessons await us.

At the beginning of the year I read through a few threads on closure, most said it was not important. But after this episode I am incline to feel that it is crucial. We suffer wounds while relating to others and and go thru traumatic experiences and continue to limb along thru life. Never stopping or going back to heal properly. Those experience come out in other relationships kind of like a domino effect. Closing relationships can be very painful but important.

We have chambers and compartments in our hearts in which we hide parts of us that actually effect how we relate to others. It can be very subtle, be nevertheless it is there.

so I say to chebaby close those relationships and move on, your best is yet to come!
