Yes to Carrots


Trichological Alchemist
Has anyone tried the Yes to Carrots line of hair care products? Any reviews? Their Hair & Scalp Mud Mask looks like something I'd like to try (I LOVE hair masks!) :lick:


(I’m sorry if a similar request for reviews was already posted. :) )
oooohhh...i NEED to know the answer to the above question. I read the ingredients online the other day and boy before i knew it i was scampering to walgreens to window shop:lachen:...I may buy it tomorrow...will let you know if i really do:rolleyes:
I was gonna make a thread inquiring about this product yesterday. I saw two full page ads in next month's Elle magazine. It looks promising. Can't wait to get to Walgreens!
Camellia posted about this line, but it's been a while now. She said she was interested in trying it, but I'm not sure if she did. Try a search or hit her up for a review.:yep:
Thanks for checking in ladies! :D I also saw an ad for the products in the Sunday paper and figured someone would have tried it here... :lol: Ah, well. I think I'm gonna have to hit up Walgreens, too... :look: *as if I don't have enough products already... * :lachen:

Thanks again!!!
Re: Yes to Carrots RESULTS!'s to the inquiring minds that were asking about the yes to carrots line. Yes, there is a buy one get one 50% off @ Walgreens right now, so i bought the conditioning mud mask (in the bottle not the one in the jar) and i bought the hand and elbow cream as well

Much as i want to rave about how great the conditioner is because of the ingredients. Id have to say that this product is just okay. It didn't perform miracles on my hair (but then again i left it on for almost an hour when the instructions said 3 mins :lachen:). Also, the instructions said to shampoo first and, well, i didnt :blush: i just rinsed my hair and left the conditioner on for an hour.
I do plan on doing it according to instructions this Saturday i d keep y'all posted.

Oh yea, the hand cream is the bomb! My palms used to feel like rocks but now!!! yeehaaa...i cant stop rubbing my own palms :) :grin:
Re: Yes to Carrots RESULTS!'s to the inquiring minds that were asking about the yes to carrots line. Yes, there is a buy one get one 50% off @ Walgreens right now, so i bought the conditioning mud mask (in the bottle not the one in the jar) and i bought the hand and elbow cream as well

Much as i want to rave about how great the conditioner is because of the ingredients. Id have to say that this product is just okay. It didn't perform miracles on my hair (but then again i left it on for almost an hour when the instructions said 3 mins :lachen:). Also, the instructions said to shampoo first and, well, i didnt :blush: i just rinsed my hair and left the conditioner on for an hour.
I do plan on doing it according to instructions this Saturday i d keep y'all posted.

Oh yea, the hand cream is the bomb! My palms used to feel like rocks but now!!! yeehaaa...i cant stop rubbing my own palms :) :grin:

I was wondering about their face and skin products... :look:

Thanks for the review!!! I decided to try out the hair mud mask. I really like the Profective one (makes my hair slinky! :lol: ) so I want to try another one.
So….I just finished up my hair using the Yes To Carrots mask. :)

The results?: pretty much the same as Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol Conditioning Treatment, or LeKair’s Cholesterol. That is to say it is good, effective, excellent on tangles (and I mean excellent), but you’ll probably get the same results you do as when you use a cheaper Cholesterol deep conditioner. Actually, it smells a lot like Silk Elements, though has a slightly less thick consistency (thick and creamy, but still very spreadable. Maybe closer to the NTM mask).

All in all, I was happy with the results—it felt very nice massaging it into my hair as tangles melted away and that's saying a lot because I did an intensive pore cleaning and clarifying wash—but nothing I can’t get from products I already have (and paid less for, though Yes To Carrots is very affordably priced). :yep: