
Well-Known Member
Well, thanks to Mook, Whimsy and then Soliel185 (and others:drunk:) who were also long-term transitioners who chopped this year, I did my BC today as well!:grin:

I transitioned for almost 16 months. I just got the urge to chop today, so I did.:look:

CLick thumbnails to see pics larger....

Before the chop: freshly clarified and conditioned, no product

Back of hair before chop:

All my hair....:look:

After chop... aloe vera gel all over:

Awww...I'm pleased with my BC and will prolly wear my hair like this most days until I figure it out a little more!

I still see some relaxed ends in there sticking up and I plan to keep snipping them as I go until they are all removed. I cut me some little sideburns and thought I was the schnizit! :lachen:

I can't wait to try some twists and some braidouts and some other things. I'll be stalking FOTKI's and profiles over the next few months, but all in all I am VERY pleased with my BC and the transitioning experience. I would not have been able to do it without LHCF!

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Wow you have renewed my resolve to transition despite what other people may think or the tough times I face, I will just hug and cuddle my conditioners, oils, butters, and detanglers while I think of your photos. Ok I sound like a stalker, sorry.
It is BC fever around here! Your hair looks very pretty! I am so jelly of you long term transtioners with your regular size fros.
It is BC fever around here! Your hair looks very pretty! I am so jelly of you long term transtioners with your regular size fros.

I tried to resist the BC bug, but it got me in the end:lachen: I wanted to wait until 18 months, but I couldn't take it anymore...It had been niggling at me for about 3 weeks even though my transition was going very smooth with no issues...:yep:
You look great! :yep: Congratulatons; I'm sure it must be a relief after all those months!

Yep! I am really ready to start learning more about my natural hair. I have so many products and have learned so many techniques since being relaxed and then through the transition, I am ready to start re-learning about my hair and starting this next chapter.
Very pretty!

You have a hair twin here somewhere cuz I could have sworn I'd seen your 'after' pics before.

Girl, if you remember, please PM me so I can stalk her FOTKI/profile whatever she may have so I can get some info on what wil work for my hair:yep:

Oh em gee! Beautiful! Congrats!!!!! I was hanging in there thinking I had a transitioning buddy in you LOL.

THANKS! Sorry on the transitioning thing...It was SO impulsive today. I hadn't planned on doing it, but just ended up grabbing the scissors and after about 2 min, just starting snipping....My transitioning buddy Morenita is gonna kill me...:look:
Congrats, FindingMe!!! I knew you were going to cut before the end of the month. It looks terrific and so healthy. Have fun with your new hair.
oh my gosh o my gooosssshhhh i love it i ****** LOVE IT!!!!
how do you feel?!
you did a damn good transition girl!!!!!