den1 said:
Congrats that's brilliant, I'm approaching 3 weeks post and my hair still feels and looks silky and moisturised. Thanks for writing in to share your experience with SE.

Thank you. I've added some pictures to my fotki to show the results. I hope you can see my hair okay. I don't have a great camera but I used what I could. :) I am very happy with the results, very happy.
Kenedie said:
Thank you. I've added some pictures to my fotki to show the results. I hope you can see my hair okay. I don't have a great camera but I used what I could. :) I am very happy with the results, very happy.
Wow thanks for sharing your pics. Your hair looks AWESOME is soo silky straight and healthy looking. I love the length. I'm with SE for life
I've never used a lye relaxer before. But for the past couple of years, my no-lyes have been underprocessed big time. This last time in August was the worst and the dryness really shocked me.

So..i'm relaxing again this Sunday and intend to pick up the SE reg. relaxer. Is this the one? http://www.sallybeauty.com/shop/1541/373610

Also they may be a stupid question but do you have to mix it like the no-lyes? If I just buy this tub of SE relaxer since it's not in a kit what other products do I need to purchase to go along w/ it?
kitkat3ny said:
I've never used a lye relaxer before. But for the past couple of years, my no-lyes have been underprocessed big time. This last time in August was the worst and the dryness really shocked me.

So..i'm relaxing again this Sunday and intend to pick up the SE reg. relaxer. Is this the one? http://www.sallybeauty.com/shop/1541/373610

Also they may be a stupid question but do you have to mix it like the no-lyes? If I just buy this tub of SE relaxer since it's not in a kit what other products do I need to purchase to go along w/ it?

Yep, that's the one I've seen at Sally. You'll also need to pick up some neutralizing shampoo (I don't think the brand matters) and a deep conditioner if you don't already have a favorite one.
Thanks so much. I love Mega Silk Moisturizing treatment for deep cond.
I guess i'll try the Proclamin neutralizer.

So there's no mixing involved?
Kenedie said:
Thank you. I've added some pictures to my fotki to show the results. I hope you can see my hair okay. I don't have a great camera but I used what I could. I am very happy with the results, very happy.

Your hair looks wonderful! Welcome to the SE revolution:lol: I last relaxed 8/28 with SE regular and it's still soft and straight.
SE has a number of other products, including my beloved MegaCholesterol which are excellent!!!
kitkat3ny said:
Thanks so much. I love Mega Silk Moisturizing treatment for deep cond.
I guess i'll try the Proclamin neutralizer.

So there's no mixing involved?

I don't think so, it should be ready to go. All of the "professional" lye relaxers I see in BSS are in those tubs and don't require mixing. I'm not sure why boxed no-lye kits do...maybe to extend the shelf life? :confused:

Anyway, I haven't actually tried SE yet, but I will in about a month! I've read almost every thread about it.:) Good luck!
kitkat3ny said:
Thanks so much. I love Mega Silk Moisturizing treatment for deep cond.
I guess i'll try the Proclamin neutralizer.

So there's no mixing involved?
You will like the proclaim neutraliser its very moisturising plus it smells like almonds, yummy!!
Thanks! I'll report back on Sunday and tell you all how the relaxer worked out. Well it can't be worst than the last relaxer in August w/ Profectiv.
kitkat3ny said:
Thanks! I'll report back on Sunday and tell you all how the relaxer worked out. Well it can't be worst than the last relaxer in August w/ Profectiv.
Good-luck, i'm sure everything will be fine.

your hair always looks very nice (texture, shine, & length)! i am excited for you and your journey to regrowth and combatting dryness. you can do it.

okay, now i have a couple of questions for you, my dear. after reading all your hype/success i went to sallys and purchased the silk elements relaxer w/shea butter- mild formula, silk elements megasilk intense conditioning mayonnaise, & the silk elements neutralising shampoo.

i have 2 different set of directions on the bottles. PARAPHRASING - on the NS bottle it states to rinse with a good force, saturate the hair w/neutralising shampoo, and leave it in straight form (do not manipulate). on the relaxer jar it says to wash as usual. the relaxer jar also states to apply conditioner for 10 minutes BEFORE neutralising-which i am totally excited about this step: the conditioner will get in the hair while the cuticle is raised and condition really well. why did you choose to skip this step? do you think it's bad for the hair? what do you think about the directions on the neutralising shampoo bottle that states not to manipulate the hair?

thanks in advance!

ps- happy hair growing
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ladylibra_30 said:

your hair always looks very nice (texture, shine, & length)! i am excited for you and your journey to regrowth and combatting dryness. you can do it.

okay, now i have a couple of questions for you, my dear. after reading all your hype/success i went to sallys and purchased the silk elements relaxer w/shea butter- mild formula, silk elements megasilk intense conditioning mayonnaise, & the silk elements neutralising shampoo.

i have 2 different set of directions on the bottles. PARAPHRASING - on the NS bottle it states to rinse with a good force, saturate the hair w/neutralising shampoo, and leave it in straight form (do not manipulate). on the relaxer jar it says to wash as usual. the relaxer jar also states to apply conditioner for 10 minutes BEFORE neutralising-which i am totally excited about this step: the conditioner will get in the hair while the cuticle is raised and condition really well. why did you choose to skip this step? do you think it's bad for the hair? what do you think about the directions on the neutralising shampoo bottle that states not to manipulate the hair?

thanks in advance!

ps- happy hair growing
Hello thanks for the compliments, I decided not to purchase SE neutralising poo, due to the price so I never attempted to read the instructions. I used Proclaim neutralising poo instead. I read the SE relaxer instructions quite carefully and followed every step. My relaxer jar states to netrualise first then condition with luxury moisturising conditioner. I've had no ill efects so far, I know that some companies do recommend conditioning before neutralising for the same reasons you mentioned. Which formula did you buy lye or no lye? As for no manipulation its pretty hard not to... the aim is to rinse all traces of relaxer from hair shaft.
den1 said:
Hello thanks for the compliments, I decided not to purchase SE neutralising poo, due to the price so I never attempted to read the instructions. I used Proclaim neutralising poo instead. I read the SE relaxer instructions quite carefully and followed every step. My relaxer jar states to netrualise first then condition with luxury moisturising conditioner. I've had no ill efects so far, I know that some companies do recommend conditioning before neutralising for the same reasons you mentioned. Which formula did you buy lye or no lye? As for no manipulation its pretty hard not to... the aim is to rinse all traces of relaxer from hair shaft.

you are welcome and thanks for replying.
i bought the lye relaxer.
I chickened out on Saturday and instead used the ORS relaxer. My hair came out ok, but still underprocessed. I think the next time I use a professional to apply my relaxer i'll use the Lye but until then I don't trust myself to apply it without damaging the hair.
hi den!

i got a retouch on this past saturday...

first i want to say that that perm burnt the dickens outta me! my scalp is scabby but my hair is shole' happy...LOL! i can say that i am fried, dyed, & laid to the side. my scalp will be okay though.

all i can say is my hair is beautiful. it has a sheen and shine AT THE SAME TIME! wow! i WILL be replacing my revlon realistic with the SE going forward. i put the mayonnaisse (sp?) in before neutralising and i was in heaven (i don't know why doing this gives me such a huge thrill...perhaps i think i'm doing something really good for my tresses?) i also enjoyed my deep condition tx w/the cholesterol. my hair is so light, airy, & silky...doesn't even look real. i'm going to post pics too.

thanks den for your review on the perm.

ps- my hair doesn't have that plastered-just-permed-look either...it is really swingy!
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ladylibra_30 said:
hi den!

i got a retouch on this past saturday...

first i want to say that that perm burnt the dickens outta me! my scalp is scabby but my hair is shole' happy...LOL! i can say that i am fried, dyed, & laid to the side. my scalp will be okay though.

all i can say is my hair is beautiful. it has a sheen and shine AT THE SAME TIME! wow! i WILL be replacing my revlon realistic with the SE going forward. i put the mayonnaisse (sp?) in before neutralising and i was in heaven (i don't know why doing this gives me such a huge thrill...perhaps i think i'm doing something really good for my tresses?) i also enjoyed my deep condition tx w/the cholesterol. my hair is so light, airy, & silky...doesn't even look real. i'm going to post pics too.

thanks den for your review on the perm.

ps- my hair doesn't have that plastered-just-permed-look either...it is really swingy!
I'm soo sorry that your scalp got under attack from SE....
I didn't burn one bit, maybe because i had tons of products on my hair/scalp which acted as a barrier. I am well happy that your hair turned out beautiful, i cannot wait until you post these pics.

You mentioned that you conditioned before neutralising, i may try this next time too, it does make a difference because the cuticles are open so when you apply the conditioner first it can penetrate deep to restore lost moisture/protein. congrats on a wonderful experience.
Hi Den1,

Okay, it's been about 3 weeks and I meant to post earlier about my SE results. I used the Regular strength. The results were pretty decent - most of my hair got straight. I burned, too, though, and was ready for that relaxer to be washed out at about 14 minutes. So, the side that was applied last is a little underprocessed. BUT, my hairdresser was in a hurry (I was late for my appointment) and didn't base me nearly as well as she usually does. So, my scalp was pretty bare with no protection. I'm pretty sure that if she had based better, I wouldn't have burned as quickly (if at all).

I "chickened out" (using someone's above term) on buying the luxury moisturizing conditioner due to the price and the fact that mineral oil was at the top of the list. I haven't had good experiences with deep conditioners that have lots of mineral oil. So, I just stuck with my Designer Touch post perm treatment (a reconstructor) to use for deep conditioning after rinsing the relaxer out before neutralizing (as mentioned above).

So, most of my hair got nicely straight and it was all very silky. I definitely like it a lot better than than the Designer's Touch I was using before (22 minutes or more and not nearly as straight). So, I'm staying with it for awhile until I get it right. Next time, I'm going to get based very well to avoid burning so early. I think a few more minutes would've been perfect. If it continues to burn and work as fast as it did this time, I may switch to using the mild (and I have very coarse, thick hair!)

Just wanted to update! Thanks for encouraging me to use this relaxer. :)
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I relaxed my hair with SE for the first time last week and it will be the last time. My scalp has never burned this severe before. There are scabs all throughout my head. And I used the the MILD formula. On the flip side my hair is looking good. I'll definitely use the conditioner again.
CarmelTreat said:
Hi Den1,

Okay, it's been about 3 weeks and I meant to post earlier about my SE results. I used the Regular strength. The results were pretty decent - most of my hair got straight. I burned, too, though, and was ready for that relaxer to be washed out at about 14 minutes. So, the side that was applied last is a little underprocessed. BUT, my hairdresser was in a hurry (I was late for my appointment) and didn't base me nearly as well as she usually does. So, my scalp was pretty bear with no protection. I'm pretty sure that if she had based better, I wouldn't have burned as quickly (if at all).

I "chickened out" (using someone's above term) on buying the luxury moisturizing conditioner due to the price and the fact that mineral oil was at the top of the list. I haven't had good experiences with deep conditioners that have lots of mineral oil. So, I just stuck with my Designer Touch post perm treatment (a reconstructor) to use for deep conditioning after rinsing the relaxer out before neutralizing (as mentioned above).

So, most of my hair got nicely straight and it was all very silky. I definitely like it a lot better than than the Designer's Touch I was using before (22 minutes or more and not nearly as straight). So, I'm staying with it for awhile until I get it right. Next time, I'm going to get based very well to avoid burning so early. I think a few more minutes would've been perfect. If it continues to burn and work as fast as it did this time, I may switch to using the mild (and I have very coarse, thick hair!)

Just wanted to update! Thanks for encouraging me to use this relaxer. :)
Congrats on your SE touch results, don't worry about the underprocessed area, the main thing is that your scalp has healed, from the burn, next time you could have the stylist base throughly and everything hopefully will be perfect. i was going to pospone my touch-uo till feb 2007 but chrismas is coming up and i have a lot of newgrowth, i don't want to look terrible so i'm gonna go for another touch-up on 15 or 16 DEC. thanks for posting your results.
den1 said:
the main thing is that your scalp has healed, from the burn, next time you could have the stylist base throughly and everything hopefully will be perfect.

Oh yes. It has healed fine. I don't play around with scalp burning anymore. As soon as I really start to feel it (the warning is that itchy feeling), I make the hairdresser wash it out. So, no big deal. This relaxer has really kept my hair feeling soft, though. I was able to do a very nice rollerset on Thanksgiving and it's still very soft and manageable today (almost 3.5 weeks). I meant to take pictures, but never got around to it. I'll definitely do it after my next relaxer.

How's your hair feeling? Still liking it after several weeks? Wish you the best on your next touch-up. Gotta look cute for the holidays! :woot:
CarmelTreat said:
Oh yes. It has healed fine. I don't play around with scalp burning anymore. As soon as I really start to feel it (the warning is that itchy feeling), I make the hairdresser wash it out. So, no big deal. This relaxer has really kept my hair feeling soft, though. I was able to do a very nice rollerset on Thanksgiving and it's still very soft and manageable today (almost 3.5 weeks). I meant to take pictures, but never got around to it. I'll definitely do it after my next relaxer.

How's your hair feeling? Still liking it after several weeks? Wish you the best on your next touch-up. Gotta look cute for the holidays! :woot:
I don't blame you, one time i held out just to ensure my hair processed properely and ended up losing hair, so i realised its not worth it. i'm glad you had a nice experience with rollersetting, your hair sounds lovely. My relaxed hair is still quite soft and silky looking, but my newgrowth is something else. I know its quite early for a relaxer but i'm growing a baby afro beneath all theis relaxed hair. I do hope i can post some hair length shots after this.
ACEA said:
I relaxed my hair with SE for the first time last week and it will be the last time. My scalp has never burned this severe before. There are scabs all throughout my head. And I used the the MILD formula. On the flip side my hair is looking good. I'll definitely use the conditioner again.
I'm so sorry you experience bad scalp burns, did you base? i'm glad you like the conditioner. wish you the best
Congratulations Den1,
I am so happy for you!!
I am really tired of my natural hair!! I am constantly wearing wigs because I cannot do much with my hair as it is. The elastic band on the wig is stopping hair that is in contact with it from growing too.
I would really like to relax again if I could get results like you. Another concern I have is where to find a good stylist that would do what I ask her to do.

Anyway let me not bore you with my hair issues. Happy hair growing!
brandy said:
Congratulations Den1,
I am so happy for you!!
I am really tired of my natural hair!! I am constantly wearing wigs because I cannot do much with my hair as it is. The elastic band on the wig is stopping hair that is in contact with it from growing too.
I would really like to relax again if I could get results like you. Another concern I have is where to find a good stylist that would do what I ask her to do.

Anyway let me not bore you with my hair issues. Happy hair growing!
Hello Brandy, are you sure you want a relaxer? maybe your just bored and need a temporary change, have you tried pressing your hair,?its just that i don't want to to rush into anything and regret your decision. I do love the silk elements relaer because it makes my hair so soft and silky my friend relaxes my hair for me, she is a natural hairstylist mainly and she helped grow my hair near waistlength. she has some experience in relaxing and i really only trust her because she applies it quickly and times it well. PM me if you would like her details.
den1 said:
My relaxed hair is still quite soft and silky looking, but my newgrowth is something else. I know its quite early for a relaxer but i'm growing a baby afro beneath all theis relaxed hair.

Yeah, mine is getting a little thick, too. I'm wondering if there's something to those people talking about their hair reverted after using SE. Mine hasn't reverted but it's very "thick" right now. Not unmanagable or rough or anything, but just a little thick at the roots- the hair still seems relaxed, though. Might just be new growth. :scratchch Hmmmmm...some food for thought and to keep in consideration as we keep using SE.