Hi Den1,
Okay, it's been about 3 weeks and I meant to post earlier about my SE results. I used the Regular strength. The results were pretty decent -
most of my hair got straight. I burned, too, though, and was ready for that relaxer to be washed out at about 14 minutes. So, the side that was applied last is a little underprocessed. BUT, my hairdresser was in a hurry (I was late for my appointment) and didn't base me nearly as well as she usually does. So, my scalp was pretty bear with no protection. I'm pretty sure that if she had based better, I wouldn't have burned as quickly (if at all).
I "chickened out" (using someone's above term) on buying the luxury moisturizing conditioner due to the price and the fact that mineral oil was at the top of the list. I haven't had good experiences with deep conditioners that have lots of mineral oil. So, I just stuck with my Designer Touch post perm treatment (a reconstructor) to use for deep conditioning after rinsing the relaxer out before neutralizing (as mentioned above).
So, most of my hair got nicely straight and it was all very silky. I definitely like it a lot better than than the Designer's Touch I was using before (22 minutes or more and not nearly as straight). So, I'm staying with it for awhile until I get it right. Next time, I'm going to get based very well to avoid burning so early. I think a few more minutes would've been perfect. If it continues to burn and work as fast as it did this time, I may switch to using the mild (and I have very coarse, thick hair!)
Just wanted to update! Thanks for encouraging me to use this relaxer.