Yay or Nay - Over the Phone Relationships?


Well-Known Member
I was at work last week and a male client (not my personal client) called to get some information. I'm just answering the questions randomly, nothing thinking anything serious about it. Once I answered all his questions, heres what happened:

Him - You know, you have such a beautiful speaking voice.
Me - *chuckles* Yah okay thankyou.
Him - I bet you hear that alot?
Me - Every now and then.
Him - *laughs* Oh okay! Well I think you can learn alot about a person just based off their voice. And I would really like to get to know you better.... Is it okay if we chitchat outSIDE of the workday and see where it leads?
Me - (caught off guard) So youre just going based off my voice alone eh?
Him - Yep. I can tell you have a sweet personality. I like sweet people.
Me - (still caught off guard) Um hold on for one second.

So I put the joker in my voicemail. :rolleyes: I'm a dork who doesn't know how to take compliments, advances, etc. He left a voicemail leaving his contact info, etc.

Anywho he calls back today wanting to speak to his attorney. I got the call and told him the attorney wasn't available, was there something I can do?

Him - So did you get my voicemail?
Me - (Lawd Jesus, who is this???) Excuse me?
Him - This is ******. We talked last week. I thought it was really smooth how you put me in your voicemail, I liked that.
Me - (Lawd Jesus is this man stalkin me???) Oh! Hey there. Um yes I got your voicemail. Thanks. (See? Dork.)
Him - It's all good. Well you have my contact info if you ever want to talk or just go out sometime. I think we'd have fun.
Me - Oh okay yah. Thanks.


My question to you guys is would you ever meet up with someone based off their vocals alone? Dude said he can tell if someone is sweet just based off their voice. Do you think that to be true?

(DISCLAIMER: I realize he was just spitting game, I'm just asking you guys' opinion on this topic. :p )
Well I'd say do your research...if you're cool with his atty then you can get the inside scoop w/o violating atty/client privilege of course:look:.

Find out if he's a nice person, or if you should RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUN!!! If he gets the thumbs up from his atty, I'd say call him. You never know.
I would say RUNNNNNNNN!!!! But, I actually have a simular story.

I met a guy in a yahoo music chat room about 3 years ago. He sent me an IM (totally innocent one) and I responded. We talked about music for a while and eventually I called him (metro, free LD):grin:. He told me he lived in Michigan and Im in Cali so what's the harm in talking. So we talked on the phone, LOTS of chemistry, and he gave me the same "beautiful voice" Compliment:Blush2:.

We talked every night for about 3 months until he wanted to meet me (we'd talked like a whole 3 weeks b4 seeing eachothers pics!) So he flew out to Cali and we met at the airport (lots of crouds. I wouldnt be in a secluded place with him. I REALLY liked him but I still didnt know him like that yet<----momma's advice), and he was even more handsome in person (6' 4"- 200 lbs really nice brown skin:love:...the works!) we hit it off he stayed in a hotel (no sex or anything...We kissed but that was it :kiss:) we had a blast in San Francisco etc., he met my mom (a must!) and he flew back to MI in a few days. We kept this going on for a year , he'd come out every few months, and eventually I was okay with him flying me out to see him.

2 years later he moved out to Cali permenantly and now we've lived together since february.

So, my advice is if you have a good feeling about him, I'd say proceed w/ caution but go for it. Back in that music room 3 years ago, my current BF wasnt the only one to send me a message, but for some reason I had a good feeling about this "stranger" and I'm SOOOOOOO glad I did give him the time of day. But if there's someting weird about your guy or if you get a bad gut feeling...STAY AWAY. Otherside, I'm all for phone relationships because I think they force you to get to know that person mentally, before you get physical with them.
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Frankie - Nah I prolly won't hook up with ol dude. I guess I was just wondering what you guys thought about meeting someone over the phone, then going from there. Maybe I didn't express myself well. OR maybe I should have called this thread 'Hot Phone Sex at Work, is it wrong???' :rolleyes: :lol:

CollieCole - Wow your story is so great!!!!! :D :D :love: Thank you so much for sharing! I too agree that getting to know someone over the phone does put you in a position to get to know them on a more mental level. My only concern would be facial expression and body language... you can tell alot about what a person is thinking just by the way they wrinkle their brow, ya feel me? :)
Frankie - Nah I prolly won't hook up with ol dude. I guess I was just wondering what you guys thought about meeting someone over the phone, then going from there. Maybe I didn't express myself well. OR maybe I should have called this thread 'Hot Phone Sex at Work, is it wrong???' :rolleyes: :lol:


I met my current SO over the phone. He saw my pic at one of my friends' apt. Asked her to hook him up, she said she'd call me for him, she did, we talked and haven't stopped. We met that next week, dated for about 6.5 months and became a committed couple thereafter:grin:.

I was kinda confused when she told me someone was at her place that wanted to talk to me...I thought she meant one of our friends. When SO got on the phone, I was like "Who are you???":lachen: Our communication skills are great though, because well he knew what I looked like b4 we met, but I had to go off of a description until we met, actually until I did some investigative internet searching but he doesn't know that:look: , so it wasn't a physical attraction so much as a mental connection.

Colliecole...I love your story!!!
Frankie - Nah I prolly won't hook up with ol dude. I guess I was just wondering what you guys thought about meeting someone over the phone, then going from there. Maybe I didn't express myself well. OR maybe I should have called this thread 'Hot Phone Sex at Work, is it wrong???' :rolleyes: :lol:

CollieCole - Wow your story is so great!!!!! :D :D :love: Thank you so much for sharing! I too agree that getting to know someone over the phone does put you in a position to get to know them on a more mental level. My only concern would be facial expression and body language... you can tell alot about what a person is thinking just by the way they wrinkle their brow, ya feel me? :)

Aww you guys liked my cheeseball love story:Blush2::)...now days I'm looking at my BF watching Dave Chapell in his draws, spilling Doritos on the carpet and I'm like "I cant believe all that stuff really happened..." :lachen:

But you're right is it different at first when your in person. Now, I had already fallen in love with my him over the phone so when I met him, every little weird facial expression was like "aww thats so cute:cupidarrow:!!!!" But Ill be honest, that first hour of meating him was SO WEIRD!!!! (especially since we kindof...sortof... did the phone sex thing already:rolleyes:...just a little) we went to Lake Merrit in Oakland and had like a little picnic and stuff (so cheesy I know...Mommas idea) And for a while it was so hard to look him in the eye. And he couldn't really look me in the eye either so for a second I'm like :sad: "Oh no he thinks I'm ugly!!!!" but I asked him about it the next day and he was like "No it was the opposite. I didn't expect you to be so pretty.." Takes a mintue to match the face to the voice...but most likely if you've got chemistry on the phone, and the guy dont look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame...you'll be fine! Because how many people went on a date with a really fine a$$ guy with all this game when you met, and once he opened his mouth and really started talkin you're like EEWW! No conversation skills!!! then every face he makes is grossing you out because he's such a slimeball. I think conversation is most of the battle.

And if you talk to him enough on the phone...you'll start to notice changes in the voice that are almost the same as being right there in the person's face. I dont know how many times when my BF and I were Long Distance and all he did was pick up the phone and say "Hey" and I'm like "Uh oh...Whats wrong??? Why'd you say hey like that?" and come to find out something was wrong LOL
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My question to you guys is would you ever meet up with someone based off their vocals alone?

I actually did. I was living in Japan after my junior year of college and I had a job as a bartender so during the day I was free.... Well I kept in touch with my friends and family through Yahoo IM and one day I met this guy in the Yahoo! chat room and we just clicked. We were raised an hour from one another and both had very similar likes, dislikes, etc.

I kept in touch with him everyday on the phone, IM and e-mail and he would send me 'care packages' :rolleyes: :lol: Well around month 4 I couldn't take anymore so I had my brother get me a webcam and I finally got to see him as he really was. What a cutie! I was soo happy. :blush: I knew he was a college student too at Univ. of Texas- Austin and I was in school on the East coast. When I went back for fall semester, he met my parents, we went out, it was great. The problem was that he hid the fact that he was a college athlete (I wouldn't have dated him otherwise and he knew it) and when he got drafted to the NFL, the problems began. He was always so happy to have met someone who didn't know who he was like the hometown hero... but that is another thread. ;)

So I would say, yes, it could work, just be very careful. Like the PP stated, if you do meet, always do it in public and have fun but common sense.

PS. Collie, your story is sooo cute. Always take mama's advice :lol: