Yay!!!!!! I fixed it!


New Member
My issue with hard hair that is!!! SO this is what I did:
-Clarified twice
-Dug out an old bottle of Fantasia IC hair polisher cond/detangler, massaged in
****** At this point I was skeptical of the fantasia so i had my mixture of EVOO,Honey and LeKair sitting on the counter just in case..I decided to heat it up since this had been chillin for a week..I accidently heated it too long and it turned into a liquid, so i said what the hell, and massaged a little of it in also
-After 3 minutes or so I rinsed out and it was very slippery, but I did have breakage because I have 1/2 an inch of newgrowth on top of 1+ inch of underprocessed hair on the left side..
I added a little megagrowth since breakfree isnt an option right now(
bad batches!)and coconut and jojoba oil...so its nice and soft and laying down nicely

that is great, I hate hard hair, its good that u found something that works, inside of taking weeks or more too repire ur hair,
Good news. I absolutely hate hard hair. Congrats on finding a system that's working for you.
I am so happy u found what works for u. It took me months to find out what worked for me. YAYY!!!!