Ready to be APL
I used to do this and I dont think it worked well for me. Started having some issue with my hair overprocessing and I dont think that step helped.
Now I get my neutralize on first and my hair is fine. I don't think the mid step is necessary.
One thing I do use as part of my neutralizing step is K-pak shampoo. It has a low pH, as the bottle shows and it is full of protien. I use it for the first 1 or 2 shampoos after rinsing out the relaxer. I think it helps a lot.
That is interesting, you mentioning this. I have considered taking out the mid step and using a protein shampoo before neutralizing. The one I was considering using is the Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair. It has the protein that I use as my midstep. I will then neutralize as I normally do, then DC overnight. Scratch that, I am going to neutralize first and then use the aphogee shampoo then I will do an ACV rinse. I need to make sure all this darn relaxer is out of my hair before doing anything else. Decisions, decisions, I have about a month to figure out what I am going to do.
Darnit now I have all this darn conditioner that I was using as my mid step that I need to use up. Maybe I will add it into my DC to get rid of it.
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