Ya'll Ladies Have Me Scared, Protein BEFORE Neutralizing?

I used to do this and I dont think it worked well for me. Started having some issue with my hair overprocessing and I dont think that step helped.

Now I get my neutralize on first and my hair is fine. I don't think the mid step is necessary.

One thing I do use as part of my neutralizing step is K-pak shampoo. It has a low pH, as the bottle shows and it is full of protien. I use it for the first 1 or 2 shampoos after rinsing out the relaxer. I think it helps a lot.

That is interesting, you mentioning this. I have considered taking out the mid step and using a protein shampoo before neutralizing. The one I was considering using is the Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair. It has the protein that I use as my midstep. I will then neutralize as I normally do, then DC overnight. Scratch that, I am going to neutralize first and then use the aphogee shampoo then I will do an ACV rinse. I need to make sure all this darn relaxer is out of my hair before doing anything else. Decisions, decisions, I have about a month to figure out what I am going to do.

Darnit now I have all this darn conditioner that I was using as my mid step that I need to use up. Maybe I will add it into my DC to get rid of it.
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Hmm....after reading the posts in this thread, I wanted to add 3 things:

1. In my experience, your relaxer shouldn't be "tingling" by the time your rinse it out. This is one reason why I now self-relax. Too many stylists/family members leave a relaxer on until is starts to burn. According to SistaSlick:

A tingling/burning relaxer is a sign that:

a.) The chemical has been in contact with the scalp for entirely too long and

b.) The relaxer has breached the protective base barrier that was placed on the scalp and is now working on breaking down the hair even further.

Be sure to base your scalp properly and use the gentlest strength of relaxer necessary for your hair type & texture. I use Phyto Index 1 and I have never experienced any type of burning/tingling/chemical scab from this relaxer.

2. Any type of protein treatment/conditioner is only a temporary "fix." Nothing can truly rebuild the bonds that are broken during the relaxer process. Also, for no-lye relaxer users who suffer from dry hair, adding more moisture, not more protein, might be more beneficial. A protein treatment may help some, but neutralizing is still the most important step. Improperly neutralizing leads to thinning, breakage, and permanent hair loss.

3. It's always good to keep it simple. :look: Although many ladies have testified to how well this process has worked for them, many other people are adding way too many steps to what is actually a simple, yet precise, process. Not reading and carefully following the steps outlined with your relaxer kit is part of the reason why we later here so many horror stories about how "damaging" relaxers are.

Mild protein treatments are NOT designed to be used during the relaxer process. Only the ones included with a kit, like the one in the Affirm kit, are designed for that purpose. Nexxus Emergencee actually says on the bottle NOT to use it during chemical service, only as a pre-treatment.

NOTE: These comments are directed at ladies with questions about the mid-step treatment. If you know what's working for you, please disregard! For new self-relaxers, there's a lot to consider.
I do the mid protein step both ways. Sometimes I do it before neutralizing and sometimes I do it after neutralizing. I did notice that by incorporating that step in my regimen a few months back i really dont lose much hair when I texlax at 12wks.
If I may add...you necessarily do not have to use protein - you can also use a moisturizing conditioner as well ...I have used both and have had great results...
I had a Vitale Life & Body and that was one of the steps to the relaxer.. I had to find out about this reading someone's blog my stylist always used that relaxer and never even mentioned that this could be done so I went out and bought the products so every time I got my relaxer this was used.. After she rinsed out my relaxer she would apply the protein for 3-5 min and then not rinse that out but would add neutralizer and wash and then rinse.. Then she would neutralize about 2 more times and that was it she stated that she even noticed a difference in my hair since using that step.. That was about 8 months ago..
I use the Fantiasia IC 1 minute protein treatment. But I make sure to rinse really good before hand. And since it is only 1 minute. I don't worry.
I've been doing this since last summer (I think) and I love it! I wish I'd heard about it a long time ago.