Ya'll can tell me if I'm wrong... (kinda long)


Well-Known Member
I'll admit I might be PMS'ng a little, but I'm sick of this girl (she's a friend of a friend). :mad: She's natural and has been hounding me about going natural like I'm some kind of brainwashed heathen practicing a cult and she's the right hand of God. This might be a little my fault. When she first noticed my new growth (I'm stretching) and asked if I was going natural I should have said, NO WAY! Been there, done that, still got the pick with the black fist. Instead I said, I'm not sure. Well that's when it all started... "Girl, why you trying to be white. This is how God made you and I shouldn't use chemical" ...blah, blah blah. Meanwhile, she smokes like a chimney and has more prescription drugs in her cabinet than WalGreens! :eek:

When I was natural I didn't try to convert people nor did I feel like I was better Christian , physically healthier, or better Black because of it. That's totally ridiculous. When white folks go to tanning salons nobody accuses them of trying to be black? Or disappointing God. :perplexed

I shouldn't let it bother me but it does...
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No, you're not being wrong, imo. I just hate the fact that people try to throw in God to make you feel wrong:( :perplexed
I'm a little bit tipsy at the moment, so pardon me if this makes no sense to anyone but me...:lol:

But the whole chemical thing and using things that are unnatural...

ummm... yea, it makes no sense. That is like saying that since nobody's hair comes naturally moisturized, maybe we should get rid of man made moisturizers. If the moisture isnt naturally occuring, it wasnt meant to be. Maybe we should never cut our hair either since God doesnt come down with scissors and trim our hair... it just aint meant to be. We werent born with combs and brushes as hands so perhaps we oughta forget about that as well.

goldensensation said:
I'm a little bit tipsy at the moment, so pardon me if this makes no sense to anyone but me...:lol:

But the whole chemical thing and using things that are unnatural...

ummm... yea, it makes no sense. That is like saying that since nobody's hair comes naturally moisturized, maybe we should get rid of man made moisturizers. If the moisture isnt naturally occuring, it wasnt meant to be. Maybe we should never cut our hair either since God doesnt come down with scissors and trim our hair... it just aint meant to be. We werent born with combs and brushes as hands so perhaps we oughta forget about that as well.


What in the world? You're joking right?

Anyway, to the original poster, ignore her or correct her. And no you're not wrong for being upset.
goldensensation said:
I'm a little bit tipsy at the moment, so pardon me if this makes no sense to anyone but me...:lol:

But the whole chemical thing and using things that are unnatural...

ummm... yea, it makes no sense. That is like saying that since nobody's hair comes naturally moisturized, maybe we should get rid of man made moisturizers. If the moisture isnt naturally occuring, it wasnt meant to be. Maybe we should never cut our hair either since God doesnt come down with scissors and trim our hair... it just aint meant to be. We werent born with combs and brushes as hands so perhaps we oughta forget about that as well.


Tipsy, huh? Well hang on, let me catch up! :lachen:
Yeah, I think that extreme militant naturals are a big turn off. I respect what they are trying to do and understand where they are coming from, but that kind of attitude is very counterproductive.
I feel your pain. I can't stand people like the preachy chick. All I can suggest is to just be firm about not changing your mind and move on.

BTW - people who use chemicals aren't the only ones preached to....I get the 'why you holding on to those blankety blank permed ends' comments. So even when you're on the path to becoming natural, it's not fast enough for some folks. So **** 'em.
JCoily said:
I feel your pain. I can't stand people like the preachy chick. All I can suggest is to just be firm about not changing your mind and move on.

BTW - people who use chemicals aren't the only ones preached to....I get the 'why you holding on to those blankety blank permed ends' comments. So even when you're on the path to becoming natural, it's not fast enough for some folks. So **** 'em.
I'm natural myself and I can't stand fellow naturals who come off as militant about others who use chemicals. It's up to people individually to decide whether they do or don't use chemicals and why. Now if someone approaches me personally and asks for advice on becoming and staying natural, then I will gladly share anything I can think of. Otherwise, I leave people alone and not worry about the hair decisions they're making for themselves.
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IrisDaVirus said:
I'm natural myself and I can't stand fellow naturals who come off as militant about others who use chemicals. It's up to people individually to decide whether they do or don't use chemicals and why.

Thank you, I appreciate that. :)
sareca said:
I'll admit I might be PMS'ng a little, but I'm sick of this girl (she's a friend of a friend). :mad: She's natural and has been hounding me about going natural like I'm some kind of brainwashed heathen practicing a cult and she's the right hand of God. This might be a little my fault. When she first noticed my new growth (I'm stretching) and asked if I was going natural I should have said, NO WAY! Been there, done that, still got the pick with the black fist. Instead I said, I'm not sure. Well that's when it all started... "Girl, why you trying to be white. This is how God made you and I shouldn't use chemical" ...blah, blah blah. Meanwhile, she smokes like a chimney and has more prescription drugs in her cabinet than WalGreens! :eek:

When I was natural I didn't try to convert people nor did I feel like I was better Christian , physically healthier, or better Black because of it. That's totally ridiculous. When white folks go to tanning salons nobody accuses them of trying to be black? Or disappointing God. :perplexed

I shouldn't let it bother me but it does...

tell her to shut uppp already
:look: :) :lol: :grin: :lachen:, this was sooo funny to me.
goldensensation said:
I'm a little bit tipsy at the moment, so pardon me if this makes no sense to anyone but me...:lol:

But the whole chemical thing and using things that are unnatural...

ummm... yea, it makes no sense. That is like saying that since nobody's hair comes naturally moisturized, maybe we should get rid of man made moisturizers. If the moisture isnt naturally occuring, it wasnt meant to be. Maybe we should never cut our hair either since God doesnt come down with scissors and trim our hair... it just aint meant to be. We werent born with combs and brushes as hands so perhaps we oughta forget about that as well.

I can see why she is a "friend of a friend". There isn't one definition of natural so I dont think people can go around saying anything to anyone.
sareca said:
When white folks go to tanning salons nobody accuses them of trying to be black? Or disappointing God. :perplexed I shouldn't let it bother me but it does...

Hell yeah I accuse white folks of trying to "be black" for fake and baking in fact EVERYTIME I pass a tanning salon I secretly laugh to myself and shake my head when I see them in there. Anyway, I do not think that you need to get yourself all upset about it. I DO find it hilarious that she smokes :rolleyes: go figure.
I saw a girl with pretty natural hair in the bathroom at a club. She had cornrows in the front and a curly puff in the back. At first I didn't want to compliment her (you know how women can be in the club) but I did. She said "Anyone's hair can do this. You just have to grow that perm outta your head." When she said that I felt so stupid. That was the day I started transitioning.
She is wrong for that. Hair is a personal choice. No one can make you do one thing or the other. The next tiem she starts up tell her the truth. You dont want to go natural right now and youve tried it before. Why is she so pressed for you to go natural again? UGH! Overly self-righteousness people make me puke. What difference does your hair make to her life? Jeez! Id say ignore her but dang... Umm how about telling her that youve heard it all already and thanks for sharing but youre not interested. It works for solicitors around my way. Nice polite but meaningful....
goldensensation said:
I'm a little bit tipsy at the moment, so pardon me if this makes no sense to anyone but me...:lol:

But the whole chemical thing and using things that are unnatural...

ummm... yea, it makes no sense. That is like saying that since nobody's hair comes naturally moisturized, maybe we should get rid of man made moisturizers. If the moisture isnt naturally occuring, it wasnt meant to be. Maybe we should never cut our hair either since God doesnt come down with scissors and trim our hair... it just aint meant to be. We werent born with combs and brushes as hands so perhaps we oughta forget about that as well.

Whatever youre drinking... I need a shot of THAT! You cant be serious?

A lil tipsy? Well Id hate to see ya drunk! You have some very interesting philosophies..... Now where's my cup? :D
sareca said:
I'll admit I might be PMS'ng a little, but I'm sick of this girl (she's a friend of a friend). :mad: She's natural and has been hounding me about going natural like I'm some kind of brainwashed heathen practicing a cult and she's the right hand of God. This might be a little my fault. When she first noticed my new growth (I'm stretching) and asked if I was going natural I should have said, NO WAY! Been there, done that, still got the pick with the black fist. Instead I said, I'm not sure. Well that's when it all started... "Girl, why you trying to be white. This is how God made you and I shouldn't use chemical" ...blah, blah blah. Meanwhile, she smokes like a chimney and has more prescription drugs in her cabinet than WalGreens! :eek:

When I was natural I didn't try to convert people nor did I feel like I was better Christian , physically healthier, or better Black because of it. That's totally ridiculous. When white folks go to tanning salons nobody accuses them of trying to be black? Or disappointing God. :perplexed

I shouldn't let it bother me but it does...

Ignore the comments of the ignorant! I was natural for almost three years. I went natural for the sole reason that my hair/scalp was sensitive, and would always burn during relaxing. However, after finding websites (eventually this one), I now relax my hair, and have healthier hair than when it was natural. There is nothing wrong with being natural and there is nothing wrong with relaxing, it is up to you. I decided to relax (less frequently, lighter strength) again, because I don:t have 18 hours to do my hair. I am no less Black now than I was then. If you choose to be natural and it works, great! If not, great! There are just as many naturals walking around insecure in their Blackness as there are processed princesses like some of us! It:s what is in your head/mind that matters, not what is on it! Just my 2 cents!
First off let me start by saying Beyondcute, you look very pretty with the braids. Okay my cousin is the same way after years of relaxing she decided to go natural and has been for about six years now. Growing up be both always had waist length ponytails, but her hair was thicker and courser than mine. Mine was more fine and wavy. When she was in college she was miss going to the salon everyweek always keeping up with her touch ups. So when she decided to go natural I was happy for her and then she started saying to me when you going to give up those chemicals, the white man made chemicals to make us feel bad about our hair blah blah blah. I love my past bra strap chemical hair, sometimes I see the way she looks at it when I do my weekly wash and sets. Not to say she's jealous b/c her hair is beautiful too, I told her I wasn't ready to give up the chemicals and that's not a bad thing b/c it's my choice just like to choose to walk around with a big dry afro at times, nothing wrong with it but put some moisture on it or something. Anyway sorry for this long post but I don't like when "natural" hair people try to make you feel bad about using chemicals.
caligirl said:
I saw a girl with pretty natural hair in the bathroom at a club. She had cornrows in the front and a curly puff in the back. At first I didn't want to compliment her (you know how women can be in the club) but I did. She said "Anyone's hair can do this. You just have to grow that perm outta your head." When she said that I felt so stupid. That was the day I started transitioning.
That's funny I did the opposite. After this girl I went home and did a strand test in preparation for my next texturizer. Insulting me doesn't motivate me. :nono:
I hate when people do that. I'm natural and I would never do that to anybody. I frequent another hair board where they are "militant" naturals so I don't ask certain questions because they'll bite your head off for adding color to your hair for example. People need to realize that we have a choice in how we wear our hair and to respect one another no matter whether natural or relaxed ,etc.;)
goldensensation said:
I'm a little bit tipsy at the moment, so pardon me if this makes no sense to anyone but me...:lol:

But the whole chemical thing and using things that are unnatural...

ummm... yea, it makes no sense. That is like saying that since nobody's hair comes naturally moisturized, maybe we should get rid of man made moisturizers. If the moisture isnt naturally occuring, it wasnt meant to be. Maybe we should never cut our hair either since God doesnt come down with scissors and trim our hair... it just aint meant to be. We werent born with combs and brushes as hands so perhaps we oughta forget about that as well.


Lmao.......sweetie I'll have to write you a ticker for TUI (Typing Under the Influence)!!!!
People have to much time on their hands to worry about other peoples hair. While I have my own personal reasons and beliefs about natural hair and why I've remained natural, and some may be the same as those more "militant" naturals, they are beliefs I believe for MYSELF, I can't and won't even attempt to change how other people view themselves when it comes to hair. Its not my job or anyone elses to preach to black woman every where what I think they should do to their hair, hair is personal and that individual will choose to wear their hair in the way the feel most comfortable, no matter what the mentality behind that is. If someone asks me specifically what my thoughts on , my hair, relaxed or natural hair, black hair in general, then I will share my thoughts, but wouldn't dare say that anyone should do anything with their own hair based on my views, a.k.a. OPINIONS. The best influence is simply by example relaxed or natural) ...if someone can look at my hair and be inspired to wear their own hair natural, than that's just an added bonus and smile at the end of the day.

You know how you feel about your hair, if you are satisfied with it as is...then let comments like these roll of your back. Don't let yourself get too upset over them... Unfortunately, this is something no matter what side you are on natural, "You need a perm....when are you going to do something with that?....I liked it better when it was straight.... Are you going to stay like that forever???...you're hair is too nappy" or relaxed , "You aren't black enough....you are trying to be white....except what God gave you" because as sad as it is, that's how we as black people have been conditioned to view/treat each other.
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