WWYD? BT and touch up timing...


Well-Known Member
Can y'all hear me SCREAMIN' with excitement!!!??? :eek: :grin:

Okay so I received my BT today (thanks Naturallady) and my last texlax was Feb 15, so 3 mos... but I'm trying to stretch to four. Should I tl Friday and then starting using BT or start using BT and stretch? I kinda wanna get a "fresh" start for measuring and I kinda wanna stretch!:confused:
Pixel Lady said:
Can y'all hear me SCREAMIN' with excitement!!!??? :eek: :grin:

Okay so I received my BT today (thanks Naturallady) and my last texlax was Feb 15, so 3 mos... but I'm trying to stretch to four. Should I tl Friday and then starting using BT or start using BT and stretch? I kinda wanna get a "fresh" start for measuring and I kinda wanna stretch!:confused:
was that you screaming:lachen: :lachen: :lol: happy growing i
Pixel Lady said:
Can y'all hear me SCREAMIN' with excitement!!!??? :eek: :grin:

Okay so I received my BT today (thanks Naturallady) and my last texlax was Feb 15, so 3 mos... but I'm trying to stretch to four. Should I tl Friday and then starting using BT or start using BT and stretch? I kinda wanna get a "fresh" start for measuring and I kinda wanna stretch!:confused:

:eek: d@mn it's like that... :lachen:. Use the BT and stretch.. then start officially tracking your progress after you texlax.
I know you are super eager to start! :D But.......... i personally would texlax, and then start BT'ing once your roots are relatively straight. That way you can get the most accurate measure of what BT is really doing for you. :)

Be sure to take some close-up Before/After scalp pics so we can enjoy in your results too!!!!
KiniKakes said:
I know you are super eager to start! :D But.......... i personally would texlax, and then start BT'ing once your roots are relatively straight. That way you can get the most accurate measure of what BT is really doing for you. :)

Be sure to take some close-up Before/After scalp pics so we can enjoy in your results too!!!![/quote]

what she said... esp at the bolded and plus I think you need to give BT abit of a break before applying chemicals

although I would be tempted to put it on my scalp the minute I took it out of the package

eta I can feel your excitement... everyone will hear me screaming when my arrives :)
Lotus said:
:eek: d@mn it's like that... :lachen:. Use the BT and stretch.. then start officially tracking your progress after you texlax.


Alright I decided to stretch til June 15th. I'm gonna flat iron and take pix tomorrow.