WWWOOOW! Blue_Flower your waves are Beautiful!!!!


New Member
Just beautiful and the shine!!!...I was looking at the HHB post on which way to use it on dry or wet hair and I think you may be my hair twin ..........what's your regime? Do you use alot of CD's products? I am relaxed but I'd like tips on how to take care of my new growth b/c my hair gets rather thick and dry. and I can neglect them when I'm lazy

What products do you use? etc,etc

Well just had to tell you how beautiful your hair was. Take care
I agree
Thank you so much!
If the ends of my hair were like my roots, then I would be in good shape!

My regime is kind of simple. I wash once a week and I conditioner wash 3-5 times during the week (now that it's winter). Every other week I use African Pride hair mayo to deep condition or use a hot oil treatment. After I rinse my hair, which is usually at night, I put the Hair Butter in it and sometimes I'll add a little bit of Fantasia gel or Mimosa Honey. I wear my hair in 2-4 braids and in the morning I take them out and pull it back in a loose bun. Or I'll just leave the braids in. I try not to do so much to my hair. I think the trick to getting the waves is to put a scarf on my head while my hair is damp with products in it. When I wake up in the morning, my roots are flat,dry and not frizzy. This can last until I do another conditioner wash. I have 2 inches of new growth, so this works for me until Feb. comes up.
Re: WWWOOOW! Blue_Flower your waves are Beautiful!

Thanks for your reply! Do you texturize yourself?how long do you keep the relaxer in ( total time between application to when you rinse it out) Thanks again
Re: WWWOOOW! Blue_Flower your waves are Beautiful!

I texturized my hair for the first time in August. I kept the relaxer in my hair for 10 minutes. I had to do a strand test first just to know how long to leave it in. My wavy new growth blends in with the wavy texturized hair, but you can feel the difference between the two. The new growth is softer and harder to completely straighten. Thanks again, everybody!
Re: WWWOOOW! Blue_Flower your waves are Beautiful!

Your hair is very pretty. How do you get such good pictures with details? I have a hard time doing that. What type of camera do you use and how far away do you hold it from your hair?
Re: WWWOOOW! Blue_Flower your waves are Beautiful!

Thank you, Curlycrly.I have a digital Olympus D-380 camera. Sometimes I set the timer on my camera and stand in front of it or I have to raise my arms in an uncomfortable position. I'm always taking pictures of my hair and if I don't like a certain picture that's suppose to show detail then I delete it and take another picture. That's what I love about digital cameras.
Re: WWWOOOW! Blue_Flower your waves are Beautiful!

That's what I do too. Sometimes I only get half of my head in the picture. lol I don't have as many retakes when I use the timer, but the detail isn't as good. Perhaps I should lean closer to the camera next time. I'm usually at least a couple of feet away. Come to think of it, I did take some of my bangs a while ago and it was a close up that showed detail.