WTF I had to stand up for the lil girl...


Well-Known Member
Well today as usually i went the dominican salon in Newark, NJ Gina's concepts. So this cute little gurl comes in with her dad and her hair is natural thick healthy hair. Its about shoulder length on her so she gets wash and the lady thats does my hair decide to do hers. So i'm thinking I HOPE SHE DOESN'T THINK SHE JUST GONNA BLOW IT OUT AND THATS IT.:confused: So i'm looking at EVERYTHING this lady is doing she takes this small a$$ comb (YOU know the gray ones they use) and comb threw her hair. :eek: I eyes look just like that. Then it gets worst little balls of her hair start coming out as this trick still combing her hair. I thinking she prob thinks its dead hair (wat she calls it) so anyway she section her hair off and start blowdrying with that same little a$$ comb. Then she take this hair brush start using that now she see her ends look like hell but keeps doing it. Now everyone in the salon is looking and you can tell the little girl is unhappy:mad:. I heard of plenty of stories of women just sitting there with their stylists F**king up their hair. So when my dryer stop i got up looking for her dad told him was this the first time he was here and he was like NO. I told him and other lady sitting next to me at the dryer that his little girl hair is being pulled out. Then he came to where she was at and for himself he saw the balls of hair on the floor. Now the owner started putting pontails in the little girl hair. I hope with all that damn blowdrying and grease she put in there it came out okay.

I mean i don't know everything about taking care of natural hair but i do got common sense to know that ish wasn't gonna work...BTW he stood right behind the owner looking at everything she was doing and thank me for letting him know.;)
people used to do that to me all the time when I was natural. I don't know why people try to comb thick hair with a small tooth comb and then black women wonder why our hair never grows:ohwell:
locabouthair said:
people used to do that to me all the time when I was natural. I don't know why people try to comb thick hair with a small tooth comb and then black women wonder why our hair never grows:ohwell:

My thoughts exactly! A stylist tried that once and I said 'No way, no how.' If I had a twa, maybe.....and I mean a really, really tiny 'fro. My hair would break all the teeth. Kudos to you, OP for speaking up. That little girl's scalp must've felt like fire.
Bless that young ladys' heart and good for you too!:)

This is exactly the kind of thing that happens that makes many young black girls have a bad self concept about their hair. That girl probably thinks she has horrible hair just from the way that stylist treats it. That little girl probably thinks she has "bad" hair.:mad:
ShiShiPooPoo said:
Bless that young ladys' heart and good for you too!:)

This is exactly the kind of thing that happens that makes many young black girls have a bad self concept about their hair. That girl probably thinks she has horrible hair just from the way that stylist treats it. That little girl probably thinks she has "bad" hair.:mad:

Yea i was thinking the same thing. Its good her dad isn't slapping some relaxer in her hair so early. Yea, i felt good but it hurt when i saw she was soo unhappy i wanted to hug her and everyone looking stupid not saying ish.
Good for you for sticking up for that little girl. The stylist probably thought she could get away with it just because the girl wasn't going to stand up for herself. Just terrible...
It's nice to know that you spoke up, hopefully the more of us that get enlightened about hair care we can help more and more people until we all know the deal. And it was so nice to hear that her Dad was there with his daughter, awww bless.
God put you at the rigth place at the right time for that little girl. You were her blessing for that day and probably here on out.
I don't understand why stylists want to use small combs on anyone's hair at all. Common sense would tell you to use a larger comb or to comb out hair in sections. Another reason why I'll never go back to the salon.
I agree with all the others-that was a great thing that you did. And I feel that most (not all) stylists who do that sort of thing just don't know better-most stylists know about STYLING but not about HAIR CARE or HAIR RETENTION, in my opinion.
Divalicious said:
My thoughts exactly! A stylist tried that once and I said 'No way, no how.'

I hear ya. That's why I keep a wide tooth comb in my purse when I go to the salon, when they try that ish, I whip out my comb and give it to them.
blue_flower said:
I don't understand why stylists want to use small combs on anyone's hair at all. Common sense would tell you to use a larger comb or to comb out hair in sections. Another reason why I'll never go back to the salon.

Exactly thats why i bring my own comb there and SOFT brush. To think i kept wondering how come my hair was getting a little thin.:mad: