Wrong hair care advice in black magazines

I was reading the August Honey magazine and saw 'celeb stylist Johnny Gentry' answering on the Q&A page.

Question: I like working out but can't wash it that often. How do I keep it looking fresh?

His answer is to put the hair in a long ponytail, exercise then dab the head with tissue. Now if that was me, I'd have sooo much shedding going on as I've come to find out that sweating, esp with relaxed hair, seems to break the hair, often making it shed. I found that out the hard way (as have others on this board). Why isn't hair HEALTH promoted as the ultimate goal and suggest conditioner washes? I often think that this board should be used to answer some Q&A pages!

Another was 'how can I make my hair grow beyond its normal length?
He said hair must be trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks or each touch up
okayyyyyy. Then, I agreed on the next part on being v.gentle with the hair and conditioning it but he ended saying that if you hair never grew long when you were younger, then it may not be able to and accept what God gave you or get a weave'

So in short, (excuse the pun), if your a black woman with short hair, you can't grow it longer.

Yeah right....www.updateyourknowledgeandcheckoutthisboard.com......
That's just ridiculous!

I read some bad advice in the Jet magazine a few weeks ago too. One tip was to wash your hair every two to three weeks which certainly wouldn't work for me or anyone who works out.
i though people, especially hair expert knew that sweat will break and split your hair and leave your scalp greasy? wow that a shame. i stopped listening to hair mags awhile ago, especially in hair care tips and product reviews. a few products they swore on tore up my hair badly!!!!! and to be honest i don't think anyone on this board uses them and i can't think of anyone at home that uses them either. they stay on the shelf collecting dust at the door. one of them was called breakthrough and had a goldish color bottle. stuff made my problem worse. does anyone use it here?
I read a similar article in Sophisticate's I think. They were talking about how you might have to lather your hair twice because you will have two weeks worth of product in your hair from trying to add moisture and preserve the hairstyle.

It just reminded me why we are so behind the curve on hairgrowth. We've been getting misleading if not wrong information for so long. Articles mention "healthy hair", but their tips are actually counterproductive a lot of times.
I'm testing the "heat-activated strengthening styling creme" by Breakthru right now. I probably should have bought the heat protectant foam, but I would prefer a heat protectant in cream form so I thought I would give it a try. I've only used it once, so I don't expect my hair to really feel any different just yet.
BRH, I've seen alot of poor/conflicting advice as well.
I once read in a braid care magazine that when you take out your braids each time you will have to trim about 1-2 inches. Tell me why would anyone expect to grow out their hair if they're cutting off two inches each every one-two months!
he ended saying that if you hair never grew long when you were younger, then it may not be able to and accept what God gave you or get a weave'

[/ QUOTE ]

He needs a few of these!!!!

I feel sorry for any women that are desperately trying to grow their hair long and then to open up this magazine and read this mess!!!

I'm going to write the editor of that magazine. That man should really be sued for printing wrong information. What about all the women who will give up on trying to grow their hair long after reading this? What if their mothers just had bad hair care habits when they were younger and THAT'S why they didn't have long hair as a child!?!?!? Ooooo, that burns me up!!!
Hey DSD!

I don't even buy hair magazines anymore because of all the erroneous information in them. Seems like the majority of the models (and stars) wear weaves and the tips are for weaves too. Rarely do you see any good advice for wearing your own hair.
I bought a hair magazine a week ago and aside from looking at the hairstyles (mostly weaves), I saw nothing that interested me. That was my first purchase of a hair mag in years and my last. From now on, I'll do what I've always done....browse thru them while I stand in line at the checkout!
I saw that bad hair advice and more in a lot of different magazines, that is why I do not even buy them anymore. I don't even like the styles in the mags because they never look soft or natural, it looks like someone attacked them with a curling iron & spritz all the time!
I read the same article. (Thanks to whoever posted the info on magazinevalues.com!
) I stopped reading after the workout advice.
Who over follows that tip is going to need a weave after all of their hair dries up and cracks off.
I read in Sophisticate's a little while ago something to the tune of:

"If you want long hair like this, RELY on a good hair weave." No advice given about growing your own hair, no advice given about how to take care of your weave so that your have can grow long, nada.

As for their advice, it's always the same "trim every 6-8 weeks" which doesn't grow the hair, only makes it more even and get rid of ONLY the split ends that you cut off.

When they talk about hair vitamins, it never goes beyond a muilt.
Hey brown i read the same thing a few days ago, and i was thinkgin the same thing on the part where he said to get it trimmed every 6-8 weeks i was thinking. hmmmm i KNOW the board is going to talk about this. I didnt really agree w/everything he said either.
Stormy i've wondered that too. All the black mags that i look in2 are mainly on weave. Its either a really, really micro short cut style u can sport or really, really looong WEAVE instead of one about maybe showing a black woman who had short hair at first and then after a certain amount of months after proper care and/or taking vitamins or whatever she now has long hair. THAT would be better and more sensible, BUT of course this stuff is geared towards money so thats what they do :^P
Unfortunately, a lot of people (yes, even hair care 'experts') don't know about conditioner washes. Maybe once they start visiting this lovely site, they'll learn more about them.
Yep keke it's all about money!

Allandra I'm surprised more of them don't know about them. I know conditioner washes are the BEST thing for my hair!
Girl, I had the same problem with the Breakthru hair products. I brought the whole package: shampoo, conditioning, heat protectant, moisturizer and none of these products did a thing for my hair. If anything, it made it worse. I threw that mess away.
I stopped reading those magazines too. I think it's a way of controlling us so we keep being dependent on weaves, hair stylists and the multitude of hair products targeting us. It's like brainwashing. We need to empower ourselves with real knowledge (like this board) and tried and true experience.
I don't buy them either. I was looking through Sophisticate's Black Hair magazine and I didn't see any styles for me. I was looking for some nice rollersets but most of the styles were either weaves or done with the curling iron.
Well, the way I see it is that they are giving that kind of advice because thats the ads that they have. Don't advertisements/sponsors support magazines? So if a distributor of hair weave or products is paying for the magazine, the magazine is going to say anything that company wants it too...even if it hurts our hair. Its about money, and thats it.
I stopped reading those magazines too. I think it's a way of controlling us so we keep being dependent on weaves, hair stylists and the multitude of hair products targeting us. It's like brainwashing. We need to empower ourselves with real knowledge (like this board) and tried
and true experience.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking just that.

Then again it could be plain old ignorance. People dont like to try things different from what they were told when they were young.
I read the same article. (Thanks to whoever posted the info on magazinevalues.com!
) I stopped reading after the workout advice.
Who over follows that tip is going to need a weave after all of their hair dries up and cracks off.

[/ QUOTE ]


I agree with everyone's views here as we're all on the same page anyway. Its a crying shame though like someone said for those who want longer, healthier hair and rely on these Q&A pages and black magazine for the 'pros advice' I too am guilty of once valuing their advice too but realized it wasn't really doing anything different to what I was doing anyway in terms of making a change.

I've met Johnny Gentry twice to get a bang cut in and he's good at that but as far as hair health....
I had a rollarset done the same day as the bang cut and the conditioner was put in my hair and rinsed out immediately (moisturefuse), it wasn't even left in for a minute! Pathetic...

These mags do need to learn about boards like us. But like everyone realizes, doesn't it boil down to money over really valuable advice giving....?
Whew! I'm so glad I no longer have hair issues anymore!

I'm about 4 inches from my goal to, ya'll!

I'm catching you, Sherrylove! LOL!