Other wow, where did all my thanks go??

Well they are supposed to be coming back
When restored it will be for everyone. It is something that I have to test again and again because if I get it wrong, all thanks will be deleted and I don't want that to happen.

My thanks disappeared, reappeared, then disappeared again lol. I see some people have gotten theirs back already though. Who knows.
Well they are supposed to be coming back

My thanks disappeared, reappeared, then disappeared again lol. I see some people have gotten theirs back already though. Who knows.

I have NEVER gotten back what I lost. I know some folk think it silly; however, it is simply nice to know a) folk read what I write; and even more; b) they appreciate, understand, or can use what I have written to either encourage or perhaps better their day/lives in some way. Thus, I don't take those thanks for granted and I was disappointed when they disappeared - the hundreds that I had earned AND given to others. :sad:

I have NEVER gotten back what I lost. I know some folk think it silly; however, it is simply nice to know a) folk read what I write; and even more; b) they appreciate, understand, or can use what I have written to either encourage or perhaps better their day/lives in some way. Thus, I don't take those thanks for granted and I was disappointed when they disappeared - the hundreds that I had earned AND given to others. :sad:

I agree. I would love to have my thanks back as well.
It looks like this is changing? All of a sudden I have 1000 more thanks than I did before. And when I say "all of a sudden," I mean within 5 minutes. Or maybe I wasn't keeping close count and I'm confused. Is this being added in slowly but surely? :lol:

ETA: Nevermin; I think I was off in my head and forgot the actual number. Sorry about that. :nono:
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I have answered this quite a few times :) Nobody's thanks have been restored, apart from mine which a) were 13 in total and b) I had to use a test subject.

The process is very complex and we do have 5M thanks. If I am to restore those you will lose what you have. Therefore I want to append to your totals so as to not lose anything.

I think I should have something done by the end of this month.
What was the resolution? I was gone for a while and all of my Thanks are gone. What did you guys do to get your thanks/thanked restored?
What was the resolution? I was gone for a while and all of my Thanks are gone. What did you guys do to get your thanks/thanked restored?

I think we may have missed out if we weren't registered back in February/March :ohwell:. I want my "Thanks" back too!!!

dimopoulos correct me if I'm wrong.
I, nor anyone on my friend's list (some had many thousands) ever had our thanks restored. The thanks that are showing up presently, were acquired after the big overhaul.