Other wow, where did all my thanks go??


I have answered this quite a few times :) Nobody's thanks have been restored, apart from mine which a) were 13 in total and b) I had to use a test subject.

The process is very complex and we do have 5M thanks. If I am to restore those you will lose what you have. Therefore I want to append to your totals so as to not lose anything.

I think I should have something done by the end of this month.

I still have not had any of my thanks returned. Is there any real hope that this will happen in the near future or at all?
:lol: :lachen: @ all the concerns about missing "thanks". TBH, I doubt Nikos considers it that important. Like how does that stop us from functioning.

If we really think about it, what benefit would it serve us to have old thanks back w/r/t old discussions? I'm sure the fact that we know our "thanks" are missing means, we already saw them and are aware that people thanked our posts. So since we got that info albeit vaguely, why are we worried about past "thanks"? I mean, there are forums without the feature...and people manage OK. And there was a time we didn't have it and we managed OK. I do know it's nice to know who's read your post or agreed with you, but isn't the present/future what we would be wondering about...hence wanting to see the thanks? Why is it so important to have the thanks from the past, the ones you already saw and knew of, put back? Is it an ego boost thing?

TBH, I'd be surprised if Nikos actually backed up and saved them and actually took the trouble to figure a way to program them back in w/o screwing up all the other changes that have happened since they disappeared. Maybe that's a challenge we dare him to pull of? :scratchch @dimopoulos :poke:Can you pull it off? :p

ETA: Watch the forum crash just coz people want to keep the entire history of thanks they've gotten from time immemorial. :lachen:
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Nonie, I concur that there may be more important issues for Nikos on the forum and obviously no one wants the forum to crash because he's trying to to fix this.:lol:
Tbh, I was mainly asking out of curiosity. Nikos said he was going to try to sort it out about six months ago - so why hasn't this issue been resolved one way or another at this point? If this issue cannot be corrected, those of us who care about it will just have to accept the situation as permanent. But since we are fee paying members, I think it is only fair to be told either way. A simple 'yes it can' or 'it's not possible' will suffice (for me anyway).:grin: