Wow...serioulsy amazing hair!

wavezncurlz said:
I'm guessing she just wanted to see if she could grow her hair healthy and long even though it's relaxed. She started her hair journey and grew out her healthy natural hair so she probably wanted to use what she learned to see if it'll work on relaxed hair as well :shrug: lol
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Show stopping hair,and what a sweet message at the end!
In that pic where she typed "lol," she looked like that one cartoon girl that had that pony sticking off to the side of her head. I just remember her screaming really loudly,but she looked exactly like her!:lol:
wavezncurlz said:
I'm guessing she just wanted to see if she could grow her hair healthy and long even though it's relaxed. She started her hair journey and grew out her healthy natural hair so she probably wanted to use what she learned to see if it'll work on relaxed hair as well :shrug: lol

Yeah - that's probably right. The techniques that she learned works well with all kinds of hair. And it's pretty clear she wants to wear her hair straight.

ETA: What's going on with the board. It looks like I quoted myself but I quoted Sade18 in my answer. Weird.
For a second I was thinking about relaxing! Her hair is gorgeous!

RIGHT?!?!?! I was like, "hmm...if she can do it, so can I..." LOL

Really, her hair is beautiful, but I agree with the other posters, I think heat-training might have been the reason behind her pattern. I am flitting between staying natural and texlaxing at the moment, and her video was another point on the chemical side lol. I subbed.
WOW! My hair is closing in on MBL and I have been getting the "Are you from the islands?" question for almost 2 years now SMH...

If my hair ever got that long and people asked me that question, I would start speaking to them in a made up language.
@itsjusthair88 - the GIF in your siggy is too funny!!! But I'm gonna practice that dance for when my 'fro hyper-grows to look like that. :)

ilong thanks! LOL it's from a cartoon called "Phineas & Ferb" that I watch with my little cousin whenever we're together (oh, who am I kidding, I watch it when I'm alone :look:)

Here's a link to the whole video, I think you'll like the song, it's super cute!
itsjusthair88 said:
ilong thanks! LOL it's from a cartoon called "Phineas & Ferb" that I watch with my little cousin whenever we're together (oh, who am I kidding, I watch it when I'm alone :look:)

Here's a link to the whole video, I think you'll like the song, it's super cute!

We are watching phineas and ferb right now. This is a cartoon that I fell in love with from day one