WOW! Pin Curls...Who knew!


New Member
Ladies I have found a new way to keep my hair looking great without a lot of curls!

I got a roller set last Thursday, and have been pin curling every nite since then and my curls are still rockin! I almost don't want to CO wash tonight because I am going to lose this look.

Usually I wrap roller sets, but I have been trying to avoid brushing. With these, you don't need a brush and you don't have to sleep in hair rollers! I am in love with this new protective style.

I know I keep promising you guys pics. I am still working on my fotki album, but this will definitely be in the gallery.:yep:
Pin curls are surely a lifesaver, ok, maybe just a curl saver then!
I know how you are feeling about not wanting to wash. I haven't washed in a week as of tomorrow because of them! :D :p
I believe in pin curls and always teach my clients how to do them in order to preserve their hairstyle.
balisi said:
I believe in pin curls and always teach my clients how to do them in order to preserve their hairstyle.

Can you pm me a tutorial please.:D Also if you're not too busy can you give a tutorial on how to wrap my hair:D . I'm gonna look you up when I come to GA for the summer.
longhairluva said:
Can you pm me a tutorial please.:D Also if you're not too busy can you give a tutorial on how to wrap my hair:D . I'm gonna look you up when I come to GA for the summer.

Me too because I have tried pincurls immediately after a rollerset and when I wake up the next day, my hair looks like I rolled it with pink sponge rollers. Not cute. :nono:
pincurls are the bomb. They are soooooo easy. Just use your two fingers like they were a roller, all the way up to your scalp. Then secure with a bobby pin or clip. The smaller the section of hair, the smaller (tighter) the curl. The larger the section of hair, you will have less curl.
Crysdon said:
Me too because I have tried pincurls immediately after a rollerset and when I wake up the next day, my hair looks like I rolled it with pink sponge rollers. Not cute. :nono:

Pink sponge rollers...thats funny. My friend has been using pincurls to preserve her hair style and it has been working great for her. I think I will try this once I relax my hair (whenever that's going to be:ohwell: ).

Girl, I told you that would help. I'm glad your set is lasting you, but if your hair is not itching, or smelly, it won't hurt to go a couple of more days.:grin:
Co-signing on the PIN CURLS!!!!!! I wash my hair 3x a week and rollerset. I maintain my curl on the in-between days by pin-curling! It's great not having to sleep in rollers when I want to keep my curl!

I learned about pincurling on LHCF. BeyondCute has a tutorial in her fotki. The link is Open the folder "All about hair", then open the "How To", then you'll see the "How to Pincurl" tutorial.

HTH! Thanks BeyondCute! Pincurling is helping me have a healthier head of hair!

I still have not washed my hair. I can't do it!

Ya'll I am feeling too cute this week:lol: !

Maybe it's time to do a low manipulation thing. This surely beats my little tired, half bald headed buns!:lachen:

Crysdon said:
Me too because I have tried pincurls immediately after a rollerset and when I wake up the next day, my hair looks like I rolled it with pink sponge rollers. Not cute. :nono:

me too..I wonder what we're doing wrong..:(
I went to a dominican salon. after she took out my rollers, she pin curled it and told me to do that every night. That is the longest my curls ever last... I love pin curls.
InJesusName said:
Ladies I have found a new way to keep my hair looking great without a lot of curls!

I got a roller set last Thursday, and have been pin curling every nite since then and my curls are still rockin! I almost don't want to CO wash tonight because I am going to lose this look.

Usually I wrap roller sets, but I have been trying to avoid brushing. With these, you don't need a brush and you don't have to sleep in hair rollers! I am in love with this new protective style.

I know I keep promising you guys pics. I am still working on my fotki album, but this will definitely be in the gallery.:yep:

thinking out loud (ha...i do that alot)

i wonder if it's possible to use pincurls instead of rollers (btw, my stand dryer was shipped today - can i hear a wooHaa!!?)

think hair would dry smooth or nappditty?

anyone ever try drying their wet hair with pincurls only?

mahogany66 said:
me too..I wonder what we're doing wrong..:(

I roll the dry hair with a magnetic roller, then slide the roller out and pin down the curl with hair pins (not bobbie pins). Then I tie my hair down with a satin scarf. Always looks like tight old lady curls...even if i make the sections larger.

I may try it again with roller clips instead of hair pins. Hmmm? I wonder if this will leave a dent in my curls.
I have to co-sign on the pin curls! I have tried them over and over and couldn't get them right and after reading this thread and following some of the steps, I finally got it right! I did it on my freshly shampooed hair and they came out really bouncy and flowing. Yayyyyyy! You ladies rock!
I did them last night, and got a compliment from a co-worker this morning. :)

I had been doing them wrong. Thanks so much OP for starting this thread.
I had my first Dominican blowout yesterday and pin curled my hair when I got home. All I can say is WOW! My curls are so bouncy and nice.
Ok all of your pin curlers, how do you keep your pin curls from being flated where sleeping. I have been trying pincurling and my curls are not coming out right in some places.

Also, are clips or hair pins better to use.
I begin my pincurls by coiling my hair around my finger tip. Then I gently remove the coil from my finger and continue rolling until I get to my scalp and just pin in place with one large bobby pin. The smaller the curls you want the more pin ups you do. I usually just try to mainting a loose curl so I may do 4-5 pin ups. Good Luck pinning!
So I just pincurled my hair in an attempt to preserve my rollerset.

Hopefully in the morning I won't look like an extra from 'Roots.' :(