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Hi guys

Hair type 3c/natural
Well yesterday i had a really bad experience with washing my hair and combing it out, and moisturizing it, i really thought i was gonna cry. I've really been stuggling with dry hair, nothing seems to make it soft so the night before i applied some EVOO HOney and Kenra conditioner as a pre-shampoo leave in and i was so convinced my hair was going to feel absolutly great when i took it out. Well it did feel good when i washed it out and shampooed with CON, then i condition with Kenra but when i got out the shower my hair felt real dry and stringy, just real tangled. So i pulled out every moisturizer i had, EVOO, Mango Butter, Cantu Shantu Shea Butter, and World Of Curls Moisturizing Gel(which is very rare). Needless to say NONE WORKED, sure my hair felts a little soft form the EVOO but it was soooooo greasy, there was oil all over my shoudler, it was just a mess. Like i said i really felt like crying. BUT there was a light at the end of the tunnle, My SALERM 21 came this morning and i was so happy.

Washing in 4 sectons: Why the heck didn't i try this before instead of spending hours detangling and worrying if every hair on my head is reaciving shampoo and conditoner. For years i have had my mom take care of my hair and she would try to be gentle but it always seemed like she was yanking at it. When people do my hair they always wanna complain that i have "too much hair.". Yes i have big hair and its alot to deal with but i realized that all it really needed was soem TLC. Parting my hair in four big parts, two in the front and two in the back, it made four big twist and worked on each area individually. Doing this is made it soooooooooooo much more easier for me. So thanx a million to those of you that suggested that i do this when i complained about tangles.

SALERM 21: This stuff is wonderful, o my gosh i can't begin to tell you how soft and silky and managable it made my hair, i think i'm in love, i think everyone here should try this product. If i had some money i'd even buy it for you. Someone was comparing it to the NTM leavin in and all i can say it that NTM Silk Touch Leave in is NOTHING compared to Salerm 21. At least for my hair.

Organics Carrot Oil Cream: This stuff is da bomb. The front of my hair is drier than the Sahara Dessert, and very coarse its like 4b and the rest of my head is 3b/3c. It works wonders on dry hair. For once i can say my hair is soft and moisturized and it didn't take, mango butter, a crap load of oil, NTM, and whatever else i thought i needed to add to my hair. It took TWO products, and best of all my hair is not greasy, i really hate that greasy feeling. The search is over folks.
So it you have natural hair or whatever type of hair that seems unable to be moisturized and soft try these two products. The Carrot Oil cream is pretty cheap, $3.29 and it is soooo good, Salerm 21 is about $8.99.

By the way before i i did all this i condition washed with Dove Intensive Moisturizing Condtioner (great porduct). I don't think i would be using Elasta QP Mango Butter anymore, i may only use it to make my hair smell good, but it really didn't do much for my hair.

Just had to share the good news i hope everyone is doing good with their hair and if you haven't found those products that works with your hair rather than against it don't give up you will find it soon.
God Bless
I've read so many posts on Salerm, but I've yet to see it in any stores by me. I guess that's a good thing, since my PJism is raging right now.
You guys are going to make me break down and buy the Salerm. I love the Dove Intensive Moisturizing conditioner as well.
Congrats on finding a product that works. Do you spritz your hair with a homemade conditioner spritz as well? My hair used to be dry alot as well until I began making and using some of my own products.
aprilbiz said:
You guys are going to make me break down and buy the Salerm. I love the Dove Intensive Moisturizing conditioner as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Buy it, Buy it, Buy it

You'll like it
If you think the Salerm 21 is the bomb try the Salerm Wheat
Germ Mask the combo together is Hair Fantastic.
Patience i spray my hair once in a while with an spray bottle mixture of EVOO, distilled water, and a leave in conditioner. Labette i will be sure to try that Wheat Germ Mask.