VERRRRRRRRRRRRY Unprofessional:nono:! I have no, zero, zilch, nada tolerance for unprofessional so called business people! I am sorry to hear that happened to you.:sad: ............ But as for flat ironing part small sections (yea it takes longer but worth it in the end.) also I like to use natural butters like shea, avocado, mango,etc. I always get silky straight hair and you don't need much a little goes a long way. :grin: But all in all it just takes a little practice.HTH

Girl forreals! And she has the nerve to act all uppity, like she's better than other blacks (but that's another thread! :lachen:)!!! She sure turned g.h.e.t.t.o real quick!

And thanks for the tips! I always figured a butter in my hair would burn it, but I'm gonna try that. Where do you purchase Avocado Butter from??? The BSS??
That is so uncalled for. Well she'd not the only stylist. I think if you would have stayed with here your hair would stay Bsl.:wallbash:
Wow, unfortunately too many of these stylists act like mini dictators and they try to control their clients by keeping them hair-ignorant. How dare she imply blowdrying is moisturizing that is an insult to your intelligence. I'm angry you didn't get to tell her that but I'm so happy she didn't get a chance to sabotage your hair.

Like the laidies have said, flat iron in smaller sections and don't forget moisture, moisture, moisture!

Congrats to you, because I've learned overcoming an ignorant stylist only leads to more healthy and beautiful hair! :congrats:
Wow, unfortunately too many of these stylists act like mini dictators and they try to control their clients by keeping them hair-ignorant. How dare she imply blowdrying is moisturizing that is an insult to your intelligence. I'm angry you didn't get to tell her that but I'm so happy she didn't get a chance to sabotage your hair.

Like the laidies have said, flat iron in smaller sections and don't forget moisture, moisture, moisture!

Congrats to you, because I've learned overcoming an ignorant stylist only leads to more healthy and beautiful hair! :congrats:

She really does act like that too! That's why at this point, I just need to learn how to flat-iron my hair for those salon results, so I don't EVER have to step foot in a salon again.

And she actually texted me early this morning taking about "Your like my little sis and it upset me that you were talking to me like I don't know what I'm doing.."

Because I just want you to flat-iron my hair???? She's a trip....:rolleyes:
Girl, stay away from her and continue your techniques. I'm sure you'll see improvement in the next two-three months or so. I'm not good and doing my own hair, but give it a try for a little while. You might luck up on a hairdresser that actually IS into healthy hair in the meantime, but just take the time to retain your length!

It's already been said, but your ex-hairdresser is rude, unprofessional, and ridiculous. I can't believe the comment about the blowdryer :nono:.

BTW, your hair is gorgeous!
Whoa Nothing!!! I'm looking @ ur hair....daaannnnggggg!!! It's so purty and thick!

Ok back to the subject :lachen:....

Yup at this point I wouldn't put it past her....even if she does call me (which I HIGHLY doubt) I am NEVER going to her again...If ur gonna trip cuz I don't want something done to MY hair, then I'm cool u know??

LOL! Thanks Ttlayli! I hear you!
Whoa Nothing!!! I'm looking @ ur hair....daaannnnggggg!!! It's so purty and thick!

Ok back to the subject :lachen:....

Yup at this point I wouldn't put it past her....even if she does call me (which I HIGHLY doubt) I am NEVER going to her again...If ur gonna trip cuz I don't want something done to MY hair, then I'm cool u know??

with the recession and all, folk aren't spending money on getting hair her money may be funny, and she's a bit sensitive. I dunno.....but I say kick her to the curb.
Okay that was weird!! She may have been PMSing on something. Need to get her some bottles of Black cohosh and Chaste tree berry with the quickness.

Anyway, You may need to hold the flatiron down a little bit on the roots. But I may not be the one for giving advice, I can never really get my roots bone straight.

I hope she calls you later to apologize. That was just bizarre.

okay HoneyDew that got me cracking up right there:lachen:

Dont worry, ttlayli, your hair is beautiful and im sure you can handle your own. I dont really flat iron my hair, so i cant offer advice in that department just yet, but i would encourage you to keep caring for your hair, and dont let any phone-hanging-up stylist make you feel any less of a hair pro :yep:
I've never banded to airdry - but have you tried the scarf method? My roots are usually so stretched that it's nothing to straighten them. Also - when I flat iron I use it on 280 or below, I clamp down on my NG at a 90 degree angle and let it stay for a few seconds before I glide very quickly down the length. I figure the NG can take alittle more heat for a few seconds b/c it's natural and the newest, but my ends can take the least b/c they're the oldest.

I ran into a stylist like that -- thing is, she wasn't even the one DOING my hair. She interogated me while I waited (for about 1 1/2 BTW) and proceeded to tell me that everything I was doing was wrong -- despite the fact that my hair was longer and looked healthier than hers. :nono:
Wow! I am so sorry this happened to you. I can certainly understand how you feel about getting angry but don't allow her immaturity to stress you out. Don't stay mad at her, let it go and move on honey. Hopefully, she'll realize her mistake and call you back and apologize. If she does, forgive her but let her know how you felt about her response to you and then let it go again.

At least you won't have to give her anymore business if you're uncomfortable going to her from here on. In fact, if it were me, I would not return as her client ever again. No telling if she would deliberately burn your hair out and cause major damage that would ruin all your progress.

All in all, you'll be fine. You've still got us, your LHCF sistas:yep:. I would take some time looking for another stylist that respects your wishes for your hair.
I've never banded to airdry - but have you tried the scarf method? My roots are usually so stretched that it's nothing to straighten them. Also - when I flat iron I use it on 280 or below, I clamp down on my NG at a 90 degree angle and let it stay for a few seconds before I glide very quickly down the length. I figure the NG can take alittle more heat for a few seconds b/c it's natural and the newest, but my ends can take the least b/c they're the oldest.

I ran into a stylist like that -- thing is, she wasn't even the one DOING my hair. She interogated me while I waited (for about 1 1/2 BTW) and proceeded to tell me that everything I was doing was wrong -- despite the fact that my hair was longer and looked healthier than hers. :nono:

Ohhh what's the scarf method?? Do you just put your hair in a tight pony, then tie a scarf to your head???

BTW ur bun is sooo purty! :yep:
Wow! I am so sorry this happened to you. I can certainly understand how you feel about getting angry but don't allow her immaturity to stress you out. Don't stay mad at her, let it go and move on honey. Hopefully, she'll realize her mistake and call you back and apologize. If she does, forgive her but let her know how you felt about her response to you and then let it go again.

At least you won't have to give her anymore business if you're uncomfortable going to her from here on. In fact, if it were me, I would not return as her client ever again. No telling if she would deliberately burn your hair out and cause major damage that would ruin all your progress.

All in all, you'll be fine. You've still got us, your LHCF sistas:yep:. I would take some time looking for another stylist that respects your wishes for your hair.

Thanks for the encouraging words girl! She actually texted me this morning saying that "I'm like her lil sis and that I made her mad when I acted like she didnt know what she was doing"
I didnt respond though...sad to say but I don't even trust her now...:ohwell:
ewwwww!!!! you left her hanging on a text message, pretty smooth girl!!! I dont blame you! I would keep it moving... I use the scarf method all of the time when airdrying... Hang in there you know you will find a new stylist that is all about healthy hair and will be impressed with your current hair knowlege as she can trust that you wont mess up her hard work!!!

This too shall pass!!
The nerve of some people. :nono: I can just imagine how she treats her little sister when dissagreements arise!

Thanks for the encouraging words girl! She actually texted me this morning saying that "I'm like her lil sis and that I made her mad when I acted like she didnt know what she was doing" [b/]
I didnt respond though...sad to say but I don't even trust her now...:ohwell:
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Some stylist don't know about techniques that we know about hair, because they weren't taught these things. :nono: However, I listen to my stylist without criticizing him . . . because I may learn something new. :yep: I share things I learned from this hair board, but he doesn't always agree . . . and I don't debate with him. :nono: However, I highly recommend him because his customers have longer, healthier hair than the other stylists' customers . . . so evidently he must be doing something right. :superbanana: Here's a referral which I posted several times last year.

MR2 Hair & Nail Salon

For those of you who are interested in finding a good hair stylist in Los Angeles, I highly recommend Rudy of MR 2 Hair and Nail Salon, located at 3852 Crenshaw Boulevard (two blocks north of King Boulevard on the east side of the street--across from Angelus Mortuary). His phone numbers are (323) 294-1712 and (323) 292-7714.

I've been going to him since 1990, and I highly recommend him for the following reasons: He is not a "scissor-happy stylist;" (you will reach your hair goals); :yep: his customers have been with him for a very long time, and their hair is healthier and longer than other stylist's customers; he won't tear your hair out while handling it; :nono: he doesn't press the hair "bone straight" to the point where there's no body; he's moderately priced; :yep: and he allows you to bring in your own hair care products. Let him know in advance if you want to continue to use your staples.

He offers tips that are beneficial for your hair. In addition, he's very mild tempered and patient. So for those of you who are fed up with your "scissor-happy stylist," try Rudy. :yahoo:
My former stylist was like this. Defensive and easily offended when I mentioned what I was doing with my hair at home.
Ohhh what's the scarf method?? Do you just put your hair in a tight pony, then tie a scarf to your head???

BTW ur bun is sooo purty! :yep:

Aww, thank you! Your hair is gorgeous BTW, I'm glad you're being careful about who you're lettin up in it!

I learned the scarf method here on LHCF - Sylver2 has a tutorial in her fotki. Basically you take damp hair, apply leave ins and seal ( or whatever it is you do ) put hair in a tight pony, and then tie a silk/satin scarf over it to keep the roots flat. You can dry in a bun or put the length on rollers. Once it's dry you can flat iron. If you use rollers, then you'll just have to flat iron your roots. You could probably find a product that will help take out some of the volume, like Dangerously Straight (HE) or Paul Mitchell Super Skinny which will help you get and keep your roots straight and smooth. Good luck!
Some stylist don't know about techniques that we know about hair, because they weren't taught these things. :nono: However, I listen to my stylist without criticizing him . . . because I may learn something new. :yep: I share things I learned from this hair board, but he doesn't always agree . . . and I don't debate with him. :nono: However, I highly recommend him because his customers have longer, healthier hair than the other stylists' customers . . . so evidently he must be doing something right. :superbanana: Here's a referral which I posted several times last year.

MR2 Hair & Nail Salon

For those of you who are interested in finding a good hair stylist in Los Angeles, I highly recommend Rudy of MR 2 Hair and Nail Salon, located at 3852 Crenshaw Boulevard (two blocks north of King Boulevard on the east side of the street--across from Angelus Mortuary). His phone numbers are (323) 294-1712 and (323) 292-7714.

I've been going to him since 1990, and I highly recommend him for the following reasons: He is not a "scissor-happy stylist;" (you will reach your hair goals); :yep: his customers have been with him for a very long time, and their hair is healthier and longer than other stylist's customers; he won't tear your hair out while handling it; :nono: he doesn't press the hair "bone straight" to the point where there's no body; he's moderately priced; :yep: and he allows you to bring in your own hair care products. Let him know in advance if you want to continue to use your staples.

He offers tips that are beneficial for your hair. In addition, he's very mild tempered and patient. So for those of you who are fed up with your "scissor-happy stylist," try Rudy. :yahoo:

See girl, I completely understand and agree with u. And I'm the same with her, which is why I was so shocked the way she was yelling at me and stuff; esp. since I didn't disrespect her, u know??? :sad:
Aww, thank you! Your hair is gorgeous BTW, I'm glad you're being careful about who you're lettin up in it!

I learned the scarf method here on LHCF - Sylver2 has a tutorial in her fotki. Basically you take damp hair, apply leave ins and seal ( or whatever it is you do ) put hair in a tight pony, and then tie a silk/satin scarf over it to keep the roots flat. You can dry in a bun or put the length on rollers. Once it's dry you can flat iron. If you use rollers, then you'll just have to flat iron your roots. You could probably find a product that will help take out some of the volume, like Dangerously Straight (HE) or Paul Mitchell Super Skinny which will help you get and keep your roots straight and smooth. Good luck!

Thanx for the tips!!! :grin: