I am LIVID w/ Sally's right now!!! ( long post)

The same thing happened to me at a Maidenform outlet in Bossier City La. She measured me for a special bra that I needed to wear to an event, but she put the wrong size in the bag. I did not notice it until I was getting dressed for the event. Since I needed it to wear that night I wore it although it was too big. I cld the store and explained what happened and that I had worn it but had washed it. The mgr, which is the same lady that sold it to me, said she would not exchange it for me as I had worn and washed it, states it has some type of insert that changes color when washed and that they would not be able to resell it. I immediately said to her that I needed the corp. #. I cld them and left message explaining what happened. Someone cld me back and said I would not have a problem exchanging the item and I said I did not think Maidenform would not want to be known as a store that does not take care of their customers. I went to exchange and was told that she was no longer employed there and I should not have any other problems.:grin:
The same thing happened to me on Sunday, but I tried to take back my hot air brush. I just walked out pissed off. My sister told me would take it back to another store because the people that work at the Sally's in Brandon, Fl think they own it. lol

You're in TAMPA?!! Did you go to this same Sally's (right by target in the University Plaza)? Sorry about the hard time by the way.//
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Ooh girl! Give me the number! I have free long distance. This kind of happened to me at a Claire's (I forgot to get the girl's name). I went back the next day and described the girl to the manager then called corporate and the girl got suspended:yep::drunk:

LOL!! Thanks, but Ms Houston beat you to the punch...she got it for me! Good to know you had my back!
Girl, don't ever accept that kind of behavior from anyone. I'm quick to get on the phone with a description of that person and get it handled. You can be nice nasty with people like her and still get your point across. Glad Mrs Houston helped you out. Some people are just dumb for no reason!
That's messed up but good thing ya'll are taking care of things.
To the bold, I wouldn't stop going there now, let her A$$ know you don't play, and you demand to be treated with respected. I personally would have left in the beginning but not now after her behind is set straight.

I go to school in Tampa, it's the closest one to me. She's not there all of the time ( I was suprised to see her there, I thought she got fired!), and other ladies that work there are very helpful. Plus i'm a PJ, Sally's has things that some BSS's do not have. After this ordeal, I probably won't go to this location.:nono:
You're in TAMPA?!! Did you go to this same Sally's (right by target in the University Plaza)? Sorry about the hard time by the way.//

Sorry it took so long to reply. I went to the one by the Westfield mall in Brandon. My sister took it back and they didn't mess with her. She told me she went in there with a mad look on her face because she was having a bad day and they returned it with no prob lol! Try another store, every store has there own stupid rules. Try the one off of Gandy by the Airforce base, they take back anything.
Daaaaayuuuum Qtslim!! I just saw your fotki, and I see why she has much attitude. She's def. hatin' on your hair!!! I wouldn't be suprised if she watches what you buy and try to use it too, but I bet she'll never flat out ask you your regime out of pride and spite.

I was just thinking the same thing. Your hair is beautiful, and the lady has probably seen it grow over the last few years you've been going there and is drinking some of that potent haterade. I was so mad reading your post. I commend you for being able to keep your cool cuz I don't know if I would have been able to.
Some people do not need to be in retail because they do not know the art of customer service. They fail to realize the customer is the reason you are getting paid in the first place. So nasty attitudes is totally unacceptable to me i will with quickness go to another establishment. Because no way I am paying my money to someone who is impatient and rude. It just rains on the whole shopping experience you leave so aggravated and most likely wont get what you came their for because the encounter was horrible.