WOW! Adrienne0914!


New Member
Your hair is SO long!
I noticed in your picture trail that you are on a vitamin regimen, when did you start taking vitamins in your journey?
er.. um.. did u just notice this. Adrienne has been at this for 3yrs + if u click on her name and check some of her post youll see she talks about her regime alot. she has a board also at

she is an inspiration on here foreva
Love4Oryan, I completely agree. She has some awesome hair. There's so much to absorb on this board you likely overlooked it.

Take a look at her regimen as listed in her photo album. When I had questions I PMed Adrienne personally and she was kind enough to respond with further details.

I don't know only she can tell you but Vitimans I think just make the hair stronger, so you are able to keep your length. Adrienne went from shoulder length to waist length in three years. Which is how long it should take. I admire her. Her hair looks great.
tbcool03 said:
Her hair is awesome!!!! she's my inspiration along with DSD!!!

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Thanks Tbcool!

Adrienne does have some beautiful hair!!
yeah adrienne0914 is so nice and she personally responds back if you have any questions which is great and i thank her for being one of my hair inspirations wit my mom .
wow, i'm glad i came to the board today!
dang, yall... while reading your posts, i keep thinking "wow, this adrienne0914 sure sounds like a nice gal" like you're talking about someone else.
seriously, i really appreciate the compliments and kind words, ladies!

love4, i started taking vitamins almost as soon as i joined my first hair board. i think i've been taking my current ones now for about three years, with minor tweaks. having taken them for so long, i really don't think they've helped MY hair grow any faster consistently. i do have occasional growth spurts, but it's always grown about 1/4" per month. the quality has definitely changed though. the individual hair strands are thicker, which is good since i've had a problem with shedding. how are you liking the cod liver oil?
Thanks for responding Adrienne, your hair is gorgeous!
I'm sorry, I didn't type it right, I meant to say cod liver oil pills. But they are working great for me!
what are they supposed to do for you? are they for hair growth, and do you notice an after taste with them? do they have Omega-3's?

i'm just full of questions, i know...
Its ok Adrienne...

On the bottle it says it promotes a healthy immune system, hair, and skin. And no, I notice no taste because its like a gel tablet. I got mines from Krogers.
It doesn't mention Omega-3's on the bottle.
Do you feel like maybe you've hit the maximum length wall Adrienne? Even if you have, waist length is a pretty good wall to have.
Adriennes hair is just gearing up for another massive growth spurt, watch and see! She's gonna be sitting on it!