WOW @ Adrienne!!!

We'll be looking out for you in the big apple adrienne /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Adrienne, what is so nice that you have longer hair than you had when you were younger. This is an inspiration to all of us. Before long you will reach waist length. Congratulations!
thanks, sunshine!

and ms fletgee... you STILL waiting for that fuzzy box, i see. /images/graemlins/grin.gif i'll definitely let you all know if i come to NYC. it will be a while if i do though. tell your friend to keep saving for that fuzzy box!!!

oh yeah... a long hair weekend sounds awesome! so far, there seem to be me, you, daviine and amilion meeting up in NYC. i bet we could find more. that would be so much fun. i could bring gifts from... the cabinet! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

valerie, THERE you are! did you get my email? thanks again, girl!

My goodness! I see what all the girlies have been raving about! I finally got to see your photos /images/graemlins/shocked.gif and what a progress you've made and inspiration to us! I LUV, LUV, LUV your hair......and u were the cutest little girl, too! It seems that like just as the afro technique or whatever it was by the hairlady, the braids helped you alot along the way too. one of my biggest issues is dry ends and i think i'm gonna try the ponytail method. well, i sure will be emailin' ya. i have questions! hmmm...... Thanks for posting your pics!
Simply stated.....BEAUTIFUL! This is my first view of your pics and you have to be complimented on your dedication, because I know (from nearly waist length experience) that both length and healthy hair does not come easy....IT COMES FROM A LOT OF DEDICATION & DILIGENCE. Girl, your hair is the bomb.....(BOOM BOOM) /images/graemlins/smile.gif