Paging Adrienne


New Member
Hey Adrienne,
I got something real funny for you /images/graemlins/blush.gif. After I got my photos developed I noticed a significant amount of growth and I was so happy and excited I had to share this experience with someone. So I decided to share this with my older sister. This is what I did the picture trail that you have since it is such an inspiration to me I printed out some of your back shots because that's the only shots I feel comfortable with taking right now and what I do is comparables and it keeps me motivated. Okay I showed her my photos and she said not really being enthusiastic about it your hair did grow some. I then pulled out your back shot of your latest photo and I told her this is my hair goal and she started cracking up laughing can you believe that /images/graemlins/blush.gif I was kinda embarrased but then all that did was motivate me even more. I've been slacking but here recently got back on track. I work 6 days a week and usually I get here before anyone else so I keep all my vitamins and my shakes in my office so I won't forget to take them. I know I'm going to reach my goal. It was just my first time sharing outside the forum and look what happened. I did'nt show her your before photos just that back shot she probably would'nt have believed me anyway. I could'nt believe she laughed. OOh girl I have to tell you this my cousin works with me now in my office and she has bra-strap length hair and her has been down her back since day one and I did talk her a little about hair because her hair is kinda thin. I did also tell her I was trying to grow my hair out and she knows I take vitamins but to a certain degree. I told her it's really due to me working so much and needing energy /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif. But I told her when my hair grows out I want to wear a braid out and I explained to her how you go about achieving that style and I be damn she came to work 3 days with her hair like that and the funny thing about it Adrienne I did a braid out on my weave and it did'nt turn out the way it usually does and her hair was the bomb /images/graemlins/grin.gif we both came to work on the same day with a braid out and everybody complimented her on her hair and not mine I was laughing to myself for talking too much. I did'nt hate though because her hair was very pretty. That's motivating also to have someone that you are very close to and hang out with to have the goal your trying to reach. Ooh! I'm tired now /images/graemlins/tongue.gif I won't talk your ears off anymore I just had to vent. You know I even showed my before and after photos to my mom after my sister laughed and my mom did'nt really see a difference maybe something is wrong with my eyes, I'm going to post them later today. Hope to hear from you soon. Happy Growing! You will get that 3 inches in no time. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
hey, azalia!

i'm sorry your sister laughed at you. i remember people doing that to me, and it's actually a pretty hurtful thing to have those around you laughing at your dreams. i guess that's why some of us don't like to share them with people. i was wondering about this yesterday when i read honeyrockette's post about her co-worker possibly being on the hair board.

anyway, shake it off, girl. like i said, in the beginning people laughed at me. some of my relatives laugh at the fact that i have a Picture Trail album documenting my progress. yeah, they laughing but steady asking questions. it's almost like an instinctive reaction when we do something different. but it's true what they say. success is the best revenge...

i'm glad that the laughs are making you even more determined. you can do this. just stay consistent with your regime!!


p.s. please email me. /images/graemlins/smile.gif