Would YOU????


Active Member
ok, I'm having much success with my hair overall, BUT this darned brittle spot is really getting on my nerves. In light of a 3 inch (trim/cut) i received on Aug 26th, my hair is shooting off!! My hair looks a full inch longer (but i only have 1/2 inch of new growth
) and is so full and thick!

Anyway.... I timmed the brittle section and took about 1 inch off, but there's still an inch more. Would you all cut the inch.. or just try and muscle through it? This would make a <font color="blue">noticeable </font> hole in the length of may hair. Putting the length in that spot at about 2 inches long (Yikes!!). BUT i'm doing the bun challenge so my hair wont be down anyway.

also, it seems as though this hair spot is more prone to breakage. I really think a trim would
1) help my hair in the long run
2) stop breakage from occuring in the spot immediately

If this was your situation.. what would you do? Believe me the difference will be apparent. I planned on trimming this Friday (my next wash date) The next time I plan to wear my hair down in public will be mid-november, seeing how my hair shot off since my 3 inch trim, I'm hoping this will to.

*Note this spot has always been shorter and more fragile... the 3 inch trim evened it up, but it didn't really get to cut into that damaged spot.
Since you feel a trim would 1) help my hair in the long run and 2) stop breakage from occuring in the spot immediately, maybe you should trim it. You could wear your hair in protective styles (that way, it won't be noticeable). Maybe by the next time you wear your hair down (mid-November), it may have caught up to not make it as noticeable.
NO, I definitely wouldn't. Especially since you say that cutting it would make a noticeable hole!
I would just keep that area moisturized and baby it with protein and deep conditioning. It will grow out in time.
Allandra: I believe i suffered follicular damage to this spot as a result of a Mizani reg strength relaxer service i received about a year and a half ago. I know this goes wayyy back but the whole length of the hair was damaged AND it shed uncontrollably for a while. It never quite grew back right afterwards. FINALLY my "new" (first 2 inches)
hair is silky smooth and problem free. The ends are whats holding this area back.

Lindy: I know the thought of haveing a visible hole is scary. If I could get away with it without anyone noticing i'd do it in a heartbeat.
It sounds like it is getting on your nerves
and that the trim would lift a load off of you, if this is the case--then go ahead so you can get that "relief."

If you're okay with waiting on the trim, I would wait just because of the "hole" thing.
Okay beana, I wouldn't do it. I have had some serios success with intensive conditioning on damaged parts. Now you wouldn't even be able to tell it was damaged. Give Tracy's regime time to work (like 2months) and be extra careful with it and see what happens. Whatever you decide to do thank goodness that your new hair is coming in well.
Dude, I wouldn't cut a hole out of my hair Beans...

But not because of any other reason but vanity.....

You seem to have sound theories on either side of the argument - I think you'll make the best decision for you.
I would just wait it out and not trim one section so as to leave a hole. This could end up bothering you more than the brittle spot itself. I would just keep up with regular trims and eventually that spot will be gone. Don't stress about it too much - there are many of us here with sections that we are "waiting" on to get better. It just takes time and patience. Give it some!!
When you said brittle, the first thing that came to mind was deep condition for strength... but since you refer to probably follicular damage, I don't know. How about making a concoction of aloe vera gel, emu oil, rosemary EO... all believed to provide great nourishment for your follicles and apply it to that area, even if just for a pre-shampoo treatment. Still, I think deep reconstructor conditioning and moisture conditioning might help.

I'd also be reluctant to cut a hole in my hair. I think you're doing great wearing protective styles so there's little manipulation.

Yes do let us know what you decide and how it does.
Thanks for the support and encouragement ladies!!!
I'll let you all know what I decide. Everyone made such great points, I have a lot of thinking to do
I wouldn't cut it. I would pamper that spot and try to nurture it back to health. I would use Nioxin Folicle Booster or an oil concoction similar to what Nonie suggested to take care of any scalp problems in that area and avocado oil to nourish the hair.
Here is what i decided to do (after consulting you wonderful ladies and my mom).

I WILL do a very minimal trim.. about 1/8 of an inch, nothing too noticeable, but it will serve me some mental consolation. This is scheduled for 10/10

Deep condition AND do hot oil pre-treats from here on out religiously and stick with Tracy's plan.

Stay with the bun challenge.

I'm really thinking about trying out the Nioxin follicle booster, but i've heard that some people experience increased shedding when they stop using it. (i'll do more research)

Thanks ladies!
I have a similar thing u have. I got a Motions reg. relaxer back in aug. and this same small part on my left side in the front is sooo darn dry and it just sucks up the moisture quickly. But no i didn't cut it. I wore my hair in a ponytail w/it and i had my hair in culry styles. Maybe thats what u can do. W/curly styles it can hide lil holes and other things cause u can just take the other hair and put it over it. Not only would u have a hole there but then when it grows to where u want it, will u be ok w/cuttin the rest of the hair around it to even it out w/that spot?
I had a 2 inch hole on the top of my head due to leaving the relaxer in an hour when my mother called.
I was totally bald with burnt/melted hair glued to the scalp.
I did a comb-over.

It grew out eventually and nobody ever noticed.
wow, nina! glad to hear you have recovered.

When i say hole, i really mean it lol. This is the section between the crown and the nape.. so the missing length and thickness will be very apparent.. even now it looks a little "off" with my present trim.

thanks again for the encouragement everyone!
I had to cut a "hole" in my hair. I had braids for 6 months and got a lot of new growth about 5 inches, however -- I didn't comb out this one section smack dab in the middle of my head and it matted and knotted and would not budge, so after hours of trying to detangle I took the scissors and cut. That hole was about three inches long after relaxing while the rest of my hair was shoulder length. This was in May -- I totally ignored it except for when roller seting and it is now growing in nicely.