Would You Try These Expensive Products? Before and After pics

Would you try these expensive products?

  • Yes, it's worth it

    Votes: 15 15.8%
  • No, it's a waist of money

    Votes: 80 84.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I see a difference. However, it's not worth the price. $30 for 8 oz????:naughty: I am a PJ, but I'm also a cheap skate. I like a lot bang for my buck.
Um... but your hair looks the same. I wont say you wasted your money, because you can buy whatever you want. But if my hair looked like that I would feel like I wasted my money.

ETA: I only spend extra money if I am going to get amazing results. I drop the big bucks on CHI Silk Infusion because it will have my hair shiny and soft and breakage free. But if the stuff performed like Biosilk serum I would feel cheated and go back to whatever I used before.
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You have lovely hair either way :yep:, but I don't see much difference. :nono:

I have hordes of reviews of products from the drugstore to the salon that could give you similar results if not better ones.

Those prices aren't justified IMHO. Not unless you put them in and wake up with ankle-length, blue-black hair that no mortal pair of scissors wielded by the scissor-happiest stylist could cut through.

In that case....I'd knock you down to get to the computer first to order. :lachen:
Okay, maybe I'm blind but I see absolutely no difference between the first picture as the second? Is there a link to another set of pictures? Am I missing something?
I think you have lovely hair and I can see some difference but at those prices my hair would have to basically be a new head of hair.

The markup on the prices seem to be 300% whereas the difference in your hair is about 30%. I know there are some cheaper natural products out there that can get you the same results. :yep:
#1 is BEFORE: I basically just washed with Pantene Pro-V Restoratives Breakage Defense. Used only coconut oil, and I got my relaxers every 3 months. I could not just wash and go because the frizziness.

#2 is AFTER: Now I use the Beauty 4 Ashes products, and I still get relaxers every 3 months. Now I can wash and go.

Both of these pictures were taken right after washing after air drying. Notice the difference? I think I'm getting my monies worth by using these expensive products. What do you think? Would you try these products on your hair after seeing my results if you had the money?

For prices check out www.discoverb4a.com

The only thing that matters is what you and your hair think about the products. If the price is good for you and it gives you the results you want, use it. :yep:
For that amount of money I don't see enough difference in your hair to even fool with those products, but hey.....like someone else said, it's your money so do as you wish.

Have you tried products like Oyinhandmade, Hairveda, Qhemet Biologics? I think they are all natural for a fraction of that price.
I see a difference. It looks to me like your hair is much less frizzy and dry in the B4A picture. I do believe natural products are key to optimum growth and hair health. When I stopped buying stuff out of the store, I stopped having major setbacks all the time and my retention rate increased. The only thing about these products that bothers me is the shelf life is only 60 days, but of course that's because there are no synthetic preservatives. I would like to try these products, but I can't fit them into a permanent rotation...they are really just too expensive with that short lifespan. If you can afford to use them, I would say definitely use them. As far as you health is concerned, they are going to be much better for you and your hair than anything you could buy in the store.:yep:
Nope. I do see a difference but certainly not a significant one. And i'd never spend $30 on a conditioner unless it went a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way and really transformed my hair from night to day.
I use Beauty for Ashes products and they are the TRUTH!!! They are expensive but worth every penny. People use mulitple cheap products which they probably spend more on than using one or two quality products. I also use OJON and it is great. I alternate the two so that my hair does not get complacent with one product. My natural 4A//B hair was unbelievably brittle and dry four months ago due to wearing braided styles for way too long. I had suffocated my hair and I thought I was going to have to cut it all off and start again. Using these products you can barely tell it's the same head of hair. My hair is thick and within two weeks the diameter of my hair shaft had noticably grown. Both products are created so that a little goes a long way. Beauty 4 Ashes has a shelf life of sixty days and I was washing two-three time a week and still had some left past the sixty days. Plus B4A is 100% natural. I can certainly tell a difference in your hair in the second pic.
I guess I forgot to mention the main reason these products are soo expensive is because they are all natural.:yawn:

I disagree. If you check out your local health food store, Sephora, or even Vitamin Shoppe, you can find plenty of natural, organic products that are much less expensive.

You should, however, follow your own conscience, but if you felt compelled to start a threead about it, then maybe you don't feel fully justified within yourself???
i use cheap products that moisterizes the hair.what ive learned is products....only enhance the hair,not change it........like i tried a really expensive hair product before and nothjing changed about my hair.....i tried the cheaper one...same results....so......thats my openion.:grin:
I used (say used b/c I haven't reordered yet) B4A and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the products.

I don't like the price but I like the way my hair responds to their products, so they are keepers for me.
Can you post the ingredients on these products please? I'm sure that there are cheaper alternatives that will work just as well if not better. I don't see much difference between the two pictures.
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If it works for you, then yes keep buying it. Years ago, I bought an expensive line of products--but they weren’t as expensive as yours--and we did see a remarkable difference about 7 months later, considering I didn’t follow the instructions by verbatim. Nevertheless, I still use them. :dance7:

I found a second set of staples which saves me almost 90 percent, :superbanana: and it gives me the same results with a little “doctoring up." These substitutes really stretch my dollar . . . :clap: gives me a lot more “bang for my buck,” considering it’s all going to go down the drain anyway. :yep: