Would You Try These Expensive Products? Before and After pics

Would you try these expensive products?

  • Yes, it's worth it

    Votes: 15 15.8%
  • No, it's a waist of money

    Votes: 80 84.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
#1 is BEFORE: I basically just washed with Pantene Pro-V Restoratives Breakage Defense. Used only coconut oil, and I got my relaxers every 3 months. I could not just wash and go because the frizziness.

#2 is AFTER: Now I use the Beauty 4 Ashes products, and I still get relaxers every 3 months. Now I can wash and go.

Both of these pictures were taken right after washing after air drying. Notice the difference? I think I'm getting my monies worth by using these expensive products. What do you think? Would you try these products on your hair after seeing my results if you had the money?

For prices check out www.discoverb4a.com
Honestly no. I'd try to find a cheaper alternative. Checked out that website, :nono:. But if that's what works for you than go ahead girl.
Honestly I do see a difference...I didnt check out the prices of the expensive stuff, but hey if you feel the difference is worth it, go with it. Also the most expensive product is the one that you don't use!!

I don't know - I don't see much of a difference in the pictures. But, if you like what they are doing to your hair - it's your money, honey! Spend it how you want.... ;)
Do U work for the company? :lachen:

No, I checked out their site before and even though I an still trying to find a good product, their prices are way too expensive.
There are other alternatives but I am glad that you found something that works for you.:yep:
Of course the second pic looks better, but is that all you do after washing? i personally CANNOT leave the house without at least a leave in condish or curly styling product. Once you put one of those (leave in) in your hair, the difference would be minimal to me. Still, there is smthg to say for quality and ingredients. i love the way pantene smells but i've heard it really isnt that good for your hair for MANY years now. Not sure if they've changed the formula for the relaxed and natural line though....
I, myself am an OBSESSIVE PJ and buy very expensive products just to try them out (my conditioners are usually in the $20 range) so it really all depends on your budget and where haircare fits into it as oppposed to food and housing :lachen:
Honestly I can't tell much of a difference, so I voted No.

ETA: now that I have checked out that site... absolutely NO due to the prices. But if you want and you can tell the difference then by all means go for it and do you. Not saying I haven't ordered high price hair stuff but I try my best to narrow down products and go for replacing as needed and most of my hair products are inexpensive...but this is just me. :)
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I wouldn't. I do see a difference, but like crazydaze said, once you put on a leave-in, probably the difference wouldn't be enough to justify the cost to me. But if you got it like that and you like the results, hey, we all choose what we spend our money on. I'm sure I've bought things that others would think I'm crazy for spending money on, but it makes me happy, so, do you! Besides, none of use can feel the difference it's making, if any.
I guess I forgot to mention the main reason these products are soo expensive is because they are all natural.:yawn:
Of course the second pic looks better, but is that all you do after washing? i personally CANNOT leave the house without at least a leave in condish or curly styling product. Once you put one of those (leave in) in your hair, the difference would be minimal to me. Still, there is smthg to say for quality and ingredients. i love the way pantene smells but i've heard it really isnt that good for your hair for MANY years now. Not sure if they've changed the formula for the relaxed and natural line though....
I, myself am an OBSESSIVE PJ and buy very expensive products just to try them out (my conditioners are usually in the $20 range) so it really all depends on your budget and where haircare fits into it as oppposed to food and housing :lachen:

I dont put any thing in my hair after washing, thats how it is.
I guess I forgot to mention the main reason these products are soo expensive is because they are all natural.:yawn:

Hmm. Well my philosophy on "all natural" is that I have natural things at home:

Olive oil
other oils
Essential Oils
Coconut milk
Coconut oil
and the like.

I have all of that at home. Sorry - I think the prices are outrageous. But - If you love em - Go girl!!! I think natural is much better that sythetic chems....
Oh, I just looked at the prices. 70 dollars for 8 oz of shampoo with coconut milk (50 cents for a 12 oz can), Goats Milk (5.00 for 1/2 gallon - 1.50 for one of the little cans), buttermilk (2.00 a quart), Silk (16.00 for 8oz of SAA) and more??? More what? Pure Gold?

Urm, no. Most definitively, not. There isn't 50 dollars worth of convenience or pretty gold bottles & bible verses on the face of the earth that would have me taking that kind of upselling in the pocket.
Im too cheap but I do see a difference. You have any more before and afters?
Im loving the length of your hair BTW.:yep: I think I would be satisfied if I got there.
Oh, I just looked at the prices. 70 dollars for 8 oz of shampoo with coconut milk (50 cents for a 12 oz can), Goats Milk (5.00 for 1/2 gallon - 1.50 for one of the little cans), buttermilk (2.00 a quart), Silk (16.00 for 8oz of SAA) and more??? More what? Pure Gold?

Urm, no. Most definitively, not. There isn't 50 dollars worth of convenience or pretty gold bottles & bible verses on the face of the earth that would have me taking that kind of upselling in the pocket.


Hanging out in the kitchen will get you some decent results - many poor peoples around the world do it.........
I don't see a difference either, not enough to spend that kind of money. Are you the originator of these products?
Man OT but your hair is gorgeous!! My question is have you been using this B4A the entire time while growing your hair out? If not, your hair doesn't NEED that stuff to be healthy or beautiful as it is now. If I had the paycheck and was convinced this stuff worked I woudl DEF buy it...but for nwo I think i'll stick to my cheaper conterparts lol. Theyw work just as well:grin:
I just read some of the prices for 4 ounces. 30 Bucks??????????????:burning:

This Christian company - is robbing folks blind.
just my opinion...your hair looks like it needs more products than just a wash n go. i know our hair types are different...my wash n go could literally be one and no one would second guess it was but your hair looks like a weave that got wet and the hair dried and the hair started to fly away...you have (un)defined curls that could use some products and those curls will pop...maybe leave a little co in it if you want to wash n go...
but I voted yes...but not for 8oz and not b/c of a wash and go, but b/c of quality. my (one time purchase jan. '08) 33 oz w/pump...poo $60 (i'll most likely will still have poo by the end of this year) n co is $70 and I'm d/amn near out of co...but i poo n co everdau and I can afford it. but sensibly i enjoy making my own and it's alot more fun and interesting and CHEAPER. 8oz goat's milk (dry) can be purchased at fnwl for 7.50, shopping around for the (added) ingredients for our p's is cheaper and smarter. ojon cannot have any more of my money...i yried it , lke it, but i'd rather not buy anymore expensive p's for my hair...but everyone is different and and so is each pocketbook.
just b/c it says natural doesn't mean t's all natural

I would not buy beauty for ashes...i'll be damned if i have to throw away my p's at 60 days that's like throwing away money...literally.!!!..excuse my french ya'll but i just noticed the shelf life
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I would not buy beauty for ashes...i'll be damned if i have to throw away my p's at 60 days that's like throwing away money...literally.!!!..excuse my french ya'll but i just noticed the shelf life


Oh, see, I missed that part. Oh, nuh-uh. I wonder if you refridgerate it , it 'll last longer?
Urm, no. Most definitively, not. There isn't 50 dollars worth of convenience or pretty gold bottles & bible verses on the face of the earth that would have me taking that kind of upselling in the pocket.

:lachen: :lachen::lachen: Too funny. I like some of their products, but ITA it's definitely more economical to just make your own natural products, I just haven't experimented enough yet.
If i had the money, and something made my hair feel even the slightest bit better, i would use it instead of what i was currently using. Right now i try to find replica ingredients.

I myself personally dont have anything in my kitchen that moisturizes :nono: honey doesnt do anything....yougurt and egg are hard protein for me, oils are oils....

I cant tell from the color of the picture if the texture of your hair looks better, but def. less frizz :yep: and thats what you were going so, and it looks like it did a good job at that for washing products only.

So anyway---IMO if its something in the ingredients that you cant buy from the store/have in your kitchen that will work the same, then i say no, waste of money.
If it is something that you can buy out of the store, but you have the money to buy products like that regulalry anyway---then i say yes.

You can buy it from the store, and the products are hurting your pocket/its a squeeze, then i say try cheaper alternatives out first.
I voted no because for me the prices are outrageous and even if I had the money I just don't think I could rationalize it. But as other ppl have said, if it works for you and you are happy with the results by all means do what makes you happy.
The prices dont seem all that $$$ to me since they're all offered as sets. $45 for a shampoo & conditioner set is right on par with w/ the cost of Nexxus, Redken and Biolage.

I have something cheaper that works for me but if keep it up if that's doin it for you!